Court Sorcerer's Staff

60 physical_defense-shield-icon.jpg 25
- lightning_defense-shield-icon.jpg 10
100 icon-wp_stability.png 10
icon_weight.png 2.0
Requirements & Bonus
E - A -
6 0 14 0
weapon_type-icon.jpg Staves damage_type-icon.jpg Strike
skill-icon.jpg Steady Chant icon_fp_cost.png 15 (-/-)

Court Sorcerer's Staff is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3.

Catalyst used by the court sorcerers of the Profaned Capital. Very powerful when wielded by an exceptionally intelligent sorcerer.

The court sorcerers laid claim to the legacy of the renowned Big Hat Logan, going so far as to emulate him with copies of the staff he used.

Skill: Steady Chant
Boost the strength of sorceries for a very short period. Works while equipped in either hand.


Notes and Tips:

  • Cannot be Infused or Buffed.
  • Reinforced with Titanite.
  • At 60 INT and +10 it has a spellbuff of 238.
  • Has the highest spellbuff of all staves at 53 INT and above.
  • Ignoring the weapon art, this staff is the most powerful in the game for non-dark sorceries. Sage's Crystal Staff outdamages it while its weapon art is active, and Izalith Staff does more damage with dark sorceries, but less with non-dark sorceries.


Location/Where to Find

  • Dropped by a mimic in the toxic swamp area of Profaned Capital. The mimic is on the second floor of the church looking building that is full of hand beasts.


Moveset and Videos:

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  • ??
  • ??


Court Sorcerer's Staff Upgrade Table


Requires 900 souls and 12x Titanite Shards to +3; 1350 souls and 12x Large Titanite Shard to +6; 1800 souls and 12x Titanite Chunk to +9 ; 750 souls and 1x Titanite Slab to +10

  Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Strength Bonus
Dexterity Bonus
Intelligence Bonus
Faith Bonus
Regular 60 - - - - E - A - - - - 25 20 10 10 15
Regular +1 67 - - - - D - A - - - - 25 20 10 10 15
Regular +2 75 - - - - D - A - - - - 25 20 10 10 15
Regular +3 82 - - - - D - A - - - - 25 20 10 10 15
Regular +4 90 - - - - D - S - - - - 25 20 10 10 15
Regular +5 97 - - - - D - S - - - - 25 20 10 10 15
Regular +6 105 - - - - D - S - - - - 25 20 10 10 15
Regular +7 112 - - - - D - S - - - - 25 20 10 10 15
Regular +8 120 - - - - D - S - - - - 25 20 10 10 15
Regular +9 127 - - - - D - S - - - - 25 20 10 10 15
Regular +10 135 - - - - D - S - - - - 25 20 10 10 15


Court Sorcerer's Staff Spell Buff Table

The Spell Buff strongly depends on the characters INT value.
The Court Sorcerer's Staff get most benefits between 25 and 60 INT, after 60 INT a hard cap will be noticed.
Bold Numbers indicate a number where the Spell Buff Value goes up more than 1 after an Upgrade. (INT 65 row excluded)

spell_buff Regular Regular +1 Regular +2 Regular +3 Regular +4 Regular +5 Regular +6 Regular +7 Regular +8 Regular +9 Regular +10
106 106 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 108 108
108 109 109 110 111 111 111 111 111 112 112
111 111 112 113 114 114 114 114 115 115 115
123 125 126 128 130 130 131 131 132 132 132
135 138 140 143 146 146 147 148 148 149 150
148 151 154 158 162 163 164 164 165 166 167
160 164 168 173 178 179 180 181 182 184 184
173 178 183 188 194 196 197 199 200 201 202
186 192 198 204 211 212 214 216 218 219 220
199 205 212 219 227 229 231 233 235 237 238
200 207 214 221 229 231 233 235 237 239 240

Table Key


Requirement Parameter Bonus Attack Values Damage Reduction % Auxiliary Effects Others
icon-strength_22.png Strength
icon-strength_22.png Strength
icon-wp_physicalAttack.png Physical  Physical icon-wp_bleed.png Bleeding  Durability
icon-dexterity_22.png Dexterity
icon-dexterity_22.png Dexterity
icon-magicbonus.png Magic  Magic icon-wp_poisonbld.png Poison


icon-intelligence_22.png Intelligence
icon-intelligence_22.png Intelligence
icon-firebonus.png Fire  Fire Frost Frost  
icon-faith_22.png Faith
icon-faith_22.png Faith
icon-lightningbonus.png Lightning  Lightning  Curse  
    icon-darkbonus.png Dark  Dark    
    Critical Critical
    Spell Buff Spell Buff

Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Scaling quality is from highest to lowest as follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The higher the player's [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the higher the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (found on the player status screen). The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". 
Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.
Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. 
Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hit
Attack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St)



Archdeacon's Great Staff  â™¦  Heretic's Staff  â™¦  Izalith Staff  â™¦  Man-Grub's Staff  â™¦  Mendicant's Staff  â™¦  Murky Longstaff  â™¦  Preacher's Right Arm  â™¦  Sage's Crystal Staff  â™¦  Sorcerer's Staff  â™¦  Storyteller's Staff  â™¦  Witchtree Branch


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    • TL;DR - On a high INT build the Sage's Crystal Staff is not worth taking over the Court Sorcerer Staff.

      I tested the Court Sorcerer's Staff (SB 238) vs the Sage Crystal Staff (SB 207). Conditions: Both staves max upgrade, 60 INT, Scholar's Candlestick, Crown of Dusk, Young Dragon Ring, Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring, Lloyd's Sword Talisman, Magic Clutch Ring. My testdummy was a Lothric Knight just at the Castle's bonfire (NG).

      Since the Sage's Speciality is higher bonus damage from Steady Chant (the staff-buff), I tested my spells with unbuffed and buffed staves. I tested it with Crystal Soul Spear and (Great Soul Arrow)

      Court Sorcerer Staff
      Unbuffed: 1270 (588)
      Buffed: 1397 (660)

      Sage's Crystal Staff
      Unbuffed: 1102 (493)
      Buffed: 1433 (679)

      I used a lot of magic buffs and dont know if the result would be more in favor of the SCS if I didnt, but right now it seems like the 15 extra FP doesnt seem worth it for the 3-4% higher damage than the CSS. (And that's only while the staff-buff is active, unbuffed the CSS wins with +10% more damage).

      • Anonymous

        son of a beach I was on the phone with my boss and accidentally sold this to the vendor, didn't have backup. Almost cursed him out.

        • Anonymous

          Not that many staff designs aren't similar to this one, but it could be a reference to "Slain" the sorcerer from the classic anime "Record of Lodoss War", who uses one shaped just like this. It's an anime in a similar style/period to Berserk which is obviously a huge influence on these games.

          • Anonymous

            I have 50 int and 50 fth. My CSS stays at 140 DMG and my yorshkas chime stays at 127. No Matter If I Level int and fth Up or Not. Only my Pyro Flame gets more DMG. All 3 catalysts are +10. Even If I Skill int and fth to 99 with rosarias Help, the DMG wont increase. Except for the Pyro Flame.

            • Anonymous

              Is it worth upgrading this thing from +9 to +10? the page of soulsplanner says that the spellbuff only goes from 237 to 238

              • Anonymous

                Needs to be over 50 int for highest spell buff. At 50 int this has 202, Preacher's Right Arm has 205. It may not be much but if you're like me and are not always mindful to keep the steady chant going, it won't have the damage at 50. Will have to test at other levels.

                • Anonymous

                  So at +10, 50 int, my Court Sorcerer Staff has 202 Spellbuff. This says at 60 int it will have 238? Uhhh. Did this get nerfed? My murky longstaff at 50 int 20 faith has 201 spellbuff so there's just no real reason to use court sorcerer anymore...

                  • Anonymous

                    for people wondering, the best damage setup for sorceries is offhand crystal sages staff and mainhand court sorcerer, you can buff with the sages and cast with the court for crazy damage. Ofcourse this consumes a lot more fp then just using a scholars candlestick, but also does way more damage.

                    • Anonymous

                      can somone explain why my scaling is so low on this staff i have 32 int but i only get 6 extra damge from scaling. The staf has s scaling

                      • Anonymous

                        At 55 int+fth, the Izalith Staff has a spell buff of 254, while this one just scales with int and has only 220 spell buff with the same 55 int.

                        For a mixed int/fth build, Izalith Staff is much better with all sorceries, and even more so with dark sorceries.

                        At those same stats, the Crystal Chime has a spell buff of 226. That's a 6 higher spell buff from a chime that can cast both miracles and sorceries, versus the Court Sorcerer' s staff.

                        • Anonymous

                          At +9 it's spell buff is less then a regular sorcery staff at +6 I have 46 int.... Honestly am I missing something.

                          • Anonymous

                            These pages should show the spellbuff at 40 INT builds as well. Not everyone goes upto 60 INT. Anyway, at 40 INT Sorcerer's Staff is better this one as its spellbuff is higher. This is the best staff for high INT build though (normal Sorceries, for dark ones Murky staff is best for mid-levels and Izalith's best when combined with Faith). It's only outdamaged by Archdeacon's staff at 90 FTH build who builds a Sorcerer with 90 FTH anyway.

                            • Anonymous

                              It should be noted that, when both are unupgraded, the Court Sorcerer's Staff and the Heretic's Staff have the same spell buff (170) at exactly 49 intelligence.

                              • Anonymous

                                I fear i may have killed the mimic and died since the mimic isn t there and i don t have the staff.. am i screwed till ng?

                                • Anonymous

                                  I started a new character and got my friends to give me the Court sorcerer staff and the regular sorcerer staff is outclassing it.Neither are upgraded and my INT is 24. Im doing about 10 more damage with th starter staff testing against the hollows outside of firelink

                                  • Alright, so check this out. I did a damage comparison with this staff at 60fth vs Court Sorcerer's Staff at 60int, and it turns out that despite having 3 extra spell buff AGS is in fact WEAKER than CSS by about 5% in all areas (and 8% for Great Farron Dart and Affinity). I'm updating the page with this information, please don't remove it unless you get conflicting information in another test.

                                    "Damage test with Court Sorcerer's Staff 60int (238 spell buff) vs Archdeacon Great Staff 60fth (241 spell buff). Same character, same NG cycle (+14 or so). Young Dragon Ring, Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring, Magic Clutch Ring, Dark Clutch Ring, Crown of Dusk, and Scholar's Candlestick (right hand). Steady Chant applied before each cast.

                                    CSS (238 spell buff, 60int)
                                    Great Soul Arrow: 570
                                    Great Heavy Soul Arrow: 1032
                                    Great Farron Dart: 161
                                    Crystal Soul Spear: 1336
                                    White Dragon Breath: 1146
                                    Great Deep Soul: 418
                                    Affinity: 715
                                    Dark Edge: 743

                                    AGS (241 spell buff, 60fth)
                                    Great Soul Arrow: 540 (5% weaker)
                                    Great Heavy Soul Arrow: 980 (5% weaker)
                                    Great Farron Dart: 149 (8% weaker)
                                    Crystal Soul Spear: 1276 (4-5% weaker)
                                    White Dragon Breath: 1090 (5% weaker)
                                    Great Deep Soul: 395 (5% weaker)
                                    Affinity: 660 (8% weaker)
                                    Dark Edge: 704 (5% weaker)"

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Could someone give me the spellbuff for this weapon in increments of 15? (15, 30, 45, 60, 75, and 90)It would be appreciated due to me wanting to try and get the best and I wonder when I should stop with the int.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        I never noticed a soul increase with the court sorcerer staff can somebody confirm it so i know for sure?

                                        • Anonymous

                                          at +10 with 35 Int it got 150 spell buff.I will update as soon as i get 50 Int. Later with 60 too. I'll write it right below this "comment topic"

                                          • Anonymous

                                            At 55 Intelligence and 18 Strength this staff has a Spell Buff of 220 (Source)why is strength mentioned? does this somehow play a part in the spellbuff?

                                            • Anonymous

                                              I, for one, own a french copy of the game and guess what, the staff is directly named "logan's catalyst" ... did they do it on purpose ? Description doesn't change much though.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I think I just found out it gives a 20% increase in the souls gained, just like the medicant's stuff!Let everybody know this!

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I killed the mimic in the profaned capital and he dropped the Symbol of Avarice, but not the staff, what happened?

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    I was fighting the mimic for the staff and he disappeared I don't think he died because I didn't get any souls and he didn't respawn when I rested at the bonfire and I can't see any item around either. Has anybody else had this?

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Any reason why the steady chant buff costs twice as much as other staves? Is the buff twice as potent, or last twice as long? The description downs seem to indicate that its a stronger version other than this costing 15 FP over the normal 7.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        This is unequivocally the best staff - +10 at level 60 = 238 Bonus the sage bests it by about 1-3% damage but costs around 60% more to cast and needs constant buffing.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          from personal experience, this breaks even Hereticc's Staff at 49 int at least when both is +7 (195 m.atk) and +8 (196 m.atk)

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Heretic's Staff is the best staff up until a certain amount of INT. At 40 INT is still outdamages this one when both are at +10. Don't quite know where the break even point is, if there is one. Assuming there should be with the better scaling on this staff. Also haven't upgraded Crystal Sage's yet so don't know quite where that one falls.

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