Spotted Whip

102 physical_defense-shield-icon.jpg 25
- lightning_defense-shield-icon.jpg 10
100 icon-wp_stability.png 10
icon_weight.png 2.5
Aux  33
Requirements & Bonus
- D - -
9 20 0 0
weapon_type-icon.jpg Whip damage_type-icon.jpg Slash
skill-icon.jpg Impact icon_fp_cost.png 14

Spotted Whip is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3.

Whip mottled with venomous-looking spots. Favored by some female pyromancers of the Great Swamp.

As its noxious appearance would suggest, damage from this whip poisons its victims, slowly but surely guiding them to their deaths.

Skill: Impact
Strike from the left to evade shields and deal a stinging blow that temporarily slows stamina recovery. The shackles of bondage lie deep in the hearts of all humankind.

Notes and Tips:

  • Reinforced using Titanite.
  • Cannot be Infused, but can be Buffed
  • Like all the other whips, it cannot be parried but also cannot riposte, backstab, or plunge attack.
  • Like all whips it cannot be deflected off shields, walls, or buffed players. This allows for it to attack through walls.

Location/Where to Find

Moveset and Videos:

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Spotted Whip Upgrade Table

  Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Strength Bonus
Dexterity Bonus
Intelligence Bonus
Faith Bonus
Regular 102 - - - - - D - - 33 - - 25 15 10 10 15
Regular +1 112 - - - - - D - - 33 - - 25 15 10 10 15
Regular +2 122 - - - - - D - - 33 - - 25 15 10 10 15
Regular +3 132 - - - - - D - - 34 - - 25 15 10 10 15
Regular +4 142 - - - - - D - - 34 - - 25 15 10 10 15
Regular +5 153 - - - - - D - - 34 - - 25 15 10 10 15
Regular +6 163 - - - - - C - - 34 - - 25 15 10 10 15
Regular +7 173 - - - - - C - - 34 - - 25 15 10 10 15
Regular +8 183 - - - - - C - - 34 - - 25 15 10 10 15
Regular +9 193 - - - - - C - - 34 - - 25 15 10 10 15
Regular +10 204 - - - - - C - - 34 - - 25 15 10 10 15


Table Key


Requirement Parameter Bonus Attack Values Damage Reduction % Auxiliary Effects Others
icon-strength_22.png Strength
icon-strength_22.png Strength
icon-wp_physicalAttack.png Physical  Physical icon-wp_bleed.png Bleeding  Durability
icon-dexterity_22.png Dexterity
icon-dexterity_22.png Dexterity
icon-magicbonus.png Magic  Magic icon-wp_poisonbld.png Poison


icon-intelligence_22.png Intelligence
icon-intelligence_22.png Intelligence
icon-firebonus.png Fire  Fire Frost Frost  
icon-faith_22.png Faith
icon-faith_22.png Faith
icon-lightningbonus.png Lightning  Lightning  Curse  
    icon-darkbonus.png Dark  Dark    
    Critical Critical
    Spell Buff Spell Buff

Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Scaling quality is from highest to lowest as follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The higher the player's [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the higher the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (found on the player status screen). The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". 
Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.
Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. 
Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hit
Attack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St)



Notched Whip  â™¦  Rose of Ariandel  â™¦  Whip  â™¦  Witch's Locks

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    • Parry spammer: haha parry spam go brr! Me, ascended beyond parries: PARRY THIS! Parry spammer: :( (literally stood there idle letting me kill him after he realized his weapons are outranged, I lol'd) Always worth a sidearm slot and rotten pine is dirt cheap

      • Anonymous

        Why is Dung Pie not mentioned at all here in this entry? The Dung Pie is from DS and this page should acknowledge that. In DS this item was the strongest poisonous effect (I say "poisonous effect" because it inflicted toxic buildup) in the game iirc. If you powerstanced two poise infused Dung Pies (yes, it is possible to infuse it with poise, lol) while wearing Giant Gauntlets and the Ring of Favor and Protection you could instantly toxic some enemies and other players. It was beautiful. I've never used it in DS3 though.

        • Why is Dark Souls 2 not mentioned at all here in this entry? The Spotted Whip is from DS2 and this page should acknowledge that. In DS2 this weapon was the strongest poisonous effect (I say "poisonous effect" because it inflicted toxic buildup) in the game iirc. If you powerstanced two poison infused Spotted Whips (yes, it is possible to infuse it with poison, lol) while wearing Sanctum Gauntlets and the Rat Covenant Ring you could instantly toxic some enemies and other players. It was beautiful. I've never used it in DS3 though.

          • Anonymous

            Notched Whip can be infused with Blood Gem but Spotted Whip can't be infused with Poison Gem ... Okay ... WTF

            • Pretty stupid for people like me 1000 plus hours in ds3 and 1500 between the first 2 n I forget to summon this ***** every time. Really irritating. And u can’t get the whip without summoning for odk which is big dumb dumb poopy head

              • Anonymous

                You can find this by the Pyromancer's cage above the Cliffside bonfire if it's not by the Old Demon King entrance.

                • Anonymous

                  Is there any point to using this over a Notched Whip, since you can just infuse the Notched Whip with poison so it does both poison and bleed.

                  • Anonymous

                    Do you guys know wether or not a whip does dotted hits? Can you accidently hit someone else with a whip or do you only hit the target if it strikes? This would be very interesting to know....

                    • Anonymous

                      and i was wondering what could be the worst weapon in this game just like a scythe with an impossible to proc frostbite effect>poison>whip

                      • Anonymous

                        You have to survive the fight also. Downed the boss but I died on the second to last hit because I got greedy. Cuculus definitely survived because he finished ODK for me. Got the boss soul, the fog gate disappeared and the bonfire spawned in but no Whip at the cage

                        • Anonymous

                          Well, at least you don't have to kill that thing - just keep an NPC alive. Hmm. On second thoughts I'd rather the former.

                          • And here I thought there weren't any new items to find. How interesting.Good thing she's so helpful in that fight, what with all her poison and stuff.

                            • It's as if the devs didn't think this boss fight didn't already have enough challenge so they make you micro-manage if you want to get the weapon. Not that I'd be using it, but I like collecting everything in these games.

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