Chaos Bed Vestiges is a Pyromancy in Dark Souls 3. To cast a Pyromancy you must use a Flame or Special Weapons that can cast Pyromancies.

Chaos Bed Vestiges

Spell Type


Focus ConsumptionFocus Cost 35
Attunement SlotsSlots Used 2
Requirements 20 Intelligence/ 10 Faith
Type Ranged Attack



Traces of the tumultuous seedbed that birthed the beings known as Demons.

Hurls chaos flame that scorches vicinity.

Demons born from fire bore its smoldering essence and perished soon after. Man shares this rapport with the flames to this day.


Acquired From



  • Deals (spell buff x 3.4) damage for the main projectile, and (spell buff x 1.1) damage for the spiral.
  • This pyromancy previously went under the name "Forbidden Sun" in Dark Souls II.
  • Has a better arc (straighter) but shorter range than the orb pyromancies. 
  • Despite the look of the pyromancy, the main projectile itself has a fairly small hitbox.
  • Quite effective in PvP for catching fleeing players, punishing Estus heals, and hitting multiple players at once.
  • This is easily one of the best Pyromancies in the game, with a large explosion, high damage, and good FP to Damage efficiency
  • The Japanese reads more as: "Remnants of the nursery that gave birth to the demons. / Scorch the surroundings, throw a flame of chaos. / The demons that were born of the flame house/carry its smoulders and then will die out / be ruined / destroyed.  That is, the relation of everybody to fire even now." The idea is that the relationship of demons to the chaos flame mirrors the relation of everyone else to fire.
Acid Surge  ♦  Black Fire Orb  ♦  Black Flame  ♦  Black Serpent  ♦  Boulder Heave  ♦  Bursting Fireball  ♦  Carthus Beacon  ♦  Carthus Flame Arc  ♦  Chaos Storm  ♦  Fire Ball  ♦  Fire Orb  ♦  Fire Surge  ♦  Fire Whip  ♦  Fireball  ♦  Firestorm  ♦  Flame Fan  ♦  Floating Chaos  ♦  Great Chaos Fire Orb  ♦  Great Combustion  ♦  Iron Flesh  ♦  Poison Mist  ♦  Power Within  ♦  Profaned Flame  ♦  Profuse Sweat  ♦  Rapport  ♦  Sacred Flame  ♦  Seething Chaos  ♦  Toxic Mist  ♦  Warmth

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    • Anonymous

      I take back everything I ever said about this spell. I had no idea how much worse magic spam would get. So many things in Elden Ring make bed veggies look honest and tame in comparison.

      • Anonymous

        So I'm fairly new to the multiplayer on this game, because until recently I just haven't found it particularly enjoyable. Been liking it lately, but I have now on at least two occasions seen this phenomenon: I will cast a CBV right into another player's face, direct hit, and it does literally zero damage. These people are cheating, right?

        • Anonymous

          I literally had to grind for thirty minutes and spend 200 thousand souls just to get this for yhorm, only to read he is immune to fire.

          • Anonymous

            High stamina cost. Like 50% more than black fire orb, which is much easier to spam for that reason. If you're doing a Pyro only run, you better invest some points in endurance for this, because at base endurance it uses 2/3 of your stamina in one cast.

            • Anonymous

              Sure, dmg is insane, but range is super short, and it has no AoE, shooting it at one guy that you are locked onto, while another guy is right next to him still only deals dmg to the one guy even though it looks like the spell explosion is supposed to be this flashy thing that looks AoE in nature.

              • Anonymous

                This **** is so fun to use if you invade a group of people. You throw this chungus ball into the middle of a team and someone will always get hit.

                • Anonymous

                  Getting this after barely scratching enemies with early pyromancies was awesome, probably the best pyromancy in the game !

                  • Anonymous

                    Basically the easy mode if you're running a caster-focused pyromancer build. Anything non-immune or resistant to fire will be melted in seconds. 10/10 pyromancy!

                    • Anonymous

                      Yeah I see you in the back waiting for me to engage host so you can throw this at my back retard. you are not fooling anyone.

                      • Anonymous

                        i know this is a pyro spell but its high INT requirement makes me feel like it scales with INT rather than FTH. which does it scale with?

                        • Anonymous

                          Prepare to have fourteen of these thrown at you by a gold phantom hiding in the back of a gank squad, and when one finally connects and sets up his teammates' ultra blender, he'll run up and point down

                          • Anonymous

                            I kinda hope they bring back this spell in elden ring so that way the people who spam it throw a temper tantrum when they realize there aren't nearly as many choke points to abuse anymore

                            • Anonymous

                              Everybody complains about this spell in pvp and how op it is, but if you’re in a straight 1v1 fight, rolling it is easy as hell. Ganking on the other hand…

                              • Anonymous

                                I refuse to use this spell just out of respect to the people on the receiving end. It can and will feel unfair, and the fact that you get it so early in the game doesn't help it either. I used to run Forbidden Sun for PvP in ds2 and, you know, it was a very lategame thing if you wanted opt out of killing NPCs, so it felt deserved and it was still somewhat restrained with having only two of them, maybe three or four if you're showing off. In ds3 though it deals obscene amounts of damage, has a weird hitbox and just feels... unfun. Also the name sucks, Forbidden Sun defo sounds lots cooler and's what initally got me into getting the spell, yeh.

                                • Anonymous

                                  retarded busted spell, literally free damage meanwhile mages and clerics spells take 3 years to cast for the same damage of 1 straight sword hit.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I hate how this spell resets your stagger in pvp. Wouldn’t nearly be as bad if it didn’t combo with literally everything.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      The spell that has single-handedly killed high level PvP. Imagine a spell/weapon with literally no downsides, just good in every imaginable way. Man, I really hope they don't pull this **** again in Elden Ring.

                                      "Hey's lets add a giant planet sized hitbox fireball that does absurd damage with moderate FP cost." - Some genius at FromSoftware.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Just gonna go ahead and say that the name for this spell in DS2 is a million times cooler than in DS3. Forbidden Sun >>>> Chaos Bed Vestiges

                                        • Anonymous

                                          First time I actually missed the limited spell casts from previous games. Nothing sucks more than continually dodging mini suns.

                                          • everyone here is talking about pvp, I really don't care too much about pvp. I want to know for ya know the rest of the whole game what people think for this vs gcf. Cause there is that lava after burn that is very nice but the raw on hit damage of this? and also the throwing ranges

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Hey, the one good thing about CBV users in pvp is that it immediately lets you know who you should be blocking. Eventually you won't see it much.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Chaos Bed Vestiges: the stains you find upon waking up after a night on the town with a whole circus of clowns.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  why do i keep getting hit by this spell when im not touching the controller
                                                  i just wanna eat my fukin kfc man ;~;

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    If game journalists actually played games they'd realize Dark Souls has built in easy modes like this spell or summoning phantoms.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I don't have a problem with how strong it is, I have a problem with how weak most other pyromancies and miracles are in comparison. Why does this hit like a nuke, while WoWC hits like a wet noodle, is slower, usually disappears before even hitting anything and even if it does, it sucks.

                                                      I wish either all spells were this strong or none at all, that way people would be pushed to innovate. This is just the obvious choice.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        So much worse than GCO it kind of hurts me to see people using it. similar damage for more FP except GCO usually hits 100 more regardless, tracks better, freeaims better, and looks better

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          One of the last good pyromancies. Quick enough cast time, hits hard, and is easy to hit with at short to mid range. Can be used in PvP to punish an opponent running away, and can still be used in PvE to nail something in the face.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            In PvP and usually pvm I prefer this to gcfo... Pro moves faster and not reliant on the lava pool to do more DMG.. Con eat more stamina and since it don't drop free aiming is harder.. not much though once you learn to free aim just a lil more practice with this

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              The problem with most invaders ive encountered is that they seem to like running away to get mobs on their side. Wasting my time

                                                              So eat some fukin CBV as you run away

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Hello. Vestigespammer 101 here. I've won a few arena battles by unintentionally throwing CBV in my opponent's face just because i've started with Demon scar's weapon art and then wanted to make a strong attack (oops). 10/10 anime moments

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Imagine calling someone a “weeb “ on a forum for a Japanese game. I bet you ignorant fucks who use that term possess zero curiosity about the world. I bet you know fuck all about any cultures or languages other than your own (and you’re probably proud of that fact... so pathetic lmfao). “Weeb “ isn’t an insult at all - you’re complimenting the guy while brazenly demonstrating your own stupidity and total lack of awareness of the world beyond your own country.
                                                                  Imagine thinking that intelligence and curiosity are negative things. Once again, how utterly pathetic, lmfao. You can just tell these imbeciles have never opened a book in their entire lives.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    LMAO so many salty people for this Pyromancy. Getting ganked as an invader? Then just black crystal out. I understand wanting PvP fights and invading as they are definitely a lot of fun. If the host hits alt+f4, just know that you won. However the problem is not with this pyro, it is with your skill and stats. If you are sick of them being thrown at you, then why not hurl some back? Oh I get it, you aren't investing your points into int and faith to have fun at a game and try new stuff with your character like a normal PvE build. You are specifically making a PvP build with high levels of Vigor, Endurance, and Strength/Dexterity and then whining when you can't kill the host. Well, that sounds like it is your own fault for not having one of these bad boys in your pocket. Reality check, the game allows the host the advantage over other players anyways, which is why it feels so good when you get that kill. So calm down and learn to time your rolls correctly. Oh yeah, also, git gud.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Being a trash Vestige spammer 101: If you are getting invaded be sure to have at least two other phantoms with you. Bonus points if they are overleveled! This spell is best used from behind in 3v1's when your opponent is distracted engaging your phantoms. I know in PvE you have likely gotten used to just mindlessly spamming this at everything from a distance, but in PvP any even remotely competent player will easily dodge your mindless Vestige spam if that is the only thing they are going up against. With this in mind be sure to always stay behind your phantoms and never under any circumstance separate. Your trash ass will likely get destroyed in an even remotely fair 1v1. Be sure to always keep seeds on you if the invader is around any PvE because 3v1 isn't good enough odds for you. If you don't have seeds just camp non-stop with your phantoms in an area that has no PvE. If at any point one of your phantoms dies be sure to run back to the bonfire to re-summon them ASAP! If the invader catches you before you can re-summoned don't try to fight back! Remember, your trash ass will likely get destroyed in any remotely fair 1v1. What you should do instead is either run away, or roll around non-stop until you see your phantom's summon sign re-appear. You will need to save your FP to mindlessly spam this spell more when your phantoms are re-summoned. If at any point you manage to kill the invader be sure to point down as if what you guys were doing took any skill at all. As a last resort if you are cornered with low health, no estus left, and no phantoms ALT+F4 is always an option because you never want to give an invader the satisfaction of killing your trash ass even if you are right in front of a bonfire and there is 0 chance of losing souls if you die. Hope this guide was helpful to any aspiring trash Vestige spammers!

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Invades 3 people trying to help their friend clear an area. Calls them gankers cuz they don't all suck and panic roll into his r1's. Gets killed.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Why does dark cluth ring increase dmg. What type of dmg does this deal? Stop crying about getting killed in pvp. Nobody cares, you just suck at the game. Take that toxicity back to league of legends pls

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Many people complain about Chaos Bed Vestiges and Great Chaos Fire Orb, and which pyromancy is better. In my opinion is that these are best in it's own job. CBV- It's very fast both in casting and the projectile speed itself. Does bigger damage but doesn't leave lava pool. It works best when fighting mobile enemy that won't stagger and can avoid lava damage. Best to use on bosses and in PvP as versatile tool to start or end a combo. GCFO- Best works when used in PvE vs groups of enemies and enemies that will stagger long enough to take lava damage. Using it in PvP requieres good un locked aiming. Summarizing both pyromancies are great in it's on way. You can't choose best tool between a axe and a shovel cause they both are used to different tasks. P.S. Sorry for all grammar mistakes, but I'm not from country that main language is english

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              So many elitists saying this is op when, on paper, is a buffed version of fire orb. Do you know what s op? Sacred flame + the glitched damage you get when you get hit and strike with sf at the same time (only happens in pvp, sorry cheesers). One shot guaranteed (yep, tears of denial won t save you from that).

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                This Pyro works great with the Fallen Knight set. And a Dark Sword... Or a Dragonslayer Axe... Or perhaps a squad of Phantoms... Fkn Gnkers

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  @the guy below: GCFO isn't a suitable replacement for this, I'd even say that this is clearly the better spell. Have them both? Wise choice as both are useful in different ways. Replace vestiges for GCFO? No, i wouldn't say so since GCFO is easier to dodge by simply standing still till it's cast and then going on a leisurely walk left or right. Vestiges chains with any r1. R1-->vestiges is a true combo. It 2-3 shots anyone and casts instantly. You can interrupt a straight sword r1. GCFO shines better in blindsiding and baiting people into the pool when they rush you. I can't say that GCFO's very slight damage advantage is worth the slower cast. It only even hits more if the pool AND orb hit. Vestiges has a wider hitbox too.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Just use Great Chaos Fire Orb, It is much more useful than Vestiges, cheaper, versatile and still deals as much damage with the DoT lava pool.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Hey, this is pretty good. Finally a freaking spell that doesn't take 2 seconds to cast and still does decent damage. I think I'll spam this.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        I won't say adding faith and int requirements to pyromancies was a good idea, but out of all ones to be exempt from that rule, why did it have to be the most obnoxious one? Not extremely hard to dodge, but every ganker and their mother uses it.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          The most over spammed Pyromancy second to this black serpent. just roll bois. People actually need to combo and not just throw these every four seconds. Git Gud pyro scrubs

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