Covenants in Dark Souls 3 allow the player to ally with certain factions within the game to gain access to special items, abilities, or mechanics, especially during online play. To join a Covenant, the player character must equip one of several Covenant insignias discovered throughout Lothric. Select one of the links below for more detailed information regarding each Covenant.





The Matchmaking Formula is Covenant Dependent:

Co-op Sign Summons A : Host's Level
Upper: A * 1.1 + 10
Lower: A * 0.9 - 10
Remarks: Also affects Warrior of Sunlight and Mound Makers
Way of Blue (Auto) B : Host's Level
Upper: B * 1.1 + 10
Lower: B * 0.9 - 10
Remarks: Affects Blue Sentinels and Blades of the Darkmoon
PvP Dark Spirit Invasion C : Invader Level
Upper: C * 1.1 + 20
Lower: C * 0.9
Remarks: Red Eye Orb, etc
Mound Maker Invasion D : Invader Level
Upper: D * 1.15 + 20
Lower: D * 0.9
Remarks: Mound Makers
Covenant Invasion (defend territory) E : Host Level
Upper: E * 1.1
Lower: E * 0.8 - 20

Summary of Covenant Rewards


All Covenants Video Location;



Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Anonymous

      Willing to help farm Vertebra Shackles and Sunlight Medals if you're willing to do the same.

      PSN: BlackDarkness002
      Discord: bone_daddy0117

      • Anonymous

        If this system were half as good as the community claimed it was, it would remain alive, but it isn't and good fkin riddance i say.

        • Anonymous

          Online covenant farming -dec 2023
          Sunlight medals:
          Fairly easy, summon sunbros for ur bosses. be a sun bro for others.
          -level 35-50 - summon at pontiff. Spammable
          -level 60-80: drtagon armor, Nameless King, lothric
          -90-120: DLC Bosses (freiya/midi/ggael)
          NG+: vordt has a lot of sunbro summons / u can sunbro there too.
          Blue sentinels/Darkmoon:
          1. ALways wear the covenant whe nnot sunbro farming
          2. Your place in queue ise reset when you rest at bonfires/enter boss rooms/other unsummonable areas. Avoid these/be out and about. afk out in the world, but be able to respond when summoned. You'll easily rack up the opportunities.
          3. For the pvp, it doesnt really matter. Stay true to your build, keep green grass on yoou, and be brave. Most of you are probably running quality: know that it works well for early level pvp.
          4. pvp doesnt slow down even as high as lvl 125 - it only picks up. but time of day is a factor.
          Aldrich: Go to aldrich's bonfire and farm the deacons guarding his door. Pop rusted coin. Use gold serpents ring+3 and the symbol of avarice.
          mound makers are popular right outside pontiff's room moving forward, not backword. Place it down and fight ppl or cheese with a friend/post in the discord and reddit.
          Farron you just have to always wear it. it sucks because its less common of a summon than blue sentinels but is sometingh you pretty much just have to always wear. You'll likely be pve farming this one without a coordinated discord initiative.
          rosaria needs little explanation. find areas with hosts of ember. use your red eyes.

          • Anonymous

            Doing this offline, only managed the 30 swordgrass so far. Concords pretty close at 25.
            But after having a pretty good start on most covenants (getting the first 10 each was easy) I've had several farming sessions where basically nothing dropped at 400+ discovery.
            For fun I've calculated the odds and for the concords I've killed enough silver knights that the likelihood of not getting anything from them like I did in the past sessions is actually way lower than the drop rate itself by now. lol Or in other words: I have a feeling something is going on with the RNG that hasn't been described yet. I read the comment that some believe in a "drop fatigue" where resetting the game helps but you'd need to farm 100s of enemies in one session to properly tell, plus in my case with multiple sessions that cannot be it either.
            I am more than confused, the chance of this being just neutral RNG is very low.

            • Anonymous

              Should have made covenant rewards all be the same as spears where it amplifies you during your covenant work ngl

              • Anonymous

                I was thinking what would be an interesting idea for a new convenant. Perhaps granting some item that would revive the area boss at the next ng level, but to keep it balanced it instead drops a covenant item for the host rather than souls? Make some lore reason about restoking the links between worlds and call them Adherents of Cinder or something along those lines.
                The main idea would be to widen the pool of hosts for co-op and invasions, and fuction like a way of blue but for sunbros.

                • Anonymous

                  I am planning to rank up all the covenents and gather the items. I think those items are more precious than those transposable souls items. Is there anyone who is doing the same?

                  • Anonymous

                    You look so *** teabagging and using gestures when you gank someone. Do that when you actually beat me, not when it took 2 of you and I still gave you heavy damage.

                    • Anonymous

                      I got darkmoon anf rosaria covenants rings and miracle spell but from farming and helping out against invasions which was really fun. Not to complain but whats with the bloody lag xD anyone here can help me out get the rest of items pls? The online is so laggy and barely get any plus when there are two ****s I found (veteran players) just run and not fight like why kill or be killed you obviously finished the game and some new player like me. just let me have a fight. Please I want help getting the trophy, only two gestures left for me in ng+ but before that I need help with covenats stuff.
                      PS ID: THEKING-_-361

                      • Anonymous

                        Just don’t offline grind is my tip, DS community is nice and pretty wholesome, surprisingly enough. But the ganking phantoms problem and complaining about healing. The problem is we both have healing and the battles are more of attrition. It’s more unfair when these overleved high poise characters help low level unskilled players clear areas thus attracting players. It really should be skill-based matchmaking, I shouldn’t be fighting people who can one-shot me as an invader with 20 vigor.

                        • Anonymous

                          Spears of the church is completely useless completion-wise. Rosaria’s finger are way more hard to deal with when dealing with phantoms. I prefer mound-makers, Sunlight, and both darkmoon covenants.

                          • Anonymous

                            Elden ring has no covenants, but ds3 sure demonstrates something:

                            If you're going to do a half-assed work just to fullfill an afterthought, it's best to not do it.

                            • sure these covenants aren't the best, but you cannot deny that it still was fun to use them

                              with covenants like aldrich and watchdogs being really good for invading tresspassers.

                              and the sunbros still being amazing as ever

                              and the addition of early game darkmoons and true darkmoons is good

                              sure the removal of betraying covenants was annoying, and some of the rank up rewards are questionable (aldrich)

                              I still enjoy these covenants

                              just be glad dark souls 3 has covenants, unlike elden ring...

                              • Anonymous

                                Funny. It's almost like they picked ds2's pve problems and made pvp with it. Blue phantoms are just artificial difficulty in the host's favor and the invading covenants have bad positioning/odds most of the time.

                                I know, "git gud" and such, at this point everyone knows how to parry the typical r1 spamming ganks. That's besides the point. Where is the path of the dragon? Where are the pale shades? Where are the darkwraiths? Where are the og darkmoons? What has been of the brilliant ideas previously showcased in ds1, like the gravelord covenant? A covenant meant to protect prince lothric could have been the new gravelording and make sense within the game.

                                But no, so much copy paste from ds1 stuff but regarding pvp they dropped the ball with endless summons, blue sentinels/fakemoons, and red eye orb users can only expect to get their pvp experience ruined unless they're mound-makers or absolute tryhards, the latter is a rather unfun kind of player to be or fight against. That's just ds2's iron passage translated to a "good" pvp system.

                                Look at it however you want, but it's objectively a bad design and elden ring is just the upgrade of it. And of course, elden ring's pvp system is sht, but it's a sht that comes from this butthole of a pvp system that ds3 has.

                                • Anonymous

                                  New idea for covenant: velka's pursuers. Members have a purple eye orb to invade. When a host of ember summons a phantom, a timer starts. Regardless of the phantoms surviving or not, that world will become top priority for pursuers once the timer reachs 45 minutes and other kind of invaders won't be able to enter, unless the host crosses the fog gate. The pursuer has 10 hp, but it's ar is multiplied by the total number of phantoms that entered in the host's world, including blue sentinels. Once inside, summons are blocked except for mad phantoms. Pursuer's death refills no estus, but resets the world's timer.

                                  In rank 1 you receive an item called "punitive dagger". This single use item revives the boss of your area as a black phantom version, with the same rewards and twice the souls, but with the next ng+ difficuty. This item can also be used during invasion to affect the host of embers's world.

                                  Rank 2 would give you pursuer's ultra greatsword. Basically a dark version of the lothric's greatsword, but with vertical slashes when 2h. It's weapon art would be the same as lorian's, with damage type switched to dark.

                                  Rank 3 would give you the walk of peace miracle.

                                  The token to upgrade rank would be a "crow's feather". It's gained whenever the host enters the fog if you previously used the pinutive dagger, or when a white phantom dies. Another item called "crow's wing" would give you two crow feathers, and it's obtained by killing the host.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Man why didn't they put more effort into covenants? Covenants were so cool in ds1 (especially dragon bros) but we get like 4 actual covenants here

                                    • Anonymous

                                      If you want proper covenants buy ds1. In this game they're just a the typical result of "idk what else to do with the game". Absolutely no work behind them.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Am I the only one that loves invading and finding a gank squad? They all come at you in tandem, but then you kill one of them. Losing confidence, the other two get a little reluctant and try not to get too close. Oh, sh*t! One of them tries a risky move and gets a**-blasted. The last one, knowing his fate, runs for dear life, but with too heavy armor, he can only run so far. I think “heh heh heh. run, you fat b*tch.” He’s backed into a wall, he frantically spams r1, but gets parried and riposted. Before he can even get up, the lightning blade sharp crow talon WA is shredding his a** like paper.
                                        “A connection error has occured. returning to your world”
                                        heh heh heh. Unplug your computer, you neck-bearded *****.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          Hello DS3 player, I am come to you for a little favour, and I will carry this message to everywhere in DS3 community.
                                          There is a glitch that allows you to summon white sign mad phantom in Gael’s Arena (Credit to Dashingsaint), if you keep Shira alived while she invade you (you can escape her simply sprint out her aggro range), you won’t trigger gael boss cutscene, and then you could put down you purple summon white sign or summon other white purple.
                                          Thus, a new fight club is founded, an arena in a long lost dessert under the sunset sky which sprinkle with fainted galaxy.
                                          If you’re watching this, kindly please help me share this and invite any ds3 enthusiast you known to this new fight club, your little effort would be much appreciated.
                                          SL25+2, SL40+4, SL60+6, SL72+8, SL90+10, SL125 Meta, SL 351++, all SL range are acceptable.
                                          Welcome to the Gael’s Sunset Arena, the most beautiful map in the entire series, the last arena at the End of World.
                                          I will await you there, in the End of the World, and we shall fight eternal, shiny and incandescence.
                                          LONG MAY THE DARK SOULS COMMUNITY LIVE

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Out of all these covenants where is prince lothrics covenant? He is the second to final boss and possibly king above the loc (lords of cinders)... Just a thought!

                                            • Anonymous

                                              But why does horace give you blue sentinels? I'd have expected Sirris to give it to you alongside the darkmoon gesture

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Fair? Dark soul is built unfairly, it is the main reason of death, you talk about honors or invaders, playing any souls game will make any one, including the best, unto the trash pile every one messes up once or twice just chill your roll and look at the little details people are struggling in these games but no actual help to give, now no one wants to play with others for the soul reason of "fairness".

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  Personally my main issue w/ DS3 covenants is there's zero incentive to stick with them. I don't want spells locked behind worthless niche covenants like Princess Guards, but I wish I had a reason to remain faithful to a covenant I enjoy beyond a couple of random items or spells that everyone gets anyway. Even basic cosmetic effects could add a lot to the existing character & faction identity

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Ppl defending ganks are the absolute filth of humanity... You really think the one shot builds, gank spank builds and other builds purely focused on gank counters come out of thin air? You started all this sht.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Funny seeing so many invaders complain about getting ganked when in every games since Demon's souls, 9/10 invaders only fight you while in the middle of a pack of mobs even if they see you're alone haha

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Christ. All people complaining about invader ganking is disgusting. Invaders are allowed to have rights if they were summoned through a red sign, and that's it. At that point it's consensual, and you deserve just as much respect as anyone else. Spears are a special case. I'm sorry you got nerfed so hard in the 1v3+. You didn't deserve that, and it should have been limited to 2 at most. But for anyone that got there through the orb or a territorial covenant, you deserve no mercy. If you wanted a fair fight, you would have used the sign or some other pvp avenue, but you didn't. You came in to another person's world with the express purpose of being a **** about it. The second things don't go your way, even in a 1v1, you run in to a crowd of enemies and gank right back. You are the scum of the earth, and the toxic sludge that gives gaming a bad reputation. **** off.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          "you re the one invading, go to arena, don't expect us to be fair in another person's world, stop ruining the other's experience (summons are already there for that), etc etc."

                                                          Such hypocrisy comes from someone who didn't ever use a red orb to be in the invader's shoes, but then they get reeeally quiet when you enter to fight halflight with your gank squad and turns out you're in OUR bossroom, inside OUR domains where the boss is one of US.

                                                          If you still defend ganks as a good thing, do us all a favor and stay here. If you decide to move on, pray for Elden Ring to not have a pvp system because if it does, don't expect anything less than loads of invader ganks. that's what's coming to you.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            At this point i might just "invade" as a white phantom and continuously cast warmth for the powered-up bosses.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              Step 1: join spears of the church.

                                                              Step 2: write the long list of advantages the hosts of embers have towards a hosts.

                                                              Step 3: clean your ass with that list.

                                                              Step 4: build your character to gankspank, since no other type of players will ever step in the church.

                                                              Step 5: profit and hatemails.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                You die and wake up in the lowest ring of hell. You wonder what your punishment is. Satan sits you down at a computer running ds3 and says he wants you to max out all the covenants in the game. No problem, you think to yourself. You put down summon signs, but what's that? An error occured? You check the network settings and come to the realization; there is no wifi in hell so you gotta farm those damn silver knight ears for eternity

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Well, seems like blues doesn't have as much job as before. I guess what happened?

                                                                  Oh well, i guess invasions finally died due to how pointless it is with this system. Congratulations, ds3's pvp is dead.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    here just a random idea what if players could make their own covenants and the maker decides if someone can join or not

                                                                    so say you invite your friends then you can let them join but if its another player not on your friends list you have to choose for them to

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      In 2016 they released this *points a covenant*, way of blue. Their most accomplished host protection. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "blades of the darkmoon". A covenant so catchy, most people probably don't question why is there when they already have blue sentinels. But they should because it's not just about the toxicity induced to a large part of souls community and the importance of balance, it's also a personal statement about the incompetence of miyazaki himself.

                                                                      Hey, ashen one!

                                                                      "greataxe chop"

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        If I have received the all rewards for a covenant, can you get the covenants reward again in the next playthrough?

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          they should add the path of the dragon covenant back

                                                                          or maybe a drakeblood covenant

                                                                          it would be cool to follow the nameless kings teachings again

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            if you are a invasor and the game detects ur alone playing agaisnt the host and 3 phantoms , a copy of friede should be summoned.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Here is an idea for a covenant that would wipe out the ganking problem entirely.

                                                                              black londor shade:

                                                                              Yuria sells an item that can be used by all players, wich would be named "accusing contract". For this item to be usable, you have to invade and get killed by a host with phantoms or way of blue equipped (for the latter, the presence of blue phantoms isn't required). If a lone invader defeats you, the prompt to accurse it will not show up.

                                                                              Once this item is used, the host and his phantoms will have a key item applied in their inventory, called "londor black mark", and in their screen the message "your world has been cursed" will appear.

                                                                              Once the dead invader returns to it's world, the host with the londor black mark, as well as the phantoms that return to their world, will have severe changes to their local world: red phantom versions of normal enemies (2x stronger enemies that yields double of the normal enemy's souls) will appear, usually being the strongest enemies in the area (there will be a maximum of 8 red phantom enemies, but their location will be randomized through the map's layout) . These enemies will respawn in a time span of 2 minutes, regardless of wether the host rests in a bonfire or not. The host can still summon phantoms, but invader count will increase from 1 (2 with dried finger) to 4, and invaders won't be able to hurt each other. Fog gates will be coloured purple whenever coop or invasion occurs, and the host who tries to go through it will get the message "a terrible curse blocks your path", denying their access.

                                                                              The boss of a world cursed with the londor black mark will not have notable changes, but they will have a 30% chance to summon a black phantom in the middle of the bossfight, wich would be a player in the black londor shade covenant. These players have the task to protect the boss by any means. When the host die by their hand or the boss's attacks (or the hosts homewards out/disconnects), the black phantom will be victorious and receive the amount of souls equal to the boss's soul gain × the host's soul level, along with a covenant item called "dark-stained branch"

                                                                              The covenant itself would be accesible at the statue of velka, and members can rank up offering dark-stained branches to the statue.

                                                                              Rank level 1 would yield the curse-haunted greatsword. This would be the pursuer's ultra greatsword from ds2, with innate dark damage. Unbuffable and can't be infused, but shares movesets with black knight sword on the r2s and the weapon art would be like demon greataxe's, but with dark instead of fire. The rest is vertical ultra gs moveset.

                                                                              2nd rank would give curse-bloated armor (pursuer's armor) , wich would change the walking or running animation with one wich makes you hover over the ground (visual change only. Sprinting and rolls remains the same).

                                                                              3rd rank would yield you the londor hunter ring, wich would double the speed of your rolls .This is a double-edged ring to use like calamity ring, because it allows you to do consecutive rolls faster and cover distances in shorter time, but halvens your iframes and might mess your timing up unless you roll on reaction.

                                                                              As for the host's accursed state lof it's world, the key item called "londor black mark" will affect all the areas in the game and remain in effect until the next ng+. The only way to remove the londor black mark would be to give a way of white circlet to the statue of velka. Once done, the curse will disappear and the local world will return back to normal.

                                                                              Seems like a good idea for a mod to me. I m not a developer, but making the best covenant the game ever had isn't hard at all when the standard is too low to measure.

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                I'd rather fight a hacker than a ganker because of how toxic host of embers are in general. Thinking they have impunity just because they can take advantage on miyazaki's absolute incompetence at balancing multiplayer.

                                                                                Mimicry lautrec all over the place, that is what being a host of embers looks like.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Remember when covenants used to have some game-changing effect in your playthrough?

                                                                                  Whoever got this game as their first souls game surely don't.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Today Ive been summoned as a watchdog of farron but the thing is game started me from the beginning and I can't proceed to high wall of lothric just stuck in firelink shrine what do I do?

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      They COULD have done something to keep you in your covenant of choice with little perks like they did in ds1. For example, if you stay in the mound makers at rank 3, bloodlust would have extra 25 bleed or warmth heal over time increased by 30%.

                                                                                      But no, just put these little badges in a slot and that's it.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        The covenants in this game are kinda poop compared to DS1 (excluding the Aldritch Faithfuls, Watchdogs and Mound Makers, those are pretty pog)

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          This is the only aspect of the game i dislike, the farm for the rewards. I don't play PvP because while i'm pretty decent at PvE, i suck at PvP.
                                                                                          So now, imagine my surprise when i discovered that to get the miracles, rings and the last pyromancy i needed for the achievements, i had to farm for hours.
                                                                                          Why are the drop rates THAT low for stuff like vertebra shackles or proofs of a concord kept ? It's not even like the rewards are that broken, 30 swordgrass gives you the wolf ring +0, while you probably already got the +3 version in the dlc for example.
                                                                                          The darkmoon ring can be really good yeah, even for PvE, but the obscuring ring just doesn't do anything in my experience in PvE.
                                                                                          I'm still gonna pull through it of course, i mean i'm getting that platinum after getting every trophy except the 3 that require covenant stuff, but man, it just sucks.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Say wathever you want, but when dark souls 2 beats miyazaki in something, he is just hopeless in that aspect.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              This is where they fckd up the most. These covenants are so inconsequential that they have no reason to exist.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                You can farm each covenant item by speed running the game 15 times (if you have 15 covenant items) if you got gud at it rather than suffer yourself from farming the same enemies over and over.

                                                                                                Damn my english bad.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  1st day of farming offline and I'll be honest I've not found it too bad, I've found hopping around to the different farming spots and only doing short sessions at each breaks the monotony up.

                                                                                                  I only have the SOA + normal Covetous Gold Ring + a Hollow weapon and have only used coins for the Silver Knights but already have 7 Dregs, 16 Shackles (I PVP'ed a little early on for 13 of them though), 11 Sunlight Medals, 8 POACK's, 5 Tongues and 2 Swordgrass's.

                                                                                                  Just mix things up the best you can whenever it's available, drop your sign at Dragonslayer Armour and maybe get a surprise summon while you take down the knight near the sunlight altar + the 2 in the building with the priests before going on down to the main bit, alternate between Pontiff and Aldrich's bonfires for the Devouts, take the odd trip back to the rooftops in Anor Londo etc, just for the sake of doing something different every now and then.

                                                                                                  It may take a little longer in the long run but I think it will make it a lot more bearable than staying in 1 place farming the same group for hours in a row.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    The linked youtube videos dosnt have spears of the church in it an its the only1 ive never heard off i have the plat an still havnt heard of it, so that video dose not have all covents like it said

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      You ppl had 2 simple choices: either stop making excuses for this lazy, umbalanced and asinine system and force fromsoft to fix all the wrongs, or get your asses ready in the next generation.

                                                                                                      Guess what happened.

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        Does covenant progress carry onto ng+ or does it reset? I’m aware things like the rewards can’t be obtained twice but per say you did 16/30 in dark moon knights then went to ng+1 for more souls would it still be at the progress of 16/30 or just 0/30? I’m just wondering because I’m not willing to test it out.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          I still don't understand how this covenants work can some tell me different covenants mean what? And what are the levels and the numbers up in the chart?

                                                                                                        Load more
                                                                                                        ⇈ ⇈