Fire Keeper Soul is a Key Item in Dark Souls 3. This key item is used by giving it to the Fire Keeper at Firelink Shrine, enabling her to remove the Dark Sigils you acquired after leveling up with Yoel of Londor. You can find this key item on the corpse of a Fire Keeper, located at the top of the Bell Tower in Firelink Shrine. To access the tower, you'll need the Tower Key, which can be purchased from the Shrine Handmaid.

Fire Keeper Soul

fire keeper soul

Soul of a Fire Keeper who is said to have returned from the Abyss.

This Fire Keeper preserves the bonfire, and serves its champion. She is said to have soothed and accepted the dark sigil, which has tainted her soul.

And yet, her soul will one day embed itself in the bosom another Fire Keeper.

Fire Keeper Soul Dark Souls 3 Use


Dark Souls 3 Fire Keeper Soul Location


Dark Souls 3 Fire Keeper Soul Notes

  • After Irina becomes a firekeeper, despite having the Fire Keeper Soul (and the Eyes of a Fire Keeper) still in the player's possession, no additional dialogue or options appear for Irina.
  • This cannot be reached using the tree jump method. 
  • Giving this to the firekeeper and healing the Dark Sigils afterward will end Yuria of Londor's questline.



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    • Anonymous

      >be playing DS3 for the first time
      >doesnt know that bone shard make upgrades your estus
      >somehow made it to the middle of the game
      >get this item
      >try to upgrade estus
      >learns about it
      >feels like a total retard about this
      >close the game

      • Anonymous

        Wish I never picked this up. Happy being Hollow to get the alternative ending. The ugly mush doesn't bother me since I like to wear the Fallen Knight set, IMO the best looking armour set in not just this game but all of the Souls games.

        • Anonymous

          Wish this was like the other soul items instead of a key item so that I can consume it for extra currency, especially since I ain't ever paying that outrageous hollow-curing fee

          • Anonymous

            I guess I'm the only one who thinks that this soul belongs to Princess Dusk, who becomes a Fire Keeper at some point in the future after being rescued from the Abyss by the player in Dark Souls?

            • Anonymous

              This does not end Yuria's quest. I've done it on every playthrough with no repercussions. However, healing the dark sigil via the soul WILL end the quest.

              • Anonymous

                Nothing in life is free, not even the levels Yoel offers. You either pay for it by looking like a burnt raisin for the rest of your life/have to use up a ring slot to look normal or you pay in souls what it would cost you to have leveled up normally, curing your burnt raisin face affliction. Alternatively, you can jump into a NG+, smash your face with a purging stone and no one will be the wiser.

                • Anonymous

                  Does anyone know who's soul this is? Like a previous Fire Keeper that we've seen in any of the games? Or is it just some random?

                  • Anonymous

                    Firekeeper soul in my second character playthrough is completely absent, I bought the tower key, went up the tower and there was no item pickup on the dead FireKeepers body. I don't know if anybody else has come across this but I have a feeling it's because the only person I have in my Firelink Shrine is greirat. All other members you meet throughout the game are still in their spots. I don't know if that has something to do with it but I can't find anywhere else where it was reported that the firekeeper soul is just nonexistent in a playthrough.

                    • Anonymous

                      Idc about how my character looks, i use armor that covers completely anyway, but will hollowing affect me negatively if im going from a hollow/bleed build to a strength/faith build?

                      • Anonymous

                        This item is pointless if you can buy a ring for a tenth if the cost that basically has the same effect. So that

                        • Anonymous

                          I'm playing in korean and the item is named Defiled Firekeeper soulThis with the description suggest that the Firekeeper actually absorb the players dark sigils which makes me think twice about healing it

                          • Removed unfounded speculation and subsequent disconfirming of speculation. Y'all can edit something out if you find it to be false you know, just leave a note in the comments for future reference.

                            • Anonymous

                              Not a huge deal, but everytime I go to level up it says "Give Fire Keeper Soul." I want to stay hollow however...what I want to know is can I just give it to her so that the option goes away? Or no?

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