friede's great scythe  final

Friede's Great Scythe

icon wp physicalAttack
physical defense shield icon
icon magicbonus
magic defense shield icon 
icon firebonus
fire defense shield icon
icon lightningbonus
lightning defense shield icon
icon darkbonus
dark defense shield icon
          icon wp critical 100   icon wp stability 20
          icon weight 13.0    icon durabilitiy 60
          Aux icon wp frost 45       
Requirements & Bonus
icon strength 22
icon dexterity 22
icon intelligence 22
icon faith 22
12 16 12 11
weapon type icon Reapers damage type icon Slash
skill icon Elfriede's Stance icon fp cost -(-/18)

Friede's Great Scythe is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. It was added in the Ashes of Ariandel DLC.

A great scythe wielded by Sister Elfriede, with a curved blade thinly coated by Painted World frost that easily breaks the guard of shields.

In the painting, the scythe is a symbol of a long-lost home, possibly explaining Elfriede's preference for it.

Skill: Elfriede's Stance

Conjure a magic bladed support scythe into the left hand while the great scythe remains in the right, a stance derived from Elfriede's former swordmanship. Use normal attack to leap forward and swing twice, or strong attack to coat the earth with running frost.

Notes and Tips

  • Cannot be Infused or Buffed.
  • Upgrades with Titanite Scales.
  • Has a unique, 3 cycle, light attack moveset that no other Reaper has when two-handed.
  • Has 643 split AR at 40/40 DEX/INT. The main scythe the player uses only deals the physical portion. The magic damage only comes from the Weapon Art. Faith slightly boosts Physical damage.
  • The smaller scythe is put on the back of character when the skill isn't used.
  • On stairs in close quarters, the scythe swings low and sometimes misses the enemy.
  • This is the only Scythe that has innate Frostbite effect.
  • The larger scythe can be parried during the weapon art, the smaller scythe cannot.
  • Has innate shield pierce: 40% on all attacks and all hits from the weapon art including the magic damage from the smaller scythe but not the ice/magic explosion.
  • Has a "sweet spot" like all scythes, but functions differently. If the player hits with the shaft of the weapon, there is no effect on their damage. However, if the player hits with the blade, they deal 15% more damage.

Location / Where to Find

Moveset and Videos

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Friede's Great Scythe Upgrade Table

Requires ?? souls and 15 Titanite Scales to +4, ?? souls and 1 Titanite Slab to +5.

  Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Damage Reduction (%)
icon wp physicalAttack
icon magicbonus
icon firebonus
icon lightningbonus
icon darkbonus
icon wp poisonbld
icon wp frost
icon wp bleed
icon wp physicaldef
icon wp magicdef
icon wp firedef
icon wp lightningdef
icon wp darkdef
Regular 110 77 - - - E B C E - 35 - 40 25 20 20 25
Regular +1 128 89 - - - E B B E - 35 - 40 25 20 20 25
Regular +2 146 102 - - - E B B E - 35 - 40 25 20 20 25
Regular +3 166 114 - - - E A B E - 35 - 40 25 20 20 25
Regular +4 182 127 - - - E A A E - 35 - 40 25 20 20 25
Regular +5 200 140 - - - E A A E - 35 - 40 25 20 20 25


Table Key


Requirement Parameter Bonus Attack Values Damage Reduction % Auxiliary Effects Others
icon-strength_22.png Strength
icon-strength_22.png Strength
icon-wp_physicalAttack.png Physical  Physical icon-wp_bleed.png Bleeding  Durability
icon-dexterity_22.png Dexterity
icon-dexterity_22.png Dexterity
icon-magicbonus.png Magic  Magic icon-wp_poisonbld.png Poison


icon-intelligence_22.png Intelligence
icon-intelligence_22.png Intelligence
icon-firebonus.png Fire  Fire Frost Frost  
icon-faith_22.png Faith
icon-faith_22.png Faith
icon-lightningbonus.png Lightning  Lightning  Curse  
    icon-darkbonus.png Dark  Dark    
    Critical Critical
    Spell Buff Spell Buff

Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Scaling quality is from highest to lowest as follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The higher the player's [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the higher the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (found on the player status screen). The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". 
Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.
Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. 
Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hit
Attack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St)



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    • Anonymous

      I tried to make a build with this but the ambient frost noise drove me insane. Make sure that kind of thing doesn't bother you before you use it

      • Anonymous

        Try to use any fire damage type attacks after proc'ing your frost with this baby for even more juicy chilly procs.

        • Anonymous

          Just killed Gael with this on my build that evenly splits Dex/Int/Faith (I had each stat at 31). The DPS wasn't phenomenal but it got the job done with some patience and the Frostbite probably helped.

          • Anonymous

            This, Aquamarine Dagger, Crucifix of the mad king, crow quills, Freyed Blade, Ringed knight weapons and many more are all above any weapon from Elden Ring. Damn I hope for ER DLC to bring us weapon skills as cool as these had and not another AoE or blast waves.

            • Anonymous

              So I have random questions I doubt i'll get an answer for but it's worth a shot.
              How well do bows counter this? Can it break someone out of their stance?
              Could a crossbow do it? Hell, maybe even repeating crossbow's VA or avelyn?
              Is there a way to fully dodge the WA using only rolls? That one is just out of curiosity honestly.
              Could firebombs stagger them out of the WA?
              How well could a rocked up havel boy tank this full WA. With or without blocking.

              This is like the bingo of Dark souls.

              • Anonymous

                I see they went with the DS2 Black Knight Weapons mentality with this weapon it seems. Dumbass FAI requirements

                • Anonymous

                  Idk what the noise people are complaining about is but elden ring is very lacking in weapon coolness compared to this and frayed blade

                  • Anonymous

                    Beautiful weapon. In PvE you can get away with just spamming the weapon art against most things and just win. For PvP you’ll have to be more creative, because if you spam it there, you’ll be met with a chaos dagger shoved up your liver.

                    • Anonymous

                      This weapon is very annoying to deal in PVP. I invaded someone, with me using the claymore poison infused then this host of fingers absolutely murdered me with this duel scythe weapon. Please can some people tell me some tips on how to deal with this annoying weapon.

                      • Anonymous

                        Love this weapon. Hate the stupid noise it makes constantly. Ok when you’re in combat but when you aren’t it’s pretty annoying. Why would they even do this. Sigh

                        • Anonymous

                          Counterpoint to every negative comment about any weapon: I don't care what you use unless you're using a damn trainer to cheat online. I had to get unbanned for using a camera mod recently and these MFers seems to get away with actual cheating.

                          • Anonymous

                            If the WA L2 breaks someone's guard you can then do the full WA L1 combo with the ice explosion still hitting. Almost always an instant kill.

                            • Anonymous

                              Ah yes, lets just spam the weapon art and enjoy the free easy hits. It's getting to a point where I now equip a parry shield. I can't parry for sh*t, but at least they stop spamming the weapon art out of caution.

                              • One of the most enjoyable weapons ever. It’s good for pve and many bosses. It’s a thoughtful weapon, though. You can spam the weapon art r1 in pve but don’t spam it in pvp. The real expert section on this though is the R2 weapon art. This is great in pvp as it hurts to get caught but you have to be careful. Hit them with the two handed r1, the wa r2, then if it seems advisable whip out the weapon art combo for style when they panic. Or get parried.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Anybody know if the damage from the ice explosion has any scaling or does it just do a set amount of damage depending on the weapon level?

                                  • Anonymous

                                    **** i love this weapon for high dex builds. i almost never use the WA (i barely even with other weapons) but i love its moveset. somehow it complements my hyper-aggressive playstyle and is a good fill-in for when i decide not to use the corvian scythe

                                    • Anonymous

                                      One of my favorite go-to weapons in the game. Handles just as nice as it looks. Very good for both PVE and PVP. Easily defeats annoying shield bearing enemies like pontiff and ringed knights. Weapon art is for the most part free allowing you to use it's move set to it's full potential with the added bonus of chaining attacks is virtually guaranteed to proc the frostbite. My only real complaints are the annoying sound it makes and that like all reapers, it's critical damage is lackluster. A truly fitting reward for having survived such a BS boss fight.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        A favorite of low level edgelords who got their friend to drop it for them. At least I assume so, because they're baffled by the humble old caestus' perseverance 9/10 times. The salt mail is so tasty.

                                        • Anonymous

                                          if you guys are having trouble going against this weapon, heres a good tip. If they use the weapon art, its best to parry, or perserverance. its hard to say how to parry with only words but ill do my best. if you dont understand the description, try to watch youtube videos, like ChaseTheBro. so the weapon art always starts with the edgy walk. then the enemy chooses to do either the wombo combo, or the edgelord sparkle AOE. the AOE is obviously not parriable, so it must be the wombo combo that is parriable. Well, your right and wrong. the combo has some parriable moves and non parriable moves. the left scythe(your right,), doesn't have a hitbox, but still does damage. it's similar to the splitleaf GS weapon art, or the sellsword twinblade weapon art. to parry, the first move in the combo is where both scythes, come from your left, and swing towards to the right. YOU CANNOT PARRY THIS. the move after this though can be parried. it is only one scythe, and it comes from the right, and swings almost like a clock. think of it like a clock to parry it easier. Once the scythe reaches somewhere between 1 oClock and 2 o clock, thats when you parry. in PvE, the timing is different than this, but in PvP, this is about the right time to push it, unless they are insanely laggy. I'll say again, it might be hard to understand from just this, but I hope this helped a little, and a tip that may help is the round iron shield. you can block that first attack, wait for the 1 o clock, then parry. I just had to learn from trial and error, and trust me, it was frustrating, especially when the crybaby saltlords make fun of your parries. good luck guys with your parries :)

                                          • Anonymous

                                            i met a guy in the arena using this. he kept spamming the weapon art, and the weapon art is really easy to parry. I kept parrying him, and eventually he died. I messaged him later saying that the weapon art on that weapon is easy to parry, so you should try to mix it up with light and heavy attacks too. he messaged me back saying thanks, and asked if i could help him learn how to parry this. we set up a password, and i used the weapon art, and he learned with trial and error. he seemed really happy because he messaged me asking if there was any weapon we wanted to help me parry. I know timings on almost all weapons so i replyed with a simple no. later that day, his arena honor had gone from nothing to gold. this is when i had to give this guy a friend request, and now we play modded versions of dark souls together. just had to put this out just so you guys know that not everyone is a cryaby saltlord :)

                                            • Anonymous

                                              genuinely cancer weapon, you cant get close because the host just combos you hell and spams it so you get stunlocked and basically cant win

                                              • Anonymous


                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I wish they would’ve given us friedes foot instead and use it as a catalyst and the art is where take a good sniff and get increased damage on all attacks

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    People say it's bad but this thing is way too good.
                                                    Don't want to look like a fool that spams WA and get parried instantly? Here's the thing:
                                                    2-handed R1, R1, WA, R1,R1 is a combo that roll catches people and absolutely shreds them.
                                                    Takes some timing to do when converting into WA but it works so well it's almost criminal.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      If you're picking up this weapon, you need proper stamina. Adding a fourth swing to the weapon art can throw people off, and a fifth can be chained from the fourth. In general, it zones well with its sweeping reach, but stamina is needed to maintain your zone.

                                                      The weapon tends to see a bit of a weakness in terms of enemies with better poise (Ultra users), and the windup on its moveset makes it somewhat easier to parry. A brutal weapon in terms of raw damage, especially with the risk of Frostbite on top of everything, and its weapon art is a killer against those who do not respect it, but it's also one that people see often and generally know how to react to. Don't spam with this thing unless you know you're not getting parried.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        this weapon is super broken in pvp, you can just spam the weapon art and if you hit someone with the first hit, you'll land the next 2 for free, and then if you do it again, you'll almost always catch the person trying to roll away.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          I'm confused because the little info graph thing at the top says it has bleed but the bottom says it doesn't have bleed. Can someone tell me if it inflicts bleed or not please.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Man it's a good thing that only the frost attack nobody ever uses is the only bit of the weapon art that takes up FP, otherwise people might actually have to use more than 1 move.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              I would probably use this weapon more often if the constant high pitched frost twinkling noise didn't upset my tinnitus something fierce...

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                For those having troubles with someone spamming the weapon arts r1, here's a way to counter. Parry. Have your shielded up, i highly recommend a small shield (My most preferred one is the Llewellyn Shield but any will do) but medium shields can do if you get the time right. Let the first hit land since its the small scythe which can't be parried. It will do minor damage and some frost build up. However right when the second scythe comes down immediately hit the parry button and punish them with a riposte. Second way is just straight poise through it. I hope this helps just don't time it too late or your basically screwed to a stun lock.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I wish the magic dmg was dark instead, but honestly the thing that neuters this weapon is its dmg. Why they only have the magic affect the wa is beyond me, oh wait no it isnt, its bc from hates reaper class weapons

                                                                  • Not sure if it's been discussed already, but if you pair this with Crown of Dusk and Magic Clutch ring you get a significant boost to AR. A bit of a glass cannon but it wrecks in PvP.

                                                                    • This is my favorite weapon in the series, sadly, extremely useless. 1) Very low damage. With 40 INT/ 40 DEX and 645 split AR i deal... 100-130 damage per regular R1. Its a joke. Dancer Blades 2.0 Charged R2 can do maybe approximately 300. Only real damage comes from weapon art but you cannot rely on it and it factors into the second problem. 2) Extremely easy to parry. Anyone that sees you use it, instantly pulls out a parry tool and start spamming parries to no end. Considering your insanely low damage,there is no downside to it and they can keep doing it until they get lucky and get a one shot. 3) Deceptively low range. It may seem like it has a lot of reach, but it does not. Also swings at a weird angle where you can miss people easily. 4) Bounces of the walls in closed spaces. 5) Incredibly hard to put any pressure on anyone while using this. Only decent option is one-handed running R1 but its unreliable. 6) Slow to attack. Two-handed R1's are so slow you might as well forget them and if you do more than one, leaves you open to backstabs as well. So all and all, you have an amazing looking weapon from one of the best bosses in Souls series that deals no damage and forces you into a playstyle where your only option is to use it one handed and attempt to punish whiffs, (for whole 130 damage) or else you're going to get one shot by round shield and chaos skill dagger meta. Of course, given the damage you'd have to punish A LOT of whiffs to win, and any weapon you're gonna be against will likely take half your health with two swings. And for all people that say git gud, you're welcome to call me bad, but at the same time you can also explain why not a single person is using this thing. Not in invasions, not in arenas, only newbies who dont yet understand that cool weapons and builds are not allowed here, just dark lothric ss and herald's. You'll see people saying "I spank ganks with this" or "I win all the time with this" but there's 0 video evidence of that, so i'll call it bull**** until i see it. Just... save yourself a lot of frustration and use something else.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        I have a question about the weapon art
                                                                        When I use the Frost art ther is a small line im front of me with frost. But when I saw videos of this weapon the frost was always covering more of the floor. (These videos were uploaded 3 years ago)
                                                                        So was ther a change in the weapon art or do I need a certain stat?

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Every time I see a persone use this weapon I switch to an ultra or the Moonlight GS. Tank some hits and use your WPN art on them when they use theirs, the trade is worth it, you will do huge ammounts of damage on them and is so satisfying see them fly in the air or be blasted with magic in the face

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Finding something very interesting about this scythe that im not finding any info on anywhere... when two handing friedes scythe, the damage from the 2h light attack does just as much damage as the 2h uncharged heavy attack. Does this mean the 2h light attack has a stonger damage multiplier?

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              man i really want to make a cosplay of Friede with those scythes from the start of the game but i have to do the dlc for it and it require quite the lvl xD its going to be real hard to get it without advancing too much on the game

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                "Has a "sweet spot" like all scythes, but functions differently. If the player hits with the shaft of the weapon, there is no effect on their damage. However, if the player hits with the blade, they deal 15% more damage." why just with this scythe ? why not give this to the other three ?

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Scythe users are edgy as fukk...and also trashy as fuk. Still, owing garbage edgelords is quite enjoyable for me.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    For anyone consider using this in PVE, Get 40 endurance and all stamina gear you can get, 2-hand this thing and spam R1 to stunlock everything to dead

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      2 handed R1 have unusually high poise dmg, and combine with its range, this scythe can stunlock most of the regular enemies to dead. And it's very easy to stagger bosses

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        I find this weapon to be extremely good for PvE if you know how to use it. It's a weapon that's amazing for fast and devastating combos and I easily kill most enemies and bosses with it. Its Light WA is really good for chaining combos and outputting fast damage, and its Heavy WA does an insane amount of frost damage to anything unfortunate enough to get caught inside of it. Plus, I love its moveset.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          the weapon is***** as hell, deals pathetic damage, easy to parry, the special attacks are easy as ***** to dodge but annoying as***** if you get stuck in the attack. please buff its damage from soft i made a 40 40 40 40 build and its still***** 435 damage i have a normal scythe that deaths 675 *****ing damage!

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            apparently this murders stamina if you try to parry it, my friend couldnt parry me despite being amazing at it, it kept destroying his stam.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Very cool PvP weapon, but totally useless in PvE. I would not recommend trying to make a PvE build around this weapon. It you want frostbite in PvE use ISS. The downside to using this PvP is that unless you are very careful, you will get parried all day long by someone that knows what they're doing. Also with someone using HA with poise, your attack chain can be broken constantly. I have had success using this weapon in PvP but that mainly came when I whipped this out by surprise, like me suddenly asking a trashy girl to use a condom. I do concede that if used against the right opponent properly this can yield you good results, but over time and against experienced players you're going to have issues. Much better, lower requirement, lighter, and harder to counter dex weapons out there. So while fun to play with (and you should definitely check it out, don't get me wrong), I would strongly advise not upgrading until you have a good amount of spare materials and become better versed in PvP combat.

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                The weapon arts on this thing are amazing. I find myself using both r1 and r2 a lot - not for damage but for the sheer fun.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  Friede's Great Scythe 101 - One of the trickiest things about this weapon comes into play before you even start using it and that's what stats you should have. This can be frustrating to figure out. First thing you should know is that the magic damage is only relevant while you are using the Weapon Art. So your first priority should be the physical damage, that means leveling DEX. The second most important stat with this weapon is Endurance. I strongly suggest getting your DEX and END up to 40 before you start leveling INT, if at all. That's right, you don't need to level INT at all beyond the requirement to use this weapon effectively, which opens up F'sGS to lower levels. This is because a lot of the damage from the very useful WA R1 doesn't just come from the AR, it comes from proccing Frostbite. I personally have a SL 75 character with 40 END and DEX and I get more wins than I do using this weapon with a SL 125 with high INT (of course, there are more newer players at lower SLs, so that's a factor, too). Now that that's out of the way: F'sGS is equally good one-handed as it is two-handed. To use this weapon to its full potential, you should know when to switch between them, which comes with practice. Switch to one-handed when you need a bit more speed and wider swings. Which is great for fleeing, defensive, and/or reactive opponents. The AR of this weapon may seem a bit on the low side considering the magic damage only matters during the WA, however, if you hit your opponent with the blade of the weapon it gets a 15% damage boost. I recommend not trying too hard to find this sweet spot. As that's brain power that is better used elsewhere during a fight. Just try to use this weapon's range to your advantage and it will happen naturally. Don't neglect the R2s of this weapon. They can throw off your opponent, especially if they're going for a parry. Arguably this weapon's biggest draw is the WA R1. Which has impressive hyper armor (the ability to continue an attack even while being hit), is extremely deadly due to the added magic damage and the quickly proccing Frostbite, is fairly hard to punish, making it low risk, and it doesn't even use FP. As such you should use the WA R1 often, but don't over do it. Using it constantly makes you very predictable. While not many people do attempt to parry the WA R1, some people do and are very good at it, so use some caution. Don't start the WA R1 from too far away. You want to be close enough to be right on them when the swinging starts, but not too close for them to hit you beforehand. Like with most things in DS3 PVP; spacing is key. If someone is continuously rolling through your WA R1 flurry, but not rolling away from you, stop spamming R1 and roll out of there. They're either setting up a backstab or waiting for an opening to attack. Don't give it to them. You can delay the R1s briefly to throw off their rhythm. This can be tricky, however, as the window of time you can delay the R1s is very small before the combo just stops entirely. Lastly, never use up all your stamina while using the WA R1s. This can be a fatal mistake and your opponent may be waiting for you to make it. Always keep enough stamina for at least two rolls. It's also a great idea to purposefully get your stamina that low, without running out. As sometimes players will strike when they think you pressed R1 for the final time. So going nearly as long as possible is a smart strategy. Frostbite procs pretty constantly with this weapon, with or without the WA. Once you hear the Frostbite sound, become more aggressive. Even if they rolled through the Frostbite damage, your opponent's stamina recovery will be slowed dramatically. Take full advantage of their immobility while you can. They'll take more damage during Frostbite, too. Because of the hyper armor of the WA R1 and the value of creating large distance away from your opponent should you miss, going below 30% equipment load with this weapon is viable, but not necessary. Should you do so, equipping Carthus Milkring is a good idea, if you don't plan on using a spell or item that gives you an aura. The vast majority of players stay between 30 and 70% equipment load. So most people are used to knowing only that roll distance. Them not being able to see your longer roll distance with the Milkring can confuse them when they guess incorrectly where you'll end up after a roll. Plus, it gives you +3 DEX, giving you 3 SLs to spend elsewhere. Whether or not you do go below 30% EL, Chloranthy Ring +3 is also a fine ring to use with F'sGS or any weapon that drains your stamina. Ring of Favor +3 is a must, though, as it is with most melee builds, but especially with this weapon. The 12% extra stamina will allow you to spam the WA R1s even longer. The WA R2 does have its situational uses, but you can ignore it completely if you want. Remember that this weapon does chip damage through shields, which is great for applying pressure to shield huggers. F'sGS is extremely powerful, but requires a decent amount of skill to use. If you are new to DS3, maybe stick to a simpler weapon for now.

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