Ringfinger Leonhard

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General Info
icon hp souls Location Drops
1200 1000 Firelink Shrine Silver Mask
Soul of Rosaria
Crescent Moon Sword

Ringfinger Leonhard is a NPC in Dark Souls 3.


Leonhard Information


Leonhard's Questline


  1. Start: You will first meet Leonhard after reaching the second bonfire at the High Wall of Lothric. Return to Firelink Shrine to find Leonhard leaning against Holy King Lothric's throne. Speaking to him will grant you five Cracked Red Eye Orbs.
  2. After obtaining 1 Pale Tongue, and lighting the Cliff Underside bonfire or defeating the Curse-Rotted Greatwood in the Undead Settlement, Leonhard will be back in Firelink and give you the Lift Chamber Key to the locked door below the Tower on the Wall bonfire. (Note: Pale Tongue must still be in the inventory at this encounter, if you use it, he will not appear)
  3. At the Tower on the Wall bonfire head down two levels and open the locked gate. Take the lift down and defeat the Darkwraith to obtain the Red Eye Orb. Then return to Firelink Shrine and speak to Leonhard again. Doing so will grant the player the Applause Gesture.
  4. Once you reach the Cathedral of the Deep, find Rosaria´s Fingers in Rosaria's Chamber at the second floor of the Cathedral of the Deep and offer at least 1 Pale Tongue to Rosaria (Do NOT rank up in Rosaria's Fingers until the next event happens)
  5. Speak to Leonhard at Rosaria's Chamber (over by the entrance to the chamber) and exhaust his dialogue.
  6. After reaching the Profaned Capital bonfire, return to Rosaria's Chamber and pick up the Black Eye Orb in front of Rosaria's corpse.
  7. Go to Gwynevere's bed chamber, above the Aldrich, Devourer of Gods bonfire.  Here you will receive a prompt to use the Black Eye Orb to invade Leonhard.
  8. End: Kill him here to obtain his hat (Silver Mask), Soul of Rosaria (use to revive her or to purchase Bountiful Sunlight miracle from Ludleth at Firelink Shrine), and the Crescent Moon Sword.


  1. This quest can be easily and quickly completed at the end of the game if the player chooses to complete Sirris' questline first. If the initial stages of receiving his Cracked Red Eye Orbs and the Lift Chamber Key have not been completed, perform these by talking to Leonhard in Firelink Shrine. Once he tells you to join Rosaria's Fingers, go to Rosaria's Bed Chamber and offer Rosaria a Pale Tongue. Leonhard will then appear at the entrance and you must talk to him and exhaust his dialogue. Then use a Homeward Bone or Coiled Sword Fragment to return to the last bonfire rested at (Bringing you to same place). At this point, Rosaria will be dead and you can loot the Black Eye Orb from her corpse. Now travel to the "Aldrich, Devourer of Gods" bonfire and use the elevator to go up to Gwynevere's bed chamber. Here you can use the Black Eye Orb to invade Leonhard and kill him. By this process you will get the Silver Mask, Crescent Moon Sword and Rosaria's Soul immediately.
  2. Equipping the Rosaria's Fingers covenant item or turning in any number of Pale Tongues will halt you from progressing Sirris' questline, although you can finish his questline at any point after you do Sirris' questline. Simply asking to join and obtaining the Rosaria's Fingers will not halt the progress of Sirris' questline, nor will reallocating attributes or changing appearance.
  3. If you kill Leonhard before you have killed the Darkwraith locked in the Undead Settlement, the Red Eye Orb will be replaced with a Pale Tongue. It is recomended to wait until after you have defeated the Darkwraith before you attempt to kill him.
  4. You can still use every one of Rosaria's services without returning her Soul, so it is recommended not to return it.







First encounter dialogue

Mm, Unkindled, are we...
And fast on the trail of the Lords absconded?
Then these red eyes are for you."
(Gives Cracked Red Eye Orb x5)

"Use them to pillage embers, and briefly heighten your strength, for your duty.
What else are unkindled ashes good for?"


After obtaining Pale Tongue

Well, hasn't it been some time.
I'm Leonhard, the Ringfinger.
Remember me?  I slipped you those red eyes some time ago.
You're making quite an effort of it. So I thought you might like to know.
If you yearn for a proper red eye orb, one that is uncracked...
Then kill the Darkwraith, survivor of the land swallowed by darkness.
He has been a prisoner, for many ages. In the deepest cell in all Lothric..."

(Gives Lift Chamber Key)

"I can see it in your eyes.  If you didn't invade, didn't pillage, whatever would you do?"


After obtaining Red Eye Orb

Ah-hah, you've found a proper red eye...
Brilliant. I knew you were no ordinary man/woman."

(Gives Applause gesture)

"Now invade and pillage all you like.
And if you grow weary of your duty, you, too, may become a Finger.
Come on, give yourself to Rosaria, of the Cathedral of the Deep."


In Rosiaria's Bed Chamber after joining covenant

"Ahh, so you've chosen to serve Rosaria after all.
She will be pleased with me for finding her another Finger...
But be warned, my friend.
Rosaria's Fingers need only fetch tongues for their mistress.
Otherwise, we are free, unchained.
Like Yellowfinger, you can choose to believe that all Fingers share camoradarie.
But do not force your romance on the rest of us."

When attacked

"What's wrong with you?"

"Can you even hear me? If you can, cease this at once.
Before it's too late."

"I see, I see, as clear as day.
You are a vile, starved beast.
Much too dangerous for her!"


Killing player

"You beast. You've trifled with the wrong knight."


On Death

"Curses, I can't... die here...
My dear Goddess..."


When invaded in Anor Londo

"Well, well, never expected to see you here.
Felt sorry for the poor thing, in all her festering glory?
And now you want to ravage her soul, as well.
I sowed the seeds. I'll prune the mess.
I, Leonhard, swear so upon my vows to the goddess."

"No one will despoil her soul.
Certainly no beast wrapped in human skin!"

"What do you want with her soul?
Isn't flesh enough for a sick beast?!" 


Killing the player's invading phantom

"Enough with you, my friend.
A knight of the goddess does not die."


Invading after being defeated

"Well, well, back for more, are you?
Vicious one, aren't you? I knew it all along.
And now you want to ravage her soul, as well."

"You are no longer of use. You'll run free no more.
I, Leonhard, swear so upon my vows to the goddess."


Death during invasion

"Blessed Rosaria..."



  • In the same vein as the Patches line of characters, Leonhard's name is a reference to Leonhardt from Armored Core 4. Ironically, Leonhard is a scoundrel, whereas Leonhardt is virtuous and noble.
  • Very similar to Knight Lautrec of Carim from Dark Souls, with a shady personality, weapon set and even a quest with a Black Eye Orb.
  • Voiced by Edward Bennett.
  • Fact: Changes weapon during quest line. Doesn't have Crescent Moon Sword in Firelink Shrine.
  • Leonhard's attire appears to resemble The Hunters of Bloodborne.
  • Warning! If you offer a Pale Tongue to Rosaria, triggering the start of Leonhard's line; It can lockout Sirris content. Depending on what point you're at in the Sirris quest; You can miss the Silvercat Ring, a free Blessed Mail Breaker, Sunless Talisman and some of Sunset gear. Dragonslayer Axe and Mirrah Chain set as well, via trigger that stems from helping her. It's best to complete helping Sirris before triggering Leonhard's content.



Alva, Seeker of the Spurned  ♦  Anri of Astora  ♦  Archdeacon McDonnell  ♦  Black Hand Gotthard  ♦  Black Hand Kamui  ♦  Blacksmith Andre  ♦  Company Captain Yorshka  ♦  Cornyx of the Great Swamp  ♦  Corvian Settler  ♦  Creighton the Wanderer  ♦  Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild  ♦  Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild  ♦  Emma  ♦  Eygon of Carim  ♦  Filianore  ♦  Fire Keeper  ♦  Giant of the Undead Settlement  ♦  Great Swamp Cuculus  ♦  Greirat of the Undead Settlement  ♦  Hawkwood  ♦  Holy Knight Hodrick  ♦  Horace the Hushed  ♦  Irina of Carim  ♦  Jailer  ♦  Judicator Argo  ♦  Karla  ♦  Knight Slayer Tsorig  ♦  Lapp  ♦  Lion Knight Albert  ♦  Livid Pyromancer Dunnel  ♦  Locust Preacher  ♦  Londor Pale Shade  ♦  Longfinger Kirk  ♦  Lords of Cinder  ♦  Ludleth of Courland  ♦  Moaning Knight  ♦  Old Wolf of Farron  ♦  Orbeck of Vinheim  ♦  Painting Woman  ♦  Pickle Pee, Pump-a-Rum Crow  ♦  Pilgrim from Londor  ♦  Ringed City Hollow  ♦  Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth  ♦  Seeker of the Spurned  ♦  Shira  ♦  Shrine Handmaid  ♦  Silver Knight Ledo  ♦  Sir Vilhelm  ♦  Sirris of the Sunless Realms  ♦  Slave Knight Gael  ♦  Snuggly  ♦  Stone-humped Hag  ♦  Sword Master  ♦  The Painter  ♦  Unbreakable Patches  ♦  Velka the Goddess of Sin  ♦  Yellowfinger Heysel  ♦  Yoel of Londor  ♦  Yuria of Londor

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    • Anonymous

      As far as I understand, (lore-wise) using Rosaria to rebirth yourself damages her soul. Leonhard was badly burned and deformed, and set out to rebirth his appearance, but became attached to Rosaria and refused to do it, becoming her knight and obtaining the Crescent Moon Sword. He stole her soul to prevent others from defiling it. Considering how rebirthing too many times leads to turning into one of those Grubs (like Heysel), probably better off. It's possible that his gifted weapon of choice is related to the moon because (like the Darkmoon Knight's) he secretly respects the gods and wishes to protect them from further defilement.

      • Anonymous

        Accidentally fell on top of him in firelink after talking to patches and had to kill him since he got aggressive, lol.

        • Anonymous

          Go hunt something Leonhard, you Bloodborne guys have a thing on leaning against walls, just like Marvelous Chester.

          • Anonymous

            So I just accidentally fell on his head in Firelink Shrine and had to kill him out of self defense.

            Guess I'm not doing that quest line ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

            • Are you totally locked out of the quest if you give Rosaria the tongue I think I missed him in fire link he's not there. (It's my first playthrough)

              • Anonymous

                Accidentally fell on him in firelink shrine. Thanks to the wacky hit boxes and probably the ledge of the statue he's standing against, I hit him about 3-4 times in a second and he immediately became hostile.

                Thankfully, we can request absolution!
                "will you request absolution for 66000 souls?"

                Fck yu frmsft

                • Anonymous

                  Leonard you B&%$! I wanted bountiful sunlight from your questline and now I failed sirris's quesstline and can't get the silvercat ring. I should've been more careful.

                  • Anonymous

                    If you search in Google "Bloodborne Guy in Dark Souls 3" this page will be the first to show up as the result. I'm not joking.

                    • Anonymous

                      I don't get it, did everything like it was written, talk to him, kill the old pussie tree, talk, darkwraith, talk, join Rosaria, talk in Rosaria's bedchamber. this was done before Abyss Watchers, yet she's still alive. Progress until Aldrich, still alive, kill Aldrich, still alive. What the hell am I supposed to do?

                      • Anonymous

                        A couple of issues with this page, killing Leonhard still gives you the red eye orb upon the dark wraith's death. The dark wraith is also not located in the undead settlement, they are below the Tower on the Wall bonfire.

                        • Anonymous

                          You can do his questline even if you level ranks in Rosaria's covenant, I leveled up to rank 2 and then talked to him to get the Red Eye Orb and everything else happened normally.

                          • Anonymous

                            Didn't even know most of his questline exists. He enables invasions, so I hate the bastard's guts so much I usually kill him pretty early on.

                            • Anonymous

                              So I leveled up not thinking about it then I returned and offered a pale tongue. He was in the room with her. i exhausted his dialog and left to the shine came back and I still got the black eye orb still.

                              • Anonymous

                                Man, I wished I knew about this questline and Rosaria in my first playthrough. Realocating my stats would've been pretty useful.
                                I wanted to complete Sirris questline to get the cool sets (Creighton particularly) so I just ignored him and Rosaria till the end.

                                • Anonymous

                                  he's secretly a darkwraith that would explain why he has the red eyes like the other wraiths damn it darkwraiths get your spooky asses out of here back to new londo

                                  • Anonymous

                                    Got the pale tongue from settlement, doesn't show up. I also made Sirris get out of firelink for good measure, still nothin

                                    • Anonymous

                                      After many many many playthrough's I think I've finally made sense of this character... and I'm not telling anyone. :D

                                      • Anonymous

                                        So what’s Leonhard’s deal? I understand he seems to just enjoy chaos, or something of the like, but why the Crescent Moon Sword, something so obviously Darkmoon-y. Did he just jack it from somewhere in Anor Londo, or was he actually some Darkmoon warrior in disguise? Or is my point even remotely valid?

                                        • Anonymous

                                          If you dont se him in rosaria room is because he holds obscuring ring, come close to him and he will appear, i was seeking him reloading the room many many many times, also he holds the obscuring ring too when sirris is on firelink because they are enemies i gess

                                          • Anonymous

                                            i fell on this guy by accident and he got offended and now i have to pay 50k souls for absolution bruh x')

                                            • Anonymous

                                              I totally failed Sirris questline because I didn't read about how offering Rosaria a Pale Tongue would simultaneously cancel Sirris' quest permanently (until the next playthrough). I wish I would have read the whole thing first.. Sirris has way better stuff. :-(

                                              • Anonymous

                                                I did the questline perfectly up until I exhausted his dialogue. I went to reload the area and Rosaria's fingers wasn't dead and Leonard has disappeared. I tried killing her and the black eye orb still hasn't shown up. I have even gone to visit the spot near aldrich's bonfire and nothing happens... Not sure what to do or where Leonard is. Can anyone help?

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  It says "Do NOT rank up in Rosaria's Fingers until the next event happens". Does it matter if I ranked up before my current NG+?

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    Question. So Im playing on new game + and I already have a red eye from the dark wraith. He isn't telling me to go to Rosaria. What do I do?

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      I fall on him and something went wrong and made it as if I attacked him three time. Anyway he pissed me off and I killed him in one try. Whatever I finished his tasks in different game so meeh I don't mind

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Another little interesting fact to take note of: The inside of his scarf is red. This may likely be a reference to the old hunters of bloodborne, which also harbored a red color to the insides of their garbs, such as Lady Maria and Gehrman's outfits.

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Didn't even realise this was a question until I went looking for the missing miracle I didn't have for the achievement

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            For a second I forgot that relocating stats does not count as giving a tongue, even though it consumed all my 5 or so tongues.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              I think in the beggining this boi simply wants Rosarias sweet puss but gets cucked by some fookin snail, so he kills her takes her soul so no one would ever be as disappointed in her as he was. When u invade him in Anl rondo he says:"No one will despoil her soul. Certainly no beast wrapped in human skin!" "What do you want with her soul? Isn't flesh enough for a sick beast?!" - So ye he mad because not only snail cucked him but also Ashen one gave Rosaria tongue.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                I think Rosaria is a reborn Gwynevere is his mother, Leonhard being the firstborn that ripped out her tongue. (Firstborn as Rosaria, obviously not of Gwynevere) Although the reasons are a mystery, I’d like to think he’s like Friede in the sense that he failed to link the fire. Rosaria still tells champions to link the fire and become a Lord. So when Leonhard finds Rosaria again, she’s given birth to Lothric and Lorian (there’s theory that she is their mother as well) and she is still pursuing making a Lord (through Oceiros’s means, I guess). Leonhard cuts out her tongue because he doesn’t want anyone else to be tricked by her. Time passes, he seeks out the Mother of Rebirth only to find it’s Rosaria. Having come to terms with everything, he serves her out of guilt. She stays tongueless despite being able to restore it through rebirth, and Leonhard doesn’t undergo rebirth to erase his burns. Being a servant to Rosaria is basically his redemption arc. He doesn’t know where man-grubs come from, however, since he was never at risk of becoming one since he never underwent rebirth. Seeing the man-grub, Heysel, he kills Rosaria to avoid detection, only to carry her soul and go into hiding, and maybe restoring her somehow in her bed chamber later on. Since the Blades of the Darkmoon are the only “protector covenant”, he becomes one to only protect his mother. This was his “vow to the goddess”. I read this theory on reddit somewhere, and I thought it made more sense than any other theory I’ve read. It doesn’t explain how he got “scalded in his youth”, as quoted in his mask description, but I’d like to think of it as “in his youth as an Undead”, or the start of his Undead journey. Now is the scalding true? Or was it just a cover up so that we didn’t figure out the truth? Who knows? Either way, I like this take on him more than anything else.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  A little too blatant with the Bloodborne references. There's nothing backing his character to refer to you as a beast. Also, why the hell does he kill her?

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    I am stuck : despite having 5 pales tongues in inventory, Leonhart did not give me the key. Is there a hidden event ?

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      If you progress his quest as normal but never speak to Leonhard in rosaria's bed chamber, you can rank up as much as you want without consequences. I finished the game, then came back to the chamber and spoke to him. Then i teleported away and when i came back i could pick up the black eye orb. I could also invade him like normal.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        He cherishes her soul and kind of still loves her. Bringing her soul to gwynevere's chamber with, maybe, good intentions? Finding her a better home? Making anor londo great again? But crescent moon sword makes it all complicated.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Apparently if you kill Rosaria while he is in the bedchamber, he does and says nothing. The quest continues, and the Orb is where it needs to be as well as works in Anor Londo

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Does anyone one how to get this quest after beating the game ghe first time and having already the red eye ball? Because Leonard shows up only the first time then disappear so I can't get the miracle.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              This is "Quest" is probably put together via left over assets. Gywnevere got married and left prior to her image in DkS1. No reincarnation excuses needed. Second; Leon kills Rosaria to save her, take her soul to sworn enemies homeland wielding a weapon aligned with them in name, damage, shape and skill but it came from Rosaria prior? None of that makes sense even if you gave killing her a pass. Lores a mess on this one. Similar to Velka whos all over DkS but never made it into the first game like she was suppose too

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                So Fextra life censors comments that might conflict with Notes or at least points out Lore flaws? I'm seeing tons of "Daddy/Thirsty" comments, guess those are fine. Guess I shouldn't be shocked about these standards

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Can I offer a pale tongue to Rosaria, for Leonhards questline, without messing up my ranking for Sunlight bros?

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    Not sure if this is a glitch or maybe this page is wrong, but I killed Leonhard as soon as he showed up, to get his mask for a build, and I got the key. Went and used the key on the door, killed the Darkwraith before I had even killed Vordt or freed Greirat, and still got the Red Eye Orb.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      I think Rosaria could be the daughter of Gwynevere and Seath based on the description on the bountiful sunlight.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Bloodborne:"A hunter needs only bunt beast" Leonhard: "But be warned, my friend. Rosaria's Fingers need only fetch tongues for their mistress." Then all the best comments is a huge reference to bloodborne. He became a blood addled hunter in the end.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Welp thanks to this quest line I just discovered that I'm the biggest idiot who just effd up everything in this playthough xD. So you know Ludleth right. Well see I never gave him the transposing kiln after the CRGW fight... and his ashes are already up there with the rest of the 4 Lord of cinders (already in end game mode). No transposing kiln, no ludleth services, even after he dies. Now I'm *****ed in terms of getting this spell or anything else he has until next playthrough :/ I skipped past the CRGW fight early in cause I was rushing to get to the road of sacrifices and only JUST NOW realized the damn thing was still there :/ in conclusion I just played myself lmao, and if you are reading this, do NOT do what I just did.xD

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            Wait a second. Does that mean when we kill him in Anor Londo he is in the Darkmoon Blade covenant in that moment and no longer a "finger"? Is that correct?

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              lol I just got the silver serpent ring and i dropped down and somehow landed on leonhard thrice, GG questline, GG

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                i was hopping off the top layer of firelink to get on the chair - accidentally landed on his head and had to kill him. feelsbadman

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