Archdeacon's Great Staff

89 physical_defense-shield-icon.jpg 25
0 lightning_defense-shield-icon.jpg 10
100 icon-wp_stability.png 15
icon_weight.png 2.5
Requirements & Bonus
D - - A
8 0 12 12
weapon_type-icon.jpg Staves damage_type-icon.jpg Strike
skill-icon.jpg Steady Chant icon_fp_cost.png 7

Archdeacon's Great Staff is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3.

Large staff bestowed upon Archdeacons of the Cathedral of the Deep.


The Archdeacon McDonnell's trespass, the sin of channeling faith for sorcery, transformed what was once merely a symbol of ecclesiastic authority into a catalyst of sorceries.


Skill: Steady Chant

Boost the strength of sorceries for a very short period. Works while equipped in either hand.

Notes and Tips:

  • Can NOT be Infused or Buffed.
  • Reinforced using Twinkling Titanite.
  • Causes sorceries cast to scale entirely with Faith, allowing miracle focused builds to use normal sorceries effectively.
  • You will still need to meet the Intelligence requirement of any sorceries in order to cast them.
  • Dark sorceries do not gain dual Intelligence and Faith scaling when cast with this catalyst.
  • Has a spellbuff of 241 at 60 Faith.
  • Wielded by Archdeacon Royce.
  • Despite having slightly higher spell buff than the Court Sorcerer's Staff at 60 Faith vs 60 Intelligence, this staff actually does about 5% less damage than it with all spells. However, its higher scaling does let it become more powerful than the Court Sorcerer's Staff past 90 Faith vs 90 Intelligence.


Location/Where to Find

  • Rank 2 reward from Aldrich Faithful Covenant. (You MUST offer 30 Human Dregs to reach rank 2)

Moveset and Videos:

(If your name is not on THIS list, please do not post videos here. If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread)

  • ??
  • ??



Archdeacon's Great Staff Upgrade Table

Requires ?? souls and ?? ore to + ?? (upgrade information here)

  Attack ValuesBonus Parameter Bonus Auxiliary Effects Damage Reduction (%)
Strength Bonus
Dexterity Bonus
Intelligence Bonus
Faith Bonus
Regular 89 - - - - D - - A - - - 25 25 10 10 15
Regular +1 99 - - - - D - - A - - - 25 25 10 10 15
Regular +2 106 - - - - D - - A - - - 25 25 10 10 15
Regular +3 124 - - - - D - - A - - - 25 25 10 10 15
Regular +4 140 - - - - D - - S - - - 25 25 10 10 15
Regular +5 156 - - - - D - - S - - - 25 25 10 10 15


Table Key


Requirement Parameter Bonus Attack Values Damage Reduction % Auxiliary Effects Others
icon-strength_22.png Strength
icon-strength_22.png Strength
icon-wp_physicalAttack.png Physical  Physical icon-wp_bleed.png Bleeding  Durability
icon-dexterity_22.png Dexterity
icon-dexterity_22.png Dexterity
icon-magicbonus.png Magic  Magic icon-wp_poisonbld.png Poison


icon-intelligence_22.png Intelligence
icon-intelligence_22.png Intelligence
icon-firebonus.png Fire  Fire Frost Frost  
icon-faith_22.png Faith
icon-faith_22.png Faith
icon-lightningbonus.png Lightning  Lightning  Curse  
    icon-darkbonus.png Dark  Dark    
    Critical Critical
    Spell Buff Spell Buff

Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Scaling quality is from highest to lowest as follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The higher the player's [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the higher the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (found on the player status screen). The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". 
Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.
Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. 
Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hit
Attack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St)



Court Sorcerer's Staff  â™¦  Heretic's Staff  â™¦  Izalith Staff  â™¦  Man-Grub's Staff  â™¦  Mendicant's Staff  â™¦  Murky Longstaff  â™¦  Preacher's Right Arm  â™¦  Sage's Crystal Staff  â™¦  Sorcerer's Staff  â™¦  Storyteller's Staff  â™¦  Witchtree Branch

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    • Anonymous

      everybody talking about stats, but I’m just searching for where the heck this thing is located or how to get it…

      • Anonymous

        "Despite having slightly higher spell buff than the Court Sorcerer's Staff at 60 Faith vs 60 Intelligence, this staff actually does about 5% less damage than it with all spells"... how? I'm really confused by this. According to a previous comment, this apparently does more damage than other staves with the same spellbuff, so does that mean each staff has it's own damage multiplier, which is hidden and calculated separately from the spellbuff? That doesn't even make any sense, but I don't know what else it could be

        • Anonymous

          I don't like the way it looks. It's big and ugly, but do more damage than Court Sorcerer's Staff at high level.

          • This seems to actually be doing more damage than its spellbuff suggests, at least at lower levels. Comparing a +2 Archdeacon's Great Staff to +6 Heretics and Storyteller's staves, the Archdeacon consistently did more damage compared to them at 25 int and 25 faith with all spells I tested (every soul arrow, deep soul, and farron flashsword). It wasn't a small difference either. Despite the Archdeacon staff and Storyteller's staff both having 121 spellbuff and the Heretic's Staff have 129 under these conditions, the Archdeacon's Great Staff did anywhere from 20% to 50% more damage (depending on the spell, smaller damage spells are more affected because of how defense works) against enemies near the Distant Manor Bonfire (Slaves, a poniff knight and a fire witch). I don't have Court Sorcerer's Staff yet, so I can't test that.

            • Anonymous

              The length of this thing pairs extremely well with farron flashsword and the damage is great on a 23Int/60Fth build, lightning infuse all weapons and carry a canvas talisman to cast lightning arrow and some other miracles

              • Anonymous

                best looking staff, so sad how we didn't get hexes in this game since this could have been the perfect staff for it (if you compare ds2 hexes to the marginal dark "arsenal" that is in this game you have either never played ds2 or are an irrational human)

                • Anonymous

                  This should have been the dark counterpart to the crystal chime. Casts both miracles, and sorcery, but gives the dark buff that Izalith Staff, Caitha's Chime, and Sunless Talisman do. Would have fit the deacons theme really well.

                  • Anonymous

                    This is technically the most powerful staff in the game. As it surpasses the Court Sorcerer Staff eventually due to it's superior scaling. But it occurs so late that you'll probably be done with your playthrough. Probably best for ng+.

                    • Anonymous

                      At 99 FTH with this thing you can cast more damaging CSS than you can with 99 INT and a Court Sorc Staff. It does use more stamina though, and you still need enough INT to use the spells, so this is only for high level (PvE) minmaxing casters.

                      Of course you can also switch catalysts and castmiracles at max power if you want to, and dark sorceries/pyromancies are also at or over their softcaps. Very versatile high level caster build. It also looks better than a wooden stick.

                      • Anonymous

                        Abovel 90 int and faith, this is acutally the most powerful staff in the entire game. Funny how people call it bad while everyone seems to agree Elden Ring's best staff is Prince of Death's, which is basically the local Archdeacon staff.

                        • Anonymous

                          This staff is worth the farm. i have a character at 70 fai 25 int and its the funniest **** ever. hit between 6 to 800 with a full old moonlight charge and if people really get too close you slam a sunlight spear in their face and they usually die.

                          • I truly do not wish to farm 20 more dregs for this when i gotta do the other covenants. If someone if willing to drop it for me ill give in exchange 99 great soul of champions, 99 soul of champion, 99 soul of venerable old hand and 99 large soul of a crestfallen knight totaling 11,385,000 souls; psn: pereiraswi

                            • Anonymous

                              "if it removed int req on spells it would be op" n it wouldn't. It would be slightly less effective than the pure int builds, but if none would beat pyro's vestiges/chaos fireballs when it comes to "op" stuff. I'd say it's only fair considering they havevto give in 30 human dregs, wich means 30 successful invasions in fkin gank city.

                              • Anonymous

                                Is the Archdeacon's Great Staff better than the Court Sorcerers Staff? yes reply with Yes or No. thank you

                                • Anonymous

                                  I guess it's unique enough.
                                  But not really worth 30 dregs, could have been something much cooler or better. The gwyndolin staff of DS3.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    If deep soul was the curse sorcery deacons have = too op
                                    But how it is too bad at least you could only have needed archdeacons great straff for it

                                    • Anonymous

                                      If you're playing in NG+ with a mage build and level your character's int and faith past 90 this does in fact become the best stave.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Let player use sorcery when having a faith build.... BUT must meet the sorcery spells INT requirement to use them. LMAO

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I built a neat build with this. It feels so clean, though I haven't been able to get all the necessary equipment yet. What do you think? (Soulsplanner): /98189

                                          • Anonymous

                                            With heavy FTH investment, sorcery rings and Crown of Dusk it allows an extremely powerful charged Old Moonlight with the glitch poise of Sunlight Talisman using Lightning Stake! 23 INT is quite costly though.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              if invading at meta and you see someone in full havel's wielding Ledo's and this, just black crystal out, they unscaled

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Pure Faith scaling staves are pretty useless for faith builds, but a Pure INT scaling talisman/chime would be awesome! a little faith investment for a sorcerer, a little ole healing miracle, and with all that scaling would result in replenish a load of health for little FP! (atleast that's how i think healing miracles work with scaling)

                                                • I feel like this is a tool best used with 60 faith. So that means you have only a few levels to play around with for int, so get that great deep soul, the great heavy soul arrow, maybe even HSM, as an option, and you are hitting hard, and have all your miracles to work with. I just don't like the idea of two catysysts/chimes equipped, it gets bothersome flipping through the miracles, and then having the right tool out, steady chant, scholars candlestick.... You see my point.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    This staff was designed to allow faith build to spam a dark spell efficiently, deep soul, transposable from the soul of the deacons boss. They both need 12 int of requirement. Not a coincidence. Only 5FP. It can be a good alternative to the few dark miracles you have, to beat dark-sensitive bosses.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      scaleing seemes really odd with this staff according to soulsplanner it seems to actually cap at 45 faith after that it takes a nosedive getting little to no benefit pass that point despite the sharp increase in spellbuff. for example great heavy soul arrow with no rings souls planner shows 526ar at 45 faith vs 552ar at 60 faith a mere 26 points of damage for a 15 level investment. damage wise one would need 54 Intelligence in order for court sorcerer staff to even begin to out damage archdeacon staff.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Kinda worthless since you still need to meet the int requirements for spells. If it switched requirements to faith as well this would be pretty cool

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          Not 100% certain of the purpose of this weapon, but it's certainly an interesting concept. I feel like if you wanna mix Sorceries and Miracles, though, you might as well just go with Crystal Chime.

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Cancelled my psplus a while ago. Farming 30 human dregs in offline mode. yeeee. Not gonna happen. Keep your staff that scales with 10dmg more after 90faith. Still not viable. It is Faith still.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              This staff in right hand, lothric war banner in left, and archdeacon set lake a badass battle pope fashion souls.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                People say this is shi-t because it does 5 fuc-king percent less damage funny thing is this allows you to put like 20 points in intelligence if you’re deprived putting you at 30 int and the rest into faith and other stuff. Meaning you can cast all the sorceries you want and miracles as well without having to split your stats. Though that is a full 20 levels it’s better than say 40-50 levels and it’s great for fashion souls.

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Using this with faron flashsword gives it a ridiculous range, and i combine it with the cleric candle stick being in the right hand, paired with archdeacon outfit for kinda cool spellsword build/fashion souls, 50 int/fth it does considerable damage for the range it gets, i get alot of cheep shots with it especially roll catching, usually they see the cleric candlestick and assume its not to much damage which it isnt, and it definitely baits people in to be very aggressive but i then play super agro with this staff in the left hand, the one flaw is its range, if someone is to close and gets hit it does like 2 damage, but when they are too close i switch to the cleric candlestick with flashsword as well, the warmth pyromancy paired with it isnt to bad either since it does considerable healing and baits people for easy cheap shots.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    I think this item is an interesting one. It reminds me of my DS2 hexer build. I did the 30 int/30 faith to get the best scaling for dark, but then chose to invest the rest of my extra points in int to get max Affinity orbs and use some higher level sorceries like Soul Geyser effectively to deal with enemies and bosses highly resistant to dark. I can see someone doing the opposite here with faith, but still having access to these high level sorceries in the process. If you think about it that way, it sounds like a pretty useful item to me. With that stat spread (heavy faith supplemented with int), you would be a glass cannon that could use miracles, regular and dark sorceries, and pyromancies effectively.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Nothing wrong with a relatively useless or extremely niche weapon here and there, but as the final reward for ranking up in a covenant, it's quite dismal. Sunbros and Bluebros covenants grant powerful miracles as a final reward, and given Aldrich and his posse's inclination toward the Deep and sorceries, it would've been more fitting if the covenant granted a powerful sorcery for the highest rank.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        why tf does this get a 5% flat debuff? its already punished by the incredibly heavy stat investments, and u dont even get to have the pay off unless u way beyond the hardcap, cmon From

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          "Despite having slightly higher spell buff than the Court Sorcerer's Staff at 60 Faith vs 60 Intelligence, this staff actually does about 5% less damage than it with all spells." And can anyone tell me why? If it has higher spell buff it should deal more damage, if not then there's a hidden stat not listed on this wiki.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Is it true that this scales with faith why does it boost sorceries then ? quite a waste of time i should say!

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              lmao what a *****ing wasted idea, if it scales off faith, for sorceries, but you still need the int for the sorceries, why would you nt just use a normal catalyst instead of wasting 50 stat points

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                No advantage over other catalysts for low int utility sorceries; it does not change int requirements, utility spells gain nothing from scaling.

                                                                                High damage, high intelligence spells are sub par; investing in intelligence will limit/slow your faith levelling progression, hindering the staffs faith scaling and making it a straight downgrade to the crystal chime

                                                                                Logically, the only use this staff would be good for is low-mid tier offensive sorceries:
                                                                                Great Soul Arrow (15 int)
                                                                                Great Heavy Soul Arrow (18 int)
                                                                                Great Farron Dart (23 int)
                                                                                Soul Greatsword (22 int)
                                                                                Farron Flashsword (23 int)
                                                                                Great Magic Weapon (15 int)
                                                                                + utility sorceries

                                                                                With highest requirement at 23 intelligence, one could achieve this at 18 int + Scholar's Ring to save 5 levels, at the cost of a ring slot.
                                                                                For PVE: Great Soul Arrow/Great Heavy Soul Arrow & Great Magic Weapons are answers for lightning resistant enemies, for ranged & melee combat respectively. Utility spells also have their uses.
                                                                                For PvP: Farron Flashsword, Soul Greatsword & Great Farron Dart are probably the most useful spells.

                                                                                I would rate this staff's usefulness a solid gimmick/10

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Traded this item. Then after two new games I went back to get it again, but could not even with 30 human dregs.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    well, this was very usefull to me since i was going for a faith build but i also wanted to do sorceries, and thanks to this, i can be good with faith and sorceries at the same time, without having to waste souls on intelligence

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      It has a higher spel buff at max faith, then CSS at max intelligence, so if u have like 60 faith and 60 intelligenge. This is the best staff to use in the game

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        with 99 faith and int archdecon is a little bit stronger than court though (8% stronger to be exactly with all socery improving gear)

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Basically this staff is great unless you want to use damaging spells like soul spear, soul greatsword, great heavy soul arrow, etc. That is where the crystal chime comes in with higher damage, less weight, and the ability to use miracles as a bonus

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            A potential i see for this catalyst is using it as an off-hand weapon for golden ritual spear build. . A typical such build utilizes 23 int for soul greatsword and farron flashsword. While standing attacks of farron flash sword does not change the starting attack direction, all attacks of soul greatsword and running atatcks / rolling attacks of farron flashsword changes direction with the help of this. Same setup can be achieved with two golden ritual spears obviously, however archdeacon greatstaff will give increased reach to farron flashsword swings, adding a different layer annoyance for your opponents. I am not sure how effective it would be to swap scholars candlestick for this kind of setup as i haven't tested it, but i am assuming it wont matter much since you wont be killing anyone in one shot with this kind of setup anyways. This kind of build obviously requires a lot of skill though as scott demonstrated in his youtube channel (and i am not trying to say that i have that kind of skill by the way :D).

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              with 99 faith and int archdecon is a little bit stronger than court though (8% stronger to be exactly with all socery improving gear)

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                with 99 faith and int archdecon is a little bit stronger than court though (8% stronger to be exactly with all socery improving gear)

                                                                                                • The greatest thing about this staff is if you wanna do a mix caster but skip out on the dark spells. solid choice for those who wanna bring a few healing spells while also doing a bit of damage from range. The 5% less damage is hardly noticeable until you see it and then you can't UNSEE it but the fact you can also bust out some solid healing miracles too makes it all worth it. Amazing hybrid weapon.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    A little odd, if you have 45 INT and 45 FTH, this staff, along with the Crystal Chime, is the best to use if you want to use both dark and normal sorceries.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      -> Makes a pure caster build with 23 int and 60 faith to try this thing
                                                                                                      -> Goes to pvp
                                                                                                      -> Dies a hundred times against carthus users
                                                                                                      -> Regrets everything
                                                                                                      -> Tries the Golden Ritual Spear instead
                                                                                                      -> Dies a thousand times against washing pole users
                                                                                                      ->Regrets everything
                                                                                                      -> Realizes the build actually isn't that bad and he just lacks mad pvp sk1llz
                                                                                                      -> Tries to git gud
                                                                                                      -> Dies a million times against gargoyle flame spear users
                                                                                                      -> Regrets Everything

                                                                                                      • Alright, so check this out. I did a damage comparison with this staff at 60fth vs Court Sorcerer's Staff at 60int, and it turns out that despite having 3 extra spell buff AGS is in fact WEAKER than CSS by about 5% in all areas (and 8% for Great Farron Dart and Affinity). I'm updating the page with this information, please don't remove it unless you get conflicting information in another test.

                                                                                                        "Damage test with Court Sorcerer's Staff 60int (238 spell buff) vs Archdeacon Great Staff 60fth (241 spell buff). Same character, same NG cycle (+14 or so). Young Dragon Ring, Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring, Magic Clutch Ring, Dark Clutch Ring, Crown of Dusk, and Scholar's Candlestick (right hand). Steady Chant applied before each cast.

                                                                                                        CSS (238 spell buff, 60int)
                                                                                                        Great Soul Arrow: 570
                                                                                                        Great Heavy Soul Arrow: 1032
                                                                                                        Great Farron Dart: 161
                                                                                                        Crystal Soul Spear: 1336
                                                                                                        White Dragon Breath: 1146
                                                                                                        Great Deep Soul: 418
                                                                                                        Affinity: 715
                                                                                                        Dark Edge: 743

                                                                                                        AGS (241 spell buff, 60fth)
                                                                                                        Great Soul Arrow: 540 (5% weaker)
                                                                                                        Great Heavy Soul Arrow: 980 (5% weaker)
                                                                                                        Great Farron Dart: 149 (8% weaker)
                                                                                                        Crystal Soul Spear: 1276 (4-5% weaker)
                                                                                                        White Dragon Breath: 1090 (5% weaker)
                                                                                                        Great Deep Soul: 395 (5% weaker)
                                                                                                        Affinity: 660 (8% weaker)
                                                                                                        Dark Edge: 704 (5% weaker)"

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          I have this staff and was never part of the aldritch faithful covenant, though I don't remember how or where I found it.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            The Crystal chime +5 with 30 faith and 30 intellect has 197 cast bonus... and it can cast both Miracles and Sorceries...

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              Gobrins did a build video for this staff called "I am a heretic" if you wanna see this staff being used properly check it out

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                The staff shines when using both Dark Magic and regular sorceries in tandem. As the Izalith Staff will underperform regular sorceries at 45 INT 45 FTH, but this staff won't, making it a good inbetweener.

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  If you want a Magic-Miracle build you can safe at least 5 lvls and if you dont need the beam, like me, you safe 14 lvlsThe staff is nearly as good as logan's catalyst. Nice thing.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    Why are all the things in the upgrade table showing up as question marks? Shouldn't a ton of people have this thing by now to give numbers to those unknowns? Because i swear im invaded every 3 seconds past the pontif sulivahn bonfire (spelled wrong ik)

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      Does anyone else feel like this staff should have been the one that works well with Dark Sorceries? There's already questions why the Izalith Staff works for dark magic, perhaps it would be best to change it so this one gets that bonus and the Izalith Staff becomes Sorceries and Pyromancies? It would fit in well with the lore, allow both staffs to have uses, and would fit with how you get them (Archdeacon through the same covenant that grants a dark spell, Izalith in the same area that gives the pyro talisman). Just my two thoughts

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        It says that it does poorly with dark magic but I have 20 isn't and 43 faith and my great deep soul does about 300-450 dmg on pvp. I don't know if it's supposed to be higher or not but I think it's pretty good

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          Does anyone on ps4 have one of these they dont mind parting with, im doing a full playthrough and feel like messing around and want the staff, thank you ^_^

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            I'm at 50/50 to Int and Fth. This Staves Spell Buff capped out at 214. I used Crystal Homing Mass and Crystal Soul Speer on a Silver Knight in Anor Londo with both Sorceries Rings, Golden Cov Serp Ring and the Magic Clutch Ring. The Total Damage was 2148.

                                                                                                                            • With this staff at base int to wield, you could cast:Soul ArrowFarron DartMagic WeaponMagic ShieldHidden WeaponChameleonDeep SoulDeep Soul is a dark spell and would do poor damage, Chameleon could just as well be done with white branch, Hidden weapon is kind of useless (If I get invaded I expect to die, no weapon in hand just means he's got some trick and makes me twice as wary), Magic Shield could be useful, Magic Weapon might just be the thing for enemies that have high lighting resist, Farron Dart is actually quite nice, Soul Arrow... well Soul Arrow is nothing special.I guess this staff is for almost pure faith casters that have trouble with lightning resist enemies. Farron Dart is quite efficient, low cost, low damage, but useful to harrass people in pvp. Soul Arrow is the standard attack spell for starting sorcerers. From the top of my head the only lightning resisting boss that comes to mind would be Nameless King...This staff would be very interesting, if you wouldn't need to swap your miracle rings to sorcery rings to have decent damage... The way it is right now it's just a way to get around resistances in PvE.

                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                Use this to cast normal sorceries at 40/40-45/45. Izalith Catalyst under performs on soul sorceries, while this one won't.

                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                  This way you can be a pure faith build, and still cast sorceries. It's an incredible ability to have as a caster.

                                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                    It's humorous seeing how few people understand the worth of these reverse stat casting tools, they probably spend most of their time mashing R1 or gank pvping to understand what these weapons open up for builds, especially pvp.You know, the type of people who call you a cheater when you kill them lol.Meanwhile the rest of us with IQ's over 50 continue refining our play styles using gear like this to open up unpredictable builds that "other" players obviously struggle to keep up with, or even understand.Souls games aren't for everyone.

                                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                      What is the point of these staves that scale with faith and talismans that scale with intelligence? I still need to meet the requirements of that spell.

                                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                        They had an opportunity here to give faith-builds a fighting chance with a unique weapon but they went with sorceries over miracles.Looks like my dream of playing a Sunlight Lightning-bro is off the table in this one :\

                                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                          Faith really could use a nerf tbh. It's so ungodly strong relative to intelligence, and besides slow casts there isn't any drawback in combat

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