Classes in Dark Souls 3 are the combat archetypes that players can choose during Character Creation, providing a starting framework for their journey. Each class determines the player's base stats, initial equipment, and starting playstyle, giving a unique introduction to the game's combat and mechanics. This guide covers all 10 starting classes, including their attribute point distribution and the gear they begin with.

Despite these initial differences, no class is locked into a specific role. Dark Souls 3 allows complete freedom to customize your character by leveling up and allocating points to any stat. This means you can shape your chosen class into a specialized build or a balanced jack-of-all-trades as you progress through the game. Whether you're a first-time player or a series veteran, understanding each class's strengths and weaknesses can help you make the best choice for your preferred playstyle.

Dark Souls 3 Tips for New Players


Who should I start with in Dark Souls 3?

The Warrior is an excellent starting class in Dark Souls 3, offering high survivability and straightforward gameplay ideal for new players. With a focus on raw strength and durability, this class excels at overpowering enemies through brute force while enduring heavy hits. Equipped with a Battle Axe, Shield, and basic medium armor, the Warrior is prepared for almost any situation encountered early in the game, making it a versatile choice. Its starting stats emphasize high Vigor (14) and Strength (16), providing substantial health and the ability to wield powerful weapons right from the beginning. This allows players to focus their leveling on Strength, enabling access to heavier, high-damage weapons that can dominate opponents. The Warrior also starts with decent Endurance (12), ensuring enough stamina for sustained attacks and effective blocking. With its simple yet effective playstyle, the Warrior is forgiving and accessible, making it particularly well-suited for newcomers. For those seeking high damage, durability, and a straightforward path to success, the Warrior is a perfect choice.



Dark Souls 3 Classes Guide






Class Comparison Table in DS3

Knight  9 12 10 11 15 13 12 9 9  7
Mercenary  8 11 12 11 10 10 16 10 8  9
Warrior  7 14 6 12 11 16 9 8 9  11
Herald  9 12 10 9 12 12 11 8 13  11
Thief  5 10 11 10 9 9 13 10 8  14
Assassin  10 10 14 11 10 10 14 11 9  10
Sorcerer  6 9 16 9 7 7 12 16 7  12
Pyromancer  8 11 12 10 8 12 9 14 14  7
Cleric  7 10 14 9 7 12 8 7 16  13
Deprived  1 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10  10

*Note: All classes have a stat distribution of 99 points at level 10.


Dark Souls 3 Classes Starting Equipment


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    • Anonymous

      Devs lowkey ruined some starter classes by simply pumping luck into them.. Every souls game has a sh*tty stat that ruins classes.

      • Anonymous

        Seems like Pyromancer and Knight are the best classes for optimizing physical or elemental builds (at least for PvP)

        • Anonymous

          For a new commer in his start of his first playthrough, how impressive is it that I defited the "master" (guy with katana left of starlink shrine) and the crystal lizard at the tutorial area with a lvl 1 "deprived" with the starting gear?

          • Anonymous

            Choose wisely traveller, your class will carry you far on your journey. One choice is deprived, the other choice is wrong

            • Anonymous

              I know I'm late to the party, however if you are a new player I would highly recommend picking the Knight class.
              Magic casting classes are cool of course, but you wouldn't know where the vendor NPC's are scattered in the world (unless you check it out here in the wiki).
              Balanced, high VIT so you can have a variety of weapons at your disposal, and both your INT and FTH are at 9 so would only need minimal investments to check out some starter magic.
              As a side note, I also recommend choosing to focus on STR/DEX aka a "Quality"(or "Refined" I guess) build, since you get a Refined Gem very early on, right before Vordt, from the blue Lothric knight to the left of the cathedral where Emma resides. With Refined being one of the few infusions Andre the blacksmith can do without needing a coal you could get going immediately with your build. In fact, the longsword that the Knight starts with gets pretty decent scaling when infused with a refined gem, and if you want something spicier, said Lothric knights (the normal ones for the most part) also drop a great weapon for said infusion, the Lothric Knight Sword.

              • Anonymous

                Deprived for the win. It's the only class you can do a true SL1 run from, and everyone should try SL1 at least once. Plus, if you get frustrated and decide to abandon the SL1 run you have numerous options available by the 3rd area, as another comment lays out in great detail.

                Be a Chad. Be deprived.

                • Anonymous

                  Maaan just pick deprived. We both know it's the most future-proof and funniest class. And I know you're staring longingly at that iconic club and plank shield.

                  • Anonymous

                    Thief is pretty good if u want to use crow talons.

                    9 STR is just enough to use black pharis bow.

                    I use fallen knight set and 9 VIT is enough for under 70% even without ring of favor.

                    LCK can help weapon's nature bleed.

                    Ps. crow talons not use too much stamia

                    • Anonymous

                      let me tell you why the herald is the sickest class in the game

                      -best drip of all the starting classes. start your playthrough absolutely dripped out (and it's actually good armor)

                      -dex is fun. faith is fun. faith is really not efficient, but the utility and flavor add a lot to the experience. playing a dry ass pure strength build and bulldozing the bosses with a greatsword for the 20th time is lame.

                      -the regular spear blows ass, but it doesn't matter because we drop a point into dex, we pop our sovereignless soul, buy a halberd, and get straight to ****ing work.; it absolutely slams, has one of the most fun move sets in the game, and looks dope.

                      -if they drop, or if you farm them, (which is fine because you need 20k for the tower key anyway), the lothric knight long spear and sword are amazing upgrades. LKLS gets S scaling with faith when blessed infused, looks ****ing sick, and is fun. pack a blessed infused sword of choice or the sunlight straight sword if you need to work in tight quarters or a horizontal swing.

                      are the knight and pyro more efficient, yes. is using the most optimal build possible for PvE some beta male nerd ****, yes.

                      grab your drip, grab your halberd, and get to ****ing work.

                      • Anonymous

                        Late-game and especially if you do NG+ you might end up wanting some caster stats to use certain weapons, or cast buffs, heals or whatever. What you probably won't want though is luck, and some of the starter classes are pretty invested in it.

                        • Anonymous

                          Then you go by best class its probally the Pyromancer.
                          From the Beginning on you have more or less Free Fire Bombs.
                          Both of you Main Damage Types are great and give you more Utility.
                          The Only area where you completly suck is Smoldering Lake however then you have the DLC you can get Onyx Blade and make the area a Cake Walk

                          • Hot take incoming,downvote it;
                            Knight: for beginners and casual players.
                            Mercenary: for breaking the entire game.
                            Warrior: for pure STR builds with no magic invest.
                            Herald: idk.
                            Thief: luck builds and stealth +cool mask.
                            Assassin: speedruns and crits.
                            Sorcerer: obviously casters, also has lowest melee points.
                            Pyromancer: also for beginners but cooler and hotter than knight.
                            Cleric: for filthy people who believe in an invisible creature.
                            Deprived: best minmaxer and jack of all trades in term of stats. Also used in SL1 runs but who cares when you can just go bonk.

                            • For the burial gifts: The Life Ring will be the natural choice for most players to get some extra healthpoints early on but the castle will become alot easier if you infuse a weapon with the Fire Gem! The annoying dogs are weak to fire and you can kill the Pus of Man rather easy to get 2 guaranted extra titanite shards from them. In theory you can even upgrade your weapon to +2 before Vordt if you collect all the other shards avaible at that point! Fire will continue to be a strong element in the early game and you will find it extremly usefull until you arrive in the catacombs.

                              • Anonymous

                                Hard for me to play as anything other than a pyromancer at this point. Zero downside except for maybe the Midir fight.

                                • Anonymous

                                  Knight is the best class for newcomers in general.

                                  Pyro is the best class for newcomers that want to play a caster.

                                  • Anonymous

                                    If you are a new player,Whatever you start,you have enough damage output early game,just get 10 dex(if you don't have) and only focus on vigor and get it to ~27 and you are fine,now level others as you like.

                                    • Anonymous

                                      Pyromancer best class over Knight.

                                      Aside from being the top two classes that people usually pick (stats-wise),

                                      Being a pyro allows you to recruit Orbeck without investing 1 stat point into INT, like the knight, or going through into ng+ just to be able to use the scholar ring to recruit Orbeck.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        option 1: use class that looks cool and enjoy the video game
                                        option 2: decide general build, use a class optimizer to pick a suitable class, enjoy the video game
                                        option 3: agonize over what build, class, gender, brightness level, and sitting position to use until you don't want to play video games anymore

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I started off as a sorcerer to then become a PyroSocerer who's a straight up beast. Honestly the only boss I had a hard time with was the Nameless King. The entire game was just a breeze,

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Knight and Pyro, the 2 most popular starting class unfortunately have the lowest of Luck, which is 7. Strange.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              From a min-max perspective, it seems knight is the best way to start unless you're going for a luck or a pyro/dark build. Luck is pretty much a waste stat unless you make a build around it. Both sorcerers and clerics have 12 and 13 luck respectively, knight has 7. That is a 5-6 level difference, which more than makes up for the 2 levels wasted on INT when you're a cleric or FTH when you're a sorcerer.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Hello DS3 player, I am come to you for a little favour, and I will carry this message to everywhere in DS3 community.
                                                There is a glitch that allows you to summon white sign mad phantom in Gael’s Arena (Credit to Dashingsaint), if you keep Shira alived while she invade you (you can escape her simply sprint out her aggro range), you won’t trigger gael boss cutscene, and then you could put down you purple summon white sign or summon other white purple.
                                                Thus, a new fight club is founded, an arena in a long lost dessert under the sunset sky which sprinkle with fainted galaxy.
                                                If you’re watching this, kindly please help me share this and invite any ds3 enthusiast you known to this new fight club, your little effort would be much appreciated.
                                                SL25+2, SL40+4, SL60+6, SL72+8, SL90+10, SL125 Meta, SL 351++, all SL range are acceptable.
                                                Welcome to the Gael’s Sunset Arena, the most beautiful map in the entire series, the last arena at the End of World.
                                                I will await you there, in the End of the World, and we shall fight eternal, shiny and incandescence.
                                                LONG MAY THE DARK SOULS COMMUNITY LIVE

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  If you plan on EVER investing any points into magic stats, then this is plain better than warrior. Even then, warrior is only like stat point more efficient for a pure melee build. Bottom line - just pick knight.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    I personally like playing deprived as you can level up health to 20 within the first 10 levels. This plus an ember make the first stages of the game way less lethal to you and gives you a whole lot of breathing room for failure to dodge an attack.
                                                    After that You can pick up a broadsword buy some chainmail armor and play the rest of the game and decide what build you want to make.
                                                    Whether that is a caestus using boxer with lloyd's shield ring and some regen spells like I did or something else entirely.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      casey neistat build
                                                      class: deprived
                                                      starting gift: gold coins (yt ad revenue)
                                                      weapons: club, large club, giant club
                                                      stats: 99 in vig, end, vit, str and luck
                                                      10 faith, intelligence, attunement and dex.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        Honestly, I would go with the Knight class because it's pretty suitable for the Index Gundyr fight and you get that sweet long sword along with it. The luck sucks but when you level your luck up you just get 1 item discovery stat, when you could just go get a Covetous Gold Serpent Ring at the Profaned Capitol. Plus, you can just go murder some mimics for the Symbol of Avarice, but just be careful for the grabbing attack. The only downside is that the knight doesn't have high intelligence or faith, neither does he have a lot of FP, so like if you want long range attacks and good heals from miracles, then you best choose sorcerer, cleric, or herald for that stuff. You can always reallocate your stats at Rosaria in the Cathedral of the Deep anyway and you should have a sustainable amount of status points (which is 99 in the beginning). Good luck!

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          For one's first playthrough I think deprived is best. You get the most freedom in stats to see where you wanna go

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            For me my favorites are : DS1 Pyromancer, DS2.. we don't talk about that one unless I must (Sorcerer), DS3 Thief (more my style) or Pyromancer.

                                                            Just pick what you like or want to be, you can make anything work.

                                                            • Mercenary pretty much carried me through my first playthrough, you can use sellswords throughout the entire game. Though, for experience players (unless doing a mage/pyromancer/miracle build) you should pick deprived, as it lets you get some cheaper levels and is a lot more well rounded.

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                I would personally recommend you to go for pkcs class in first play through because...............GIt gud?

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I would personally recommend you to go for pkcs class in first play through because...............GIt gud?

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    personally prefer the deprived for starting at lvl 1 with all stats at 10. but since they start with the worst equipment i advise to only pick that class if you are familiar with dark souls, for newcomers i recommend the knight, offers a good defense and survivability to get used to dark souls, Warrior is also okay if you know you want to pick the heaviest weapons and armors you can find.

                                                                    which leads me to believe mage classes are in the medium range, wouldn't recommend them for newcomers, but otherwise an acceptable choice if you learned the basics in dark souls. but i'm no user of intelligence or faith builds, so i don't know.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      Every class serves a purpose except for Assassin. No build requires min-maxing with Assassin. Don't pick Assassin.

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Just find a weapon you wanna use then pick the class which puts yo closest to the requirements.

                                                                        Stop worrying you can change most of your stats later anyway

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          The first time I beat a DS game, DS 2, I used the knight class with a bastard sword. It's a good combo of solid armor to keep you alive and heavy weapon with a simple moveset that's easy to master. I use this build for the first couple runs with every DS game I play, and would recommend it to any new player.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            Knight and Pyromancer. The 2 classes with very decent combat skills also has the lowest Luck. Poor bastards.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              for everyone reading this your starting class can help you min/max stats depending on what your endgame build is however if it's your first playthrough your starting class is mostly what you want your starting gear and your abilities to be with time you can turn a starting sorcerer into the heaviest mace bonking build you've ever seen yea it could take longer but it doesn't mean it can't happen and if you mess up your stats you can always reallocate them at Rosaria and everything is this game is viable as long as you know how to use it so go have fun and experiment with your build just play is smart and have fun along the way. Also don't take **** from any tryhard that thinks what your doing isn't good play the game for you

                                                                              Have fun
                                                                              Play smart
                                                                              and enjoy Dark Souls 3

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                Knight is always my go-to class when starting out. Knight is a really good class for quality builds imo, since it starts with almost the same Str and Dex. For my most recent playthrough I chose warrior, since I wanted to try doing a Str build, as I normally go for Dex builds. If it's your first time playing DS3, go for the knight class if you're unsure of what build you want to do, or just want to have an easier time in the early game.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  Knight: Melee (lowest int/fth/lck and vit is still more valuable than those 3 stats), or INT (lowest fth/lck), or FTH (lowest Int/lck) ||
                                                                                  Pyro: INT/FTH (lowest vit/lck for stat heavy int/fth casters or dark build ||
                                                                                  Deprived: Very slightly Stat efficient for stat hungry builds in SOME exceptional cases that still want to barely use a long sword and not be overleveled ||

                                                                                  note that you can cast tears with priestess ring + darkmoon ring + Dusk Crown ring (if you need cheaper fp cost) at the start of an invasion/gank/arena/area/fight club. And then switch them out. A sort of compromise that could save you 5 points in fth for non fth builds.

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    For a video showing a faith character beating all of the bosses in NG+++++++, look for 'All Dark Souls Bosses in NG+9 VS Solaire of Astora' and skip to 2:51:27

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      All of these people saying Knight is the go to for melee builds clearly haven't even glanced at an class optimiser. Warrior is clearly superior unless going for pure dex in which case mercenary is the best. Heck, even deprived ties or possibly even surpasses knight in most cases. Not only do they start at a bit lower soul level, their stats are already focused on essential stats (especially on warrior), knight wastes stats not only on attunement but on vitality too. 15 vitality is way more than you would ever need, unless you're going to use heavy armor but considering how little of a difference armor makes, why would you? And if you need the vitality you can just level it up as much as you need to without wasting unchangeable levels on it. Now, to end this little rant I would like to compare the two classes points wasted on "useless stats", namely att, vit, int, fth and luck. Knight's total sums up to be 50 (10+15+9+9+7), where as warrior gets 45 (6+11+8+9+11). That in addition to the starting soul level difference mentioned previously concludes that picking warrior is seven, SEVEN levels more efficient than picking knight. For melee build ALWAYS pick warrior, unless you're going to be a dex weeb in which case go for mercenary.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Just a small advice for new players: while choosing the right class can be really important if you want to go for a optimiced pvp soul level 120, but if you just want to go for a normal PvE playthrough, your starting class is really just a way to start with a weapon you like. cause after the tutorial you are able to switch play-styles in just 1 or 2 hours

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          Im a thief building everything mainly the ice sword and katana I’m working on the saske build of black flame lightning and the sharp katana

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            I just beat the game with knight class and went for STR/VGR. now I’ve started a faith build with pyromancer and had so much trouble with crystal sage for some reason. I guess just the rng matters. I have already beaten Gundyr, vordt, Greatwood, sage and deacons

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              I created a Knight, but I made my Knight use Pyromancy. I guess I got a Daemonic Knight now. Any tips for a Daemonic Knight?

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                For your first character, unless you're making an all-in-one-stat or luck character, you should only be considering one class: Knight. Consider you may want to switch playstyle halfway through your playthrough. Consider you may not feel like replaying the game all over again on other classes. There is a lot of reasons to choose the most versatile class for your first playthrough. No matter what build you want, except for luck, Knight is at worst 4 stats behind any other class. No other class has that versatility. The other classes that you may consider for dedicated builds are Warrior, Pyro, Sorcerer, and Cleric. But let's have a closer look on their stats in different builds, shall we!? (Ignoring VGR, END, and VIT for every build since they will always be upgraded to 15-40.) For a STR-only build, with ATT/DEX/INT/FTH/LUCK as dead stats, Warrior is #1 with Knight 4 stats behind. For a DEX-only build, with ATT/STR/INT/FTH/LUCK as dead stats, Knight is #1 (lolwut!) with Warrior 2 stats behind and Thief 4 stats behind. For a INT-only build, with STR/DEX/FTH/LUCK as dead stats, Sorcerer is #1 with Knight 3 stats behind and Pyro 4 stats behind. For a FTH-only build, with STR/DEX/INT/LUCK as dead stats, Cleric is #1 with Knight 1 stat behind and Pyro 2 stats behind. For a mixed weapons STR/DEX build, with ATT/INT/FTH/LUCK as dead stats, Warrior is #1 with Knight 1 stat behind. Pyro is a whopping 13 stats behind. For a mixed magic INT/FTH build, with STR/DEX/LUCK as dead stats, Pyro is #1 with Deprived 2 stats behind, Sorcerer 3 stats behind, Knight 4 stats behind, and Warrior 8 stats behind. For a jack-of-all-trades 20-into-everything build with only LUCK as a dead stat, Knight and Pyro is king and queen, but Knight wins because of the option to save 2 stats on ATT and use rings to get spell slots. Unsurprisingly, Knight is superior to Pyro if you want to try a pure STR or DEX build. But surprisingly, Knight is also superior to Pyro on a pure INT or FTH build. Pyro would be 12 stats behind Knight in a STR/DEX "quality" build but only 4 stats ahead in a INT/FTH "pyro" build. Warrior is superior to Knight on pure STR, but is pretty much always 4 stats behind on any build that involves magic because of the 4 extra stats into Luck. Warrior is actually more well-rounded than Pyro for trying out all of STR, DEX, INT, and FTH (8 vs 13 stats behind at worst). Cleric and Sorcerer are too specialized, 15-16 stats behind Knight on STR and DEX builds. As you can see, Knight manages to perform close to the top dog in any kind of build. He is your best waifu when you want to try everything. You can re-spec your character 5 times every NG cycle at Rosaria. Remember you can copy/backup your save file prior to respeccing, and replace your save file with the copy if you want to turn back time to before you respecced (aka "save scumming") (completely legal action). That way you can try out different builds without spending your 5 respecs.

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  If you are unsure which class to pick, there are only two for that: Knight for warrior type characters, Pyromancer for mage types, either for hybrid types. When unsure, pick Knight. Luck is a -very- niche stat and they have it the lowest among classes. If you changed your mind on your character stats, there are respec's available in-game, though you can't lower a stat past its initial value.
                                                                                                  The rest of the classes are only for when you know what you are doing, like played the game at least once, going after minmaxing or have specific build in mind. Or if you so insist on roleplaying. Just know, there is no unique gear a character start with, everything can be found soon enough during play.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    Ok class beginning of the game just choose pyromancer.He cast the fireball spell and a lot of enemies in game have a fire weakness pair that with the deep axe that has dark damage with most enemies being weak to dark then you have yourself OP to start the game.

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      Assassin is so fun, being able to backstab enemies much easier (you can even run against them while behind and they won't aggro) and immunity to fall damage can help a lot of new players

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        I started as a warrior, then i started investing stats some pyromancy and ended up being an hybrid pyro-warrior. Does that mean i m a demon?

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          Plan your build.. Tanky build (heavy/high dmg 2H weapon need high poise & dmg ress armor).. Speedy build (light to medium armor, or just get naked, fast dps weapon in hand). Or Caster build (any equipment that can buff the spell, incresing atunement slot, and decresing casting time)

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            Can you see one of your friends classes? I was playing on ps4 and my friend knew what class I was and we weren't playing together.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              Knight is best for min-maxing a melee build. I mean, a lot of the best strength weapons still require a bit of dexterity, and some of the best dexterity weapons require a bit of strength. Or you can just do a standard quality build of 40 strength, 40 dexterity build and be able to make the most out of refined weapons and weapons (like the wolfknight greatsword) that can't be infused. Slap a crossbow on for ranged attacks, and you have all your bases covered. Alternatively, if you want a pure intelligence or faith caster build, then that 13 strength and 12 dexterity opens up (or gets you close) alot of weapon options. 2 points of strength and you can wield the Onyx Blade. 3 points and you got the Moonlight Greatsword. 6 points in dex will get the Onikiri and Ubadachi. Lots of good weapons are only a few levels away. Pyromancer is a close second, but only if you want to do a pyromancer or dark.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                I made my own class in dark souls 3, idk what to call it, but its a class that uses good pyromancy and also has a good armor value, i also have a sword in case I get into some hand to hand combat.

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  The higher your level, the more starting classes become pointless/non-functional. Past SL55, characters are about to hit the soft caps and tend to branch out to other stats and become hybridized, so there is less distinction between classes. Also I found the Knight to be the best starting class for any sort of build at SL70+. Mocked up a SL75 STR build in soulsplanner, thought Warrior would be good starting class, but no, it wastes 3 levels compared to the Knight. With a SL111 Pyro build, picking either a Knight or an actual pyromancer as your starter makes no difference.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    Knight - high str med dex weapons (bkga bkgs) Warrior - high str (ledo fugs) Mercenary - high dex (darkdrift frayed blade) Herald - dex faith (draginslayer spear/swordspear) Cleric - str faith (dragonslayer greataxe morne greathammer) Pyro - all faith+int scaling weapons (demons, witch locks, onyx) Assassin - str int (moonlight greatsword) Sorcerer - dex int (aquamarine dagger) Thief - luck (anri and mangurb)

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      For those who wish to play as sorcerer/sorceress, check out the series of videos 'Dark Souls 3 Intelligence kills' in which all of 24 bosses are beaten by a pure magic build.

                                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                                        Why do they always gear up dex guys to go w/ intelligence builds and faith guys to go with str builds? Has anyone ever done a str/int build or a faith/dex build? Is it just the weapons work best w/ those kinds of spells-to their natural inclements?

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