Maps in Dark Souls 3's are located here. As there is no in game map, these can help guide you if you get lost. Maps are restructed, colored and populated by Fex, authorized and based on designs by Komachi, and will be added as they are created. These images are copyrighted and we do not allow their republishing in any form.
Individual Maps
Progression Map
World Maps
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
un génie sans lui le jeu aurait été rage quitte par plus de la moitié des joueurs.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Thank you so much. I was honestly going to quit the game because it seems so daunting and impossible to find everything as a new player but this makes it easy to learn and know for future play throughs.
- Anonymous
bro don't listen to these haters they are just sad that they cant do what u do
- Anonymous
All map are useful, except some of painted world of andariel.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
these maps may not be 100% accurate, but they work enough, those who complain, why even use these if your gonna complain about them....just go into the game and use that
- Anonymous
How about putting the ****ing the mini bosses on the ****ing maps as well you ****
- Anonymous
Whoever made these maps needs to stop...
These are pretty bad in terms of where sections of the map begin and end. You can easily get more lost following these useless things.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
You could maybe add the dlc access in the progression map, other than that it's good
- Anonymous
I'm a new player I just got to the high wall of lothric when I found these maps. Omg they hel p so much. Not 100 percent accurate but they get me to everything I need so far.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
The maps are not 100% accurate. Though they are 100% helpful and effective
- Anonymous
massive praise to whoever came up with these maps. not perfect but often more helpful than the text breakthroughs. just wanted to express my enthusiastic gratitude and say well done to you
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
the "roads of sacrifice" map forgot to mention that the giant crab on the right drop the "Great swamp ring" which boost pyromancies
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I found two errors on the High Wall of Lothric Map 1. The "Deserter Trousers" and "Broken Straight Sword" (3 and 2 respectively) are not items found naturally in this level, but rather are drops from hollow-men in the High Wall of Lothric.
I presume the map creator made this mistake by letting the dragon kill all the hollow-men, and then running up, seeing their drops on the ground, and counting them as part of the natural map items.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
the 2nd Cathedral of the Deep map is missing. you only have the 1st, 3rd, and 4th maps up.
- Anonymous
Painted World of Ariandel maps are linking to "file not found" page. Using for now but any way you could look into this?
Dreg Heap maps now added, completing the collection. Enjoy!
- Anonymous
This is pretty amazing I just restarted the game, hopefully I can do better with this map
- Anonymous
Great job man, appreciate the time u spend to put all this maps together, helped me a lot to not get lost....thankz
- Anonymous
Hey, just wondering if we are still getting The Dreg Heap map soon ?
I asked on 7 July and you said "Hopefully this week", to be clear: it completely fine that it wasn't, but i would still want to make sure i'm not waiting for something that will be forgotten :P
Thanks again for all the hard work ! you help a lot of people with your wikis !
- Anonymous
as a random anon, i have to say, your doing a great job man, keep up the good work. and for all you others who keep pestering this guy for the new map; it takes time. if you want everything listed off, and detailed maps, you need to give the man time to figure it out all, map it, and upload it... its not something thats going to be done in 5 mins..
- Anonymous
Hey Fex, will we get the The Dreg Heap map soon ?
Thanks for all the hard work on all the other maps :) !
- Anonymous
i have look all of the map above n i haven't find a map show "which way to American"
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
May I take a most of the map. I will cite your website. I just need this for a quick school project. I will also not take any of your credits.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
To everybody begging for Ringed City maps: Jesus, will you give him a second? It hasn't even been out a month, and you're all *****ing for accurate maps including all the items and secrets? Make your own damn map if you're that antsy; we're lucky he makes these at all.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
hey there, couldn't but notice you weere scrolling through the comments. youre pretty cute. DM me for a good time
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
In the latest patch as of now. When I faced the Champion Gundyr in the Untended graves. the sword master helped me. PS. that is the only time i summon him
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
hey so on march 28 there a new DLC Called Ringed city and Keap dreap with a new boss named crismon bat and demon from below when they died you have to fight the demon prince i think.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
By the way your site is just incredible... what a job. Thanks
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I've completed the game and restarted it then bought ashes of ariandel. But didn't know it was at cathedral of the deep... I reached there again and accessed the DLC but it seems I can't go further than the painter... Do I have to go through all the game again ?
- Anonymous
It really pisses me off when you are clinging to life just trying to make it to the next bonfire then some *****ing asshole invades your game and *****s you up before you reach the progress point. Do separation crystals only work on NPC phantoms? they never seem to work on human invaders but they sure as *****ing ***** should! because that is just bull*****. some of us are casual gamers and just want to progress through the game at our own rate without dealing with insanely powerful jackasses who have no life outside of 24/7 gaming... yes i realize I could play offline and not have to deal with that ***** but I also like being able to summon FRIENDLY players to help in battle. So I guess that's the price I pay.
Anyway that is my angry souls rant for the day, have a nice day, everyone. :)
- Anonymous
Hey thank you very much for those maps, very good work! But im missing the maps of the DLC, that would just be awesome ;)
- Anonymous
i thought everything was connected in some manor, brilliant job by the dev team
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
thank you i Confused in the many cities
i read all your Articles
- Anonymous
Thanks so much! this is super helpful, really gives a solid understanding of how connected everything really is
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Thy had prooved to be of great worh to this community,Umbasa
- Anonymous
Just wanted to say thank you to all the hard work I know was put into making these, been watching them go up one by one since the start.
Cool! from the look of it, DS3 areas are just next to DS1's Duke's Archive, Catacombs etc.... but the Irithyll of the Boreal Valley might be location-clashing with Lost Izalith, Demon Ruins etc.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I have gained so much with the help of these maps. Helped alot in my 2 playthrough. Looking forward for the remaining maps. Thanks Vaati :)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Thank you for all the work you do to help others enjoy the game more. This wiki has been crucially helpful to me in my journeys through Lothric.
- Anonymous
I have been waiting for a month now and no new maps even though Komachi uploaded 15 new maps..I really need those maps :/
- Anonymous
First of all thx for the great maps which without doubt take much time to make.Whoever has been releasing this wonderfull work: Can you pls tell us if the release pace will speed up soon to a pace thats worth waiting for? Like every week a map?And pls try to be realistic not optimistic ;)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
These maps are awesome and easy to follow. Will help with the bet my brother has coming up. Hopefully other maps will be up by June so we can definitely succeed. Awesome stuff.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
When are more maps coming? :)I enjoy using the maps instead of a guide :)
- Anonymous
This is really helpful! I can only imagine how much time went and is going into this. I really appreciate it
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
All of your content is great; the written walkthroughs, the video walkthroughs, the maps.....the whole Wiki!!!That Cathedral of the Deep map must have taken a bit of time, it's a work of art though, very nice!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
How often do you guys update the maps? They're great so far!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Hi, great job on all the maps! I've noticed there are still a few maps left to create and upload. Is there any way that we can help out the map creator to get them done more easily/quickly?
- Anonymous
You are releasing the maps as I progress through the game perfectly!Keep up the great work!!
- Anonymous
These maps are great, thanks for making them! Any idea when the remaining maps will be available?
- Anonymous
there is a summoning sign for Yellowfinger Heysel in ng+ near the undead boneshard in farron keep poison swamp
- Anonymous
I realy like this page. It's a great aid for Dark Souls (mostly the Map).For when the rest map ? Thanks you for the wiki ;)PS: Je suis français désolé pour mon anglais.
- Anonymous
how do i get to the consumed king's garden from high wall of lothric?
- Anonymous
Check the data, and thank you for great work.http :// ipic. su/img/img7/fs/1212.1461169474.jpg (+2 items.. mb souls)http :// ipic. su/img/img7/fs/2222.1461169551.jpg (+1 lizard.. it's 100%)
- Anonymous
Check the data, and thank you for great work. (+2 items.. mb souls) (+1 lizard it's 100%)
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
useful asf