PvP Builds that have been created by Dark Souls 3 players, designed for Player vs. Player combat. Feel free to share and add yours to help other people, or to simply show off your awesome creativity! You can add your build to the table below as well as make your own Wiki page for it. There is a seperate page for PvE builds.

The current soul level meta for PvP is 125. Optimal PvP matchmaking therefore would be anywhere between soul levels 120 through 148, with soul levels 125 through 139 being the most optimal.

The most popular location for "Fight Clubs" is in Anor Londo; on the balcony directly after the Pontiff Sulyvahn bossfight. There are a few other community-favourite areas for fight clubs as well, one of which being the top of the Old Wolf of Farron elevator. This area is at risk for containing "high skill players" though, so the Hollow Arena is a safer choice if you wish to avoid them.

Disclaimer: Builds listed here aren't necessarily well-made nor always created by their claimants. Anyone can post builds of varying effectiveness fitting various playstyles. Use your brain when browsing and don't expect these builds to be min-maxed or optimized, for general usage or your own playstyle. 


How to create and add your build

  1. Create a wiki page, or a video showcase to link, for your build. To create a page, click the New Page + link at the bottom of the page and select "Build" template.
  2. Edit this page by ADDING A ROW to the table below with a link to the page you created and an overview.
  3. You can use our Dark Souls 3 Build Calculator and produce a link to add to your page.
  4. Do not overwrite your build over someone else's! Read instruction no.2 to find out how.


PvP Builds

Build Name Soul Level Starting Class Burial Gift Preferred Primary and Secondary Weapons Description Author
Pure Cast Build 130 Pyromancer Any

Crystal Chime

Pyromancer's Parting Flame

Fire Knight 125 Pyromancer Sovereignless Soul

Pyromancy Flame +10 (Left Hand)

Chaos Zweihander +10 (Right Hand)

Spells: Chaos Bed Vestiges, Black Fire Orb, Black Flame, Fire Surge

PVP Melee/Ranged Build

The Dragon Mage 140 Deprived Any

Immolation Tinder


Dragonhead Shield /Caitha's Chime


This is my take on a battlemage. 

Video Included!

The Goblin 140 Deprived Any

Ledo's Great Hammer / Cleric's Sacred Talisman


Gael's Greatsword


The best way i found to use a great hammer was to combo it with a greatsword on the left hand.

Video Included!

The Winter Champion 120 Deprived Any

Irithyll Straight Sword / Irithyll Rapier


Crystal Chime / Demon's Scar


PVP Frostbite Build

Frostbite > Fire > Frostbite > Fire > and so on

Video Included!

The Witch 140 Deprived Any

Izalith Staff / Friede's Great Scythe


Demon's Scar / Scholar's Candlestick

PVP Magic/Pyromancy/Hex Build

Video included!

Fume Knight of Deathbringer 130 Knight Any

Fume UGS+5


Heavy Longsword+10

PvP build Pure STR


The Valkyrie

120  Cleric Any 

Raw Saint Bident +10


Saint's Talisman/Sunlight Talisman/Yorshka's Chime

PVP Full Faith Build

Video included! 


Insidious Knight

130 Warrior Any

Refined Zweihander +10


Poison Rotten Ghru Dagger +10

Quality build with poison benefit   

 The Underdog (WIN 1V4's) IN DEPTH GUIDE

120  Knight Any Refined Exile Greatsword +10  Heavy STR Build. Will be way better when Poise is turned on... If Poise gets turned on.   
Mad King 21 Deprived None

Crucifix of the Mad King
Dark Blade

Low Level Invation Build
Dominate with Hyper Armor, & 2-Hit-Combo

Vessel of Blackflame 1 2 5 Deprived None

Black Blade


Pyromancer's Parting Flame

Solomon Pendragon

Strength | Dexterity | Intelligence | Faith

Katana Man HUAAA 120 Mercenary None

Frayed Blade & Washing Pole

The manliest katana user in all da land. Everytime you say his name you must follow it with a HUAAAA


Hollow Gank Spank



Life Ring

Rotten Ghru Curved Sword/Warden Twinblades

Dex/Luck Build that still works after patch


Poise Daddy





Agressive/High Damage/Easy for Beginners


Darkness of the Abyss




Lucerne / Whip / Pyromancy Flame

Fast / Safe / Aggressive / Range and Melee.


Iron Knight Tarkus



Young White Branch

Greatsword & Black Iron Greatshield

This build is for those who wish to remember the good ol' days of Dark Souls one, where poise actually existed. Show those Casuals how to Git Gud.





Not important

Dragonslayer's Axe only

A very strong build for low-level invasions.

I added some tips for lower and higher SL builds with this same weapon, it's in the description of the page.


Deathly Hollow




Right Hand: Hollow Onikiri and Ubadichi

Left Hand: Old Wolf Curved Sword

This build focuses on the attack buff received from consecutive hits (OWCS and Pontiff's Right Eye stack), and this is most efficient with a quick-hitting Hollow Onikiri and Ubadichi.


Darkness my old friend



Doesn't matter

Dark Hand & Pyromancy Flame

Dark Hand is very strong on low level builds, but what is when you boost this with the Blindfold Mask and Dark Clutch Ring?


Darkmoon Ronin

Sunlight Priestess

Moonlight Enigma

Blackflame Forlorn

Branded Struggler












Divine Blessing


Fire Gem


Black Blade & Dragonrider Bow
Pyromancy Flame )

Onikiri-Ubadachi & Falcon Shield
Saint's Talisman )

Moonlight Sword & Caestus
( Darkmoon Longbow )

Onyx Blade & Caestus
Pyromancer's Parting Flame )

Dragonslayer & Caestus 
Mechanical Arm )

Alexander Strength & Dexterity 

Samantha Dexterity & Faith

Azrael Dexterity & Intelligence

Alastor IntelligenceFaith

Guts Strength & Dexterity




Knight, pyromancer

fire gem


Lvl 40 pvp analysis


Last Dragonslayer

100 and higher Deprived

Doesn't matter

(Prefer "Black Firebomb" for the first Boss)

Dragonslayer Helm
Dragonscale Armor
Smough's Gauntlets
Lorian's Leggings
Dragonslayer Spear
Canvas Talisman (Tears of Denial,Sunlight Spear,Lightning Stake)
Chloranthy Ring
Ring of the Sun's First Born
Sage Ring
Lightning Clutch Ring


Close combat is the key

use the weapon art from dragonslayer spear


Edgy Build

120 Pyromancer

Doesn't matter

Izalith Staff and Dark Edge

 Pure edge.   

Cursed Guardian 

120 Pyromancer

Does not matter

offhand Greatsword and Demon's Fist

Sorcerer's Staff

(Soul GreatswordFarron Flashsword)

 A strength and intelligence build with an odd weapon combination. Catches players off guard with a surprisingly high damaging fist weapon. Decently versatile. Not a build for someone who wants to win at everything, it's just for fun.  

Strength build 

(3 Hit Ko)

115+ Knight

Life Ring

Demon's Greataxe +5


I haven't mentioned a few things on the build - I highly suggest using fully upg Brigand axe and use lighter gear or add a bit of weight ratio in order to fit it all. Pm me for any questions or ideas :)

Build link here


Great Machete Knight

107 Knight

Life Ring

Great Machete

 Wandering knight with unusual weapon of choice - Great Machete, he/she uses to stun enemies, thus defining peculiar combat style. However, along with unusual Great Machete, knight is also capable of using more traditional secondray weapons: Rapier's or Mail Breakers  

PvP Build Halberd+Parry

120 Assassin (but any) Life Ring

Gundyr's Halberd

 The Underdog (WIN 1 V 4's) IN DEPTH  GUIDE  
  120 Knight Any

Refined Exile Greatsword +10


Strength/Dexterity build focused on striking down opponents with elegant strokes. Optimised for PvE and High Volume PvP.

Channel Your Inner Underdog... 



135 Knight Any


+10  Greatsword


+10 Blessed Caestus

+Any Cleric's Sacred Chime


Build .

Not the best AR. The levels added really only exist to get to use Bountiful Sunlight. It helps you play a little more reckless as and Ultra Greatsword user.

Mage moonlight pvp 120 Sorcerer any works

Moonlight Greatsword, Crescent Moon Sword and Court Sorcerer's Staff or Sage's Crystal Staff

 20+ vigor, 20 end, and 50 + int and stats required for moonlight rest of stats u can play around will if u want max dmg build i suggest going int/str dedicated but i have survivbility over that  

AbandonCtrl Dex Pvp Like a Gladitor

120 Knight Any Works

List Coming Soon

 As of Now its 37 Vigor, 40 End, 20 Vit, 24 Str, 40 Dex, 18 Faith. This build will focus around Tears of denial for our Buff and Fast attacks More Info Coming Over the next few weeks.  
Versatile Duelist (Strength) 92 Warrior Any

Heavy Dark Sword +10


Heavy Zweihander +10

 A Strength build built around the power of the Dark Sword while still being able to easly deal with parry builds.  

Vanguard of Lanafir

80-120 Knight Any

Immolation Tinder


[Simple] Shotel


This build is purely PvP and very situational otherwise.


You don't need to resort to OP, waiting-to-be-nerfed, weapons to be victorious. Just be creative and have fun! ()



125 Knight Any

RH1: Twin Princes' Greatsword

LH1: Golden Wing Crest Shield

(Optional) LH2: Pyromancy Flame

 Build Stats  
LOW LVL PVP   9 Mercenary Fire Gem

Fire Uchigatana +2 

Pyromancy Flame +2

 very good build for low lvl invasions  
Fume Ultra Greatsword Overload 90  Warrior Any  Fume Ultra Greatsword +5   Pace control and stamina superiority  
*CLICK HERE FOR WINS*   100 Warrior  Any  Fume Ultra Greatsword +5   This build focuses on good pokes, big combos, and efficient use of rings. Morne's is a badass set of armor with great stats.  
Dex-Faith build  100  Knight  Any  Carthus Curved Sword +10 is nice but any like dex weapon could fit   Dex build for miracle buffs. Can make some serious damage, back from DS1.   
Farron Hunter   100 Mercenary  Any  Farron Greatsword +5  High damege output. High mobility plus the ability to parry.   
Dragonslayer Axe   125 Deprived   Any Dragonslayer Greataxe +5   Insane single hit damage. Quickly KO baited opponents w/ a massive AOE attack.   
 Wolf Knight  85  Knight Any  Farron Greatsword +5  30 vig, 10 att, 30 end, 22 vit, 22 str (27 w. ring), 35 dex (40 w. ring), 9 int & fai, 7 lck. Use Knight's RingHunter's RingRing of Favor and Hornet Ring. Shield and Rapier in left had for close range. Switch between them to mix it up.  
Shining Warrior   100-110 Cleric  Fire Gem  Zweihander"> Zweihander+10
Others reccomended in the build.
 Faith + Strength build    
Gunhavel Bass Cannon  90  Warrior Any 

Deep Zweihander+10, Pyromancy Flame+10, Grass Crest Shield+5

 meme build, do not take seriously but works well in pvp and pve alike   
 Smough, the Destroyer  120-140  Knight Any 

 Smough's Great Hammer+5Grass Crest Shield+5

 Simplistic STR melee build, as the god himself. Hammer in two hands, Shield on your back. A build for anyone on the all-offensive who wants to destroy literally anything in the game.   
 Tap The Bumpers To Win  100 Pyromancer Any  Pyromancy Flame +10 and a Chaos Thrall Axe +10  A pure pyromancy build to mess around in PvP with   
 Black Knight Greataxe Hybrid  120 Knight  Any Black Knight Greataxe +5, Refined Drakeblood Greatsword+10 plus a Caestus for Parrying  STR/DEX Hybrid Build netting 695 AR for the BKGA  
Wolf Knight Artorias 90+   Knight Firegem 

 Wolf Knight Greatsword +5

Cosplay build, focused around Artorias the Abysswalker. Good in PvE and PvP.    
 Thunderstruck 113+  Knight Any  Refined Lothric Knight Greatsword +10  Lothric Knight Greatsword + Lightning Blade + Sacred Oath
Balanced 40/40 Str/Dex + 30 Faith
Dark Blood Knight 120 Mercenary Firegem Dark Onikiri and Ubadachi +10, Caitha's Chime +5   Tanky build focused on Dark, bleed, and trickery  
 Bleed Spamming  120 Mercenary  Any Hollowed Warden Twinblades +10   Spamming fast attacks to apply bleed. Simple  
Paladin   110 Knight  Any Mace +10, Gotthard Twinswords +10, Dragonslayer Swordspear +5   "Put your Faith in the Quality".
A versatile PvP build with buffs.
 Cathedral Knight 120  Knight Any  Heavy Cathedral Knight Greatsword +10   Heavy STR Build. Will be way better when Poise is turned on... If Poise gets turned on.   
Amored Hunter 120+  Knight Life Ring

Hollowslayer Greatsword +5


High STR+DEX build focused on greatswords and invasions.  

 "Do you bleed? YOU WILL."

120 Knight Any

Hollow Washing Pole +10

Darkdrift +5

We heard you liked making people bleed, so we put bleed on your bleed so things will bleed while they bleed. Made WP Hollow so it'd scale with luck, which in turn raises bleed rate as well. Carthus Rouge and Kukri make this much easier. Darkdrift is for turtles. I also bring Sacred Flame and PF +10, but that's just for parry humiliation finishes.  

Quality twinsword warrior


100  Warrior  Any

Refined Gotthard Twinswords +10

Grass Crest Shield

High damage Quality build and awesome pvp weapon, use 2h, shield just to boost stam regen  

Mad Sage

120 Pyromancer Any

Immolation Tinder

Sacred Bloom Shield

 Pyro PvP/PvE build.  

Profaned Lothric Spearman

125 Knight/Warrior Any

Lothric Knight Long Spear

Profaned Greatsword


Quality build with fun, easy to use PvP set-up

Can easily be adjusted for use at SL 100


Thorny Yhorm of the Sunlight

120 Deprived Any

Yhorm's Great Machete +5

Sunlight Straight Sword


Heavy STR build focused on maximizing AR

Effective for both PvE and PvP


Reinhardt (OVERWATCH)

201 Knight Any

Greatshield of Glory

Gargoyle's Flame Hammer

 Build based off Reinhardt, a character of Overwatch  
Phat GIantdad 99 Knight Any

Fire Zweihander


GIANT build

The True PvP Build 131 Deprived Any

Sharp Sellsword Twinblades +10

Yorshka's Chime +10

DEX/FAITH build revolving around baiting opponents and punishing them with absurd damage.  Amazing in PvP but also very effective in PvE as well

Sir McFiggles
Mirrah Weapon Master  120+  Any  Any Refined Estoc +10

Refined Exile Greatsword +10

Refined Gotthard Twinswords +10

and more

Fashion souls Quality + Faith build (buffs included)

Yuria of Londor Build 89+ Deprived

Sovereignless Soul or any

Darkdrift +5

DEX Cosplay/fast-offensive build good for PvP and PvE

High DPS Onikiri and Ubadachi Claw 137 Knight


Hollowed Onikiri and Ubadachi +10


Hollowed Claw +10


                                     High dps bleed build


The Classic Brawler 120 Any


Bare hands

Smough's Great Hammer+5


Baiting people into a fist fight, work on parries and when you think they're low enough, whip out your weapon and finish them off with a final reposte.


Toasty V 
Quality Build (Claymore Anime Cosplay) 120 Knight


Refined Lothric Knight Greatsword +10

Pyromancy Flame +1

0High AR ultra-greatsword. Use superior damage and hyper-armor to easily defeat opponents


Paledrake Sorcerer 120  Sorcerer

Life Ring

Moonlight Greatsword +5

Court Sorcerer's Staff +10

Basic sorcery build. High damage greatsword and ranged offensive spells. Good for both PvP and PvE


Lucky Ember Horder 120 Mercenary

Life Ring

Anri's Straight Sword +5

Grass Crest Shield +5

Luck build good for PvE and PvP, focus on stamina and flury attacks


Havel The Invincible 140 Knight


Heavy Giant Door Shield +10

Aggressive build that attacks and defends simultaneously, near unstoppable in PvP


Jack of All Trades 

mage lean



or any class

Farron Ring, Corrvetius serpent ring, Ring of Favor, Chloranthy Ring


any shield, Lothric's Holy Sword, or any one handed sword or two handed sword along with a simple gem,crystal gem for magic damage and FP regerneration

shield with a blessed gem for health regeneration 


Dont use this build unless you are good with  high dextirity. A jack of all trades build is a special build that leans mostly to vigor and dexterity and Intelligence and almost then leans towards the weapons and stats you want or need however almost every stat must be evened out. 

Also used as a hiders build in pvp

Is also best for soul farming

WARNING Do not use this build unless you absoulutly want it or need it!



100-135 Sorcerer/Pyromancer

Ring of Favor

Moonlight Greatsword


 Must be in the moonlight warriors covanent to have this build if you wish to join you must be playing on PS4 consol and must join at starting level or level 25 any higher of a level you cannot join.


Just automatic wins

140-160 Cleric

Dark Clutch Ring, Fire Clutch Ring, Lightning Clutch Ring, Dragonscale Ring

Crystal Great Scythe +2, Light Crossbow +1

Just level up strength and faith and you win



140 (Maximum meta range) Knight Chloranthy Ring+3, Flame Stoneplate Ring+2, Obscuring Ring, Ring of Steel Protection+3.

Dragonslayer's Axe, Dagger and Dragon Crest Shield.

Level up Vigor/Endurance/Vitality to 40, Strength to 60 and Dexterity to 14.


Giant Lord


140(Maximum meta range) Knight Chloranthy Ring+3, Havel's Ring+3, Ring of Favor+3, Ring of Steel Protection+3

Greatsword  and Caestus

A cosplay of the Dark Souls 2 Giant Lord.


Caestus Godmod

Any between 40 and 100 Mercenary Life Ring

Caestus and Sorcerer's Staff


                                          A godmode Caestus build that melts everything


Masked Mutineer

120 Knight N/A

Sharp Crow Quills +10

Silver Knight Shield

This is a high Dex/Quality build.  Not a hard hitter, but a fast one.


Artlas Emberman (Rogue Pyromancer)

120 Pyromancer Rusted Golden Coin


RH2: Demon Scar

LH1: Pyromancy Flame

LH2: Caestus

Chaos Zweihander, OP pyromancies, great Fashion Souls, we got it all!  


(faith Build)

120 Cleric any

RH1: Drang Twinspears

RH2: Caestus

LH1: Golden Falcon Shield

LH2: Sunlight Talisman/Yorshka's Chime


poise caster with high damaging miracles paired with decent damaging twinspears




Regen Paladin 20 Herald Any

RH: Raw Mace

LH: Kite Shield, Sacred Chime of Filianore, Blessed Caestus

Health Regen build for low sl PvP.


Dancer's Enchanted Swords PVP/PVE Build 120 Knight Any

RH1: Dancer's Enchanted Swords

LH1: Ethereal Oak Shield

LH2: Buckler

Quality melee build built around the Dancer's Enchanted Swords for meta level PVP.



Tired of anon posting? Register!
    • Anonymous

      The remaster pvp meta going to be a caestus regen weapon art spamming stat efficient PKCS primary with murky off hand who can hard swap to a weapon with a killer running r1 that is named "arse bandit" or something and they use the cancel bug for consuming green grass. Has summoned phantoms who spam chaos bed vestiges and throws poop after every kill.

      • Anonymous

        the fact that they try to balance this crap and end up affecting pve is ridiculous, how hard would it be to have slightly different gear stats in pvp.

        • Anonymous

          ngl wish there was one for irithyll straight sword, black iron shield and black iron armor since that's the true chad build. its able to block 2 hits of the fume great sword for me and that just makes it beefy which is good for if your in a pickle.

          also i realise how much of a ****ing nerd i sound like writing this but still its a good build

          • Anonymous

            Hallo I am watchdogs of farron nut. Link to my Wolf Knight build: https://fextralife.com/calculator/dks3builds.html?gHNTqRZja.Esq6QObT1.BEf0BiOJq.RVFO7228.C6f7vn1R1W06.A.BJf5Qoal

            • Anonymous

              SL 25 build for watchdogs of farron covenant. you'll get summoned like crazy. Use a Claymore +2 and Irtyhtill Straight sword +1. Build link- https://fextralife.com/calculator/dks3builds.html?hEe0PDfQs.CPJ8EsrML.mnHBiWXO.zVdOC8.A.A

              • Anonymous

                I have a guy called Caveman Bill. Heavy Large Great Club +10, Plank Shield, Ragged Mask, Master’s Attire, Loincloth, and Master’s gloves for a setup. I don’t know the level (he’s changed level. armor and, weapons since I went NG+) Absolutely terrible for pvp but man was he just fun to play lol. Lots of interesting reactions.

                • Anonymous

                  Just level up to use lothric sword,infuse it with whatever,use whatever rings you want,armor and all that.upgrade your sword to +4 and wreck sht up.why do ppl need to "twink* the game?most of the stuff they need,they get it by saving to the cloud and using a summon.theres no honor?just pos thinking theyre good at a game at low levels where all the new people are that don't know the game.thats all.
                  People who look for twink builds just want to seem better than they really are.as for max phantoms at low levels?that's the biggest problem.no matter how good you are,unless you throw them off a cliff,you won't win.MAYBE....IF you're lucky,you'll beat one legit,MAYBE a duel but I doubt it.
                  Invaders picked the shortest straw in this game.all the penalties just rain down on them and cowardly gameplay is rewarded.

                  • Anonymous

                    I have an all around pyromancy build, that honestly makes it a bit hard for me to play any other builds. Right now it's at sl 149.

                    Starting class: pretty sure it's deprived, but deprived is best starting class anyways. Therefore you may want to start with that.
                    Item: preferably the soul cuz more souls.

                    Vigor: 27
                    Attunement: 30
                    Endurance: 30
                    Vitality: 19
                    Strength: 17
                    Dexterity: 25
                    Intellect: 40
                    Faith: 40
                    Luck: 10

                    The armor I chose roughly averages slightly above medium weight, with just two pieces being heavy ( head and hands).
                    -dragonslayer helm
                    -easterners armor
                    -dragonslayer gauntlets
                    -alva leggings

                    My primary right hand weapon is the dark Lothric banner, secondary being ringed knights sword.
                    My left primary is normal pyromancy, secondary being either crystal chime or sunless talisman.
                    -normal pyromamcy cuz it has best spell buff.
                    -crystal chime or sunless talisman cuz they make miracles scale with intellect.
                    -the banner is my main melee for its distance and support. (And even tho I am decently armored, I can't take more than 2-4 shots from from a good strength build)
                    -the ring knights sword is sort of a crutch when I want to catch peeps rolling or being trying to be sly. Or when I need to be quicker with my melee.

                    -ring of steel protection
                    -sage ring
                    -ring of favor

                    Spells: (my must have)
                    -flame fan/black flame
                    -chaos bed vestiges

                    Last two spell slots are up to debate for me.
                    - when I do arena, I choose tears of denial.
                    - when I do open world pvp, I choose great heal with either flash sweat or magic barrier.

                    • Anonymous

                      THE QUINTESSENTIAL QUALITY BUILD: nothing unique here, this is a classic build for players that want a highly competitive SL120 pvp character that allows you to use most of the game's weapons and armor effectively.

                      Starting Class: Knight

                      Vigor: 39
                      Endurance: 30
                      attunement: starting value
                      Strength: 40
                      Dex: 40
                      Int: starting value
                      Fth: starting value
                      Luck: starting value

                      prisoners chain
                      ring of favor +3
                      life ring +3
                      4th slot could be chloranthropy, hornets, knight slayer, or whatever else you need for the particular situation you find yourself in. Actually none of these rings are necessary for the build to work but I think they're the most useful overall

                      • I am a Dark Souls 3 veteran. 1000+ hours. I discovered and played during these last months a lot to Bloodborne. I am sorry, but PVP is 100% better in Bloodborne. More enjoyable, less frustrating. Weapons have more combos, are all very intesresting. And dodges are very different depending on lock/unlock mode. I replay to Dark Souls 3 since 3 days, and that's it, frustation is coming back, notably because of phantom range, not present in my experience in Bloodborne. Sadly, lag and phantom range ruin DS3 PVP.

                        • Anonymous

                          ever just red sommon sign at fight club and get 5v1d, win, and the host send messages to you that your hacking.kinda funny.

                          • Anonymous

                            at sl120 this guy used RKPUGS, got backstabed soft swaped to ledo,killed the other player and soft swaped to LUGS

                            • Anonymous

                              8.5 outta 10 to much faith;)8=====================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================================D

                              • Anonymous

                                25/14/25/25/40/25/30/9/10 SL 125 Greatsword of Judgment +5 Bastard Sword +10 offhand (fashion souls), Blessed Caestus +10 For good poise and fashion: Sage's Big Hat Morne's Chest and Leggings Cornyx' wraps could be better optimized but it's a fun build and looks hella fresh

                                • You know what's funny, I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos about dark souls 3 especially videos pertaining to PVP etiquette. apparently it really gets on Invaders nerves whenever they're trying to dual a host and a blue comes in and starts to double-team then. I try to tell myself I won't be that person. I tried to tell myself I'll respect the fight club rules. But then when I find myself being summoned to a host because I am a blue sentinel, it seems to be very common to see them being chased down by two if not three hostile players. So you tell me, where is the etiquette? Where is the honor?

                                  • Anonymous

                                    I've been playing offline for a long time and just started to play online. I noticed there are few rings and spells that will get weaker on pvp. Is this the case for the status as well or just the rings and spells (for example, leo ring, steel protection, carthus beacon etc).

                                    • Anonymous

                                      So many people complaining about the new perseverance meta. Just learn how to parry a caestus, mace or backstab bait Vordt Hammer users.

                                      • Anonymous

                                        Saw a Link build here and there, and if anyone wants to do a link challange; Invlolves as much gear as possible to reference the many iterations of Link. I'm currently using fallen knight , assassin chest, harald booties, and brigand for golden braces Rings to have on you specifically (* being highly recommendedto wear); -Hawk/Leo* ring -Chloranthy +3 * -RoF +3 * (everything you could ever want,health stamina and equip load) -Resistance rings (steel protect or stoneplates) -knight slayer ring -farron ring -sun princess -lingering dragon crest -suns first born and morne rings if you want higher damage output on mainly lightning arrow For weapons, it's mainly a ss build tbh, however incoperates bows, whips, and two spells I can currently think of to properly pull of a basic Link; Swords Shortsword (kokiri) Astora ss (ordan) Lotheric (master) Astora gs (big goron knife) Sheilds S. Eagle kite/Golden Crest? (hylian) Knight (mirror?) Bows Shortbow (if you want less str)/Compound bow Pharis bow/Longbow Grapplehook (Windwaker) - sharp notched whip Canvas talisman (or your choice if you want more damage) for boomerang (carona - or destructodisk, whichever you prefer) and light arrows (lightning arrow!) Keep all arrows (normal, great arrows not necessary) Fire arrows- fire arrows :O Moonlight arrows - ice arrows Catalyst in inventory for hidden body for magical cloak (link to the past) for when you want to just run by stealthily or set up gank city Fire/black fire bombs for your bombs of course! For stats, mainly a faith/dex build, however I started as a knight; Vig 30 Att 15 End 30 Vit 20 Str 20 Dex 40 Int 14 Fth 40 Luck 7 For the most part, gunna use sharp infusion, refined doesn't help nearly as much as I initially though with the 20 str. Of course, all equipmemt is subjective to how you'd like to play, still a work in progress for me rn but is the general outcome i plan to get to, so tweeking will probably be necessary. I chose higher dex for casting speed for spells at the same time as increasing bow and sword damage to open an array of weapons for Link to also buff his sword should a player want to Trying to think of a good hammer, but just don't have them on my character currently, but think a lightning blacksmiths is the way to go with how the stats are distributed, particularly with str at 20. I am open to suggestions and recommendations to tweek the build if anyone has them!

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I'm too lazy to login and edit the page. But here's NaughtySunBro(SL 120) Starting Class: Cleric Vitality: 36, Attunement: 18, Endurance: 13, Vitality: 20, Strength: 36, Dexterity: 16(DONT TELL ANYONE), Intelligence: 7, Faith: 50, Luck: 13 What rings you gat bch? Chloranthy+3, Havels+3, FaP+3, Prisoners Chain. EVERYTHING YOU COULD EVER WANT. Spells: You get three slots. I use Deep Protection, lightning bow, lightning blade Weapons: RH: Lothric Knight Greatsword(Heavy or Lightning, your choice) LH: Grass Noob Shield, Sunlight Talisman, Yorshka's Chime. Armor: Helm: Black Iron Helm, Chest: Armor of the Sun, Arms: Black Iron, Legs: Black Iron SRSLY OWNS 1v1s If you're gonna be invading in to groups. Sub the two spells and heavy gem for lightning and wrath of the gods. BREAK EVERYONES POISE. STUNLOCK. PWN EVERYONE. It's not quite GiantDad, but it's almost as easy to play.

                                          • Anonymous

                                            Low level Hide n' Seek Master build... 1: HIDE N' SEEK NINJAMANCER RINGS: Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring Obscuring Ring Untrue Dark Ring Hornet Ring Silvercat Ring Flynn's Ring ARMOR: Deserter's Trousers Worker's Gloves Grave Warden Robe WEAPONS: +2 Caestus (raw) +2 Mailbreaker (raw) +2 Astora Straight Sword (raw) This dude is meant to be played on High Wall of Lothric. Become fully hollowed. when people invade you, you do not wear the untrue dark ring; that ring is for when you invade people. it's much easier to hide if you're not cool-aid colored. You equip the cat ring if you are discovered. it's fun to run away when you won't take the damage that they will if they commit to following you. The way you start out with this build is using either the Collapse, Prostration, or Curl Up gesture near the very first mob of Hollows. in your own game, you'll want to kill the bell ringing chick and the other aggro hollow. Then you blend in with the other useless hollows. The invader will run past you. you then get up and backstab them as they attempt to look around/up the staircase without revealing themselves. I made this build a few years ago. The whole purpose was to make a "True Assassin" build. It became my favorite build, to this day. Also, another tip: You'll want to make your guy as pale-skinned and skinny as possible. Gotta look like a hollow even when you equip the untrue dark ring.

                                            • Anonymous

                                              Fiz essa construção de força na qual fui bem durante o jogo, utiliza o Conjunto de Catarina, Escudo de Emblema de Asa Dourada +5, Machado Grande de Matador de Dragões +5. Essa construção visa em ficar abaixo dos 70% da proporção de peso ( esquivas mais rápidas), com o Anel de Farron possibilitando mais utilizações da habilidade da arma.

                                              • Anonymous

                                                i gotta say in the hundreds of hours ive played in pvp 99% of the people i play against are honorable which is pretty damn good

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  I am trying to make a Mage duelist using Crystal Sage Rapier and clerics candlestick. Vig:17 Attu:20 End:27 Vit:30 Str:15 Dex:40 Int:50 Fai:15 Luck:10 Lvl:135 Starting Class: deprived What rings should I use?

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    this is my personal set up, and I think it is very good, especially with a quality/dex/str build. It comprends: silver knight helm and armor, exile gauntlets and leggins, black knight sword and shield. I tried to post it calling it "wandering gwyn knight", but for device problems I failed. If this english looks weird to you american and english it is because I'm italian, but ANYWAY I use mainly these rings: havel's ring, estus ring, blue tearstone ring, chartus milk ring.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      Maiden in Black - SL 120 - Sorcerer - Starting item doesn't matter; Vig 26 - Att 35 - End 30 - Vit 7 - Str 12 - Dex 16 - Int 60 - Fai 11 - Luck 12. Weapon of choice; Friede's Great Scythe+5. Offhand; Court Sorcerer's Staff+10 and Grass Crest Shield+5 for utility. Rings; Bellowing Dragoncrest - Sage - Slumbering Dragoncrest - Wolf(allows casting when hit by anything that isn't an ultra/great/scythe). Spells; Great Farron Dart(for poking; it's not necessary) - Crystal Soul Spear - White Dragon Breath - Homing Crystal Soulmass - Snap Freeze(for utility). Armor; Crown of Dusk with the Firekeeper set. This build is for those who have skill at rolling and casting without lock on. Keep moving, whittle down your opponent and then finish off with weapon art. This build is primarily for invading but works for Blue Sentinel/Darkmoon cov as well.

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        These builds are all pointless. you invade someone, and then you just place yourself among some enemies. boom done. almost no one has a seed of a giant tree. Why use "builds" if you can just troll? This is btw what I experienced all day as a blue phantom. gj pvp community. real skill

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          After being ages lurking in the darkness of this forums, i decided to bring my own mage builds for sl100 and sl160, so you can see them soom

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            a good build i call oni slayer pve/pvp build lvl 120 here stats you need deprived 39 health 40 dex 40 stam 11 strength 10 vit 10 int 10 fth 10 luck. You need a brass armor set and you need stamina ring. life ring, steel ring and ring of favor and main weapon onikiri+10 sharp gem i got to gold rande pvp with this build.

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              For those who want to try Bloodborne in DS3, I bring to you - THE DARK ONIKIRI+UBADACHI BUILD (SL 100)

                                                              Starting class: any, but I like Deprived best...
                                                              VGR: 15 STR: 13
                                                              ATT: 14 DEX: 40
                                                              END: 15 INT: 35
                                                              VIT: 12 FTH: 35

                                                              Weapon: DARK ONIKIRI + UBADACHI, with scaling + HUNTER'S RING + DARK CLUTCH RING, gives about 560 AR - highest AR I can make with any katana, unless someone can prove me wrong(?)

                                                              Use CAITHA'S CHIME for dark miracles like DEEP PROTECTION and DORHY'S GNAWING

                                                              and of course, for extra end recovery, use CHLORANTHY RING and maybe GRASS CREST SHIELD

                                                              This build is awesome for both PVE and PVP - since not many people have good dark defense, I like to invade lots and win to get Pale Tongues or whatever have you. Basic idea is just like bloodborne - roll lots, swing fast (don't be afraid to r1 spam like a casul), and look kinda cool depending on your armour. Personally, I like using the BRASS SET minus the chest, substituted for the FIREKEEPER ROBE.

                                                              Is this good? I think so.

                                                              - Love, IamDavidGustav on steam

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Fix phantom range promoting spacing? No, too much work.
                                                                Fix roll punish to punish mindless rolling? No, too much work.

                                                                The ***** you got paid for? Just eliminate pvp then

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  Can someone delete the build at the bottom?
                                                                  The Moonlight Warrior one is just an Ad to get people to join their clan.
                                                                  Please delete, admins.

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    Hello Peps
                                                                    I would like to know what is the current Soul Level Meta for Pvp. My main is at level 75.
                                                                    Thanks in advance :)

                                                                    • https://fextralife.com/calculator/dks3builds.html?aSAU7Ya75.BuHUvRevN.DsQTdznK.BLMIkj2.A.A.IcMS
                                                                      This is the "Casual Pyro" build, even if it's not casual XD
                                                                      But infuse the shield with a blessed gem for health regen, infuse the black blade with lightning and it'll do great damage and its pretty good
                                                                      I recomend you to upgrade the dragonslayer armor greataxe to +5, then when you parry your oponent, if you are good enough, you can do a weapon swap for massive damage on your oponent and even hitkill him.

                                                                      Bye :)

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        Welcome. The poison sage pvp build. This build is a luck style jack of all trades. Start the match with man grub staff and poison rotten spear with poison buff. This build goes to 40 luck because you get the most returns for ahri sword and the man grub spear taffeta at 45 luck. Use Claws for parry rather than fist because claws can also be used offensively with this build.when using theither spear in main hand have the grub staff if they have a big weapon and just chip them down with punish casts. If they have a fast weapon use the spear to keep them away and the claws I'm left hand to punish roles or parry. You can also punish parries by running at them with the spear while switching to 2 handed claws and use the weapon art into a small combo. The weapon art cannot be parried so they will regret trying to push Ish the spear. Go for poison early with spear and poison daggers. Play passive. Go aggressive with ahris strait sword or bleed buffed claws. The 40 dex allows you to not use sage ring. All yoy have are fast casts so the dex will cover all you need. Try it out and let me know what you things. It's a jack of all trades

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          PVP Meta Level 120:

                                                                          No fat-roll Smough: https://fextralife.com/calculator/dks3builds.html?BEuatRDnm.B2nekC3eP.JIwGPNJ2.ONTq8TN2.A.A

                                                                          Simple infusion on the Caestus.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            PVP Meta Level 140:

                                                                            Cathedral Knight: https://fextralife.com/calculator/dks3builds.html?LZcilCsx.B2neJqIht.JGFUIImM.DH2GPjeY.A.A.DVvp4t

                                                                            Heavy infusion on the Greatsword, Simple infusion on the Caestus. Also, you can swap life Ring for Leo Ring for the extra thrust-counter Damage.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              PVP Meta Level 140:

                                                                              Black Knight: https://fextralife.com/calculator/dks3builds.html?BGLVNTu5M.DbHUT7sh5.FY1NaAiO.B9Wcasc4.A.A.QK

                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                All builds below are PvP intended Meta SL 140:

                                                                                Ornstein: https://fextralife.com/calculator/dks3builds.html?LYDUuQel.DbGnFTB4X.JGl2aZRO.EiEuSNao.A.A.RT

                                                                                Smough: https://fextralife.com/calculator/dks3builds.html?BGKci1g9e.B2nekC3eP.JIwGPNJ2.ONTq8TN2.A.A

                                                                                Artorias: https://fextralife.com/calculator/dks3builds.html?BGKcnIF88.DbHUUATyX.BEf0KAES0.RVFO7228.A.A


                                                                                Ornstein's Lightning Spear should be replaced with Lightning Stake (Lightning stake only takes 1 Attunement slot now. The Wiki builder apparently hasn't updated). The Canvas Talisman maybe 1 Spellbuff point behind the Cleric's Chime at 35 faith, but the Hyper Armor from the Talisman's Unfaltering Prayer means that you can take a Greataxe to the face without interrupting the cast.

                                                                                Artorias's Wolf Ring was selected not only for the Character cosplay, but also because it allows you to take while 2-handing your Greatsword. Also, the additional Vitality allows you to lose the Parrying Dagger and swap the Wolf Knight Greatsword with the Farron Greatsword (Not 100% accurate, I know, but the Abyss Watchers are directly related to Artorias, and the aesthetics of the Farron Greatsword are almost identical to the "un-corrupted" Artorias Greatsword).

                                                                                All Parrying implements are intended to be infused with Simple.

                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  SL 120 build focusing on Undead Match PVP, Start as Warrior: 50 VIGOR, 50 VIT, 40 STR, 25 END, 10 DEX leave every other stats as default warrior. EQUIPMENT: Dragonslayers Greataxe, Heavy Longsword, Knights Crossbow (4 ranged), Lothric Knight shield, Ring of life +3, Ring of Favor +2, Hornet ring, Sun Princess ring. ARMOR: winged knight helm, mercenary armor, drang leggings, cathedral knight gauntlets. This build works very well I just turtle up and play passive and wait for the other guy to make a mistake before i shoot him with the cross bow and if they're very agressive i'll switch from the longsword to the dragonslayer greataxe as they run towards me and stun lock them for tremendous damage. If you get good with the cross bow you can shoot explosive bolts on the floor and hit people also make sure you're using the electric bolts on your knights crossbow for about 250-300 dmg a shot. If you want you can switch out the sun princess ring for the leo ring to get some nice crossbow dmg

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    For all of your low level pvp using twink builds, a level 30 build works wonders.
                                                                                    Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
                                                                                    SL: 30
                                                                                    Starting Class Knight
                                                                                    Stats: 20VIG, 10 ATT, 15END, 15 VIT, 16STR, 14DEX, 10INT, 12FAI, 7LUCK
                                                                                    Armor: Whatever, however, Twinkle, in his main form uses the best armor he can.
                                                                                    Left Hand: Dragon Crest Shield +2, Blessed Buckler +2, Pyromancy Flame +2
                                                                                    Right Hand: Raw Astora Straight Sword +2, Raw mail Breaker +2, Avelyn +2
                                                                                    Rings: Ring Of Favor +2, Ring of Steel Protection +2, Prisoner's Chain, Havel's Ring +2 (can be exchanged for other rings like the Chloranthy Ring +2 if you wear lighter armor).
                                                                                    Spell: Power Within (Can be exchanged, as well as almost everything else in this build).
                                                                                    Exploding Bolts and Lightning Bolts are used with Avelyn.
                                                                                    Items: 15 Estus Flask +10, Budding Green Blossom, Pale Pine Resin (used to buff as most early game people do not have good magic resistance), Lightning Urns (better than Black Firebombs in most cases as a low level), Rope Black Firebombs (for the surprise factor), Undead Hunter Charms, Duel Charms (so that you can be the only one with buffs), and Prism Stones (because you are a twink build).
                                                                                    Everything can be switched around on this build, for example, if you do notwant to run avelyn, you can drop the strength and dex down and add more vigor to be tankier, or you can run a lighter set of armor and use Chloranthy Ring +2 instead of Havel's Ring +2 (I am thinking about doing this).
                                                                                    Good luck with invasions and destroying noob low level coopers.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      The Sunfather (aka based Solaire aka doing it the old fashioned way)
                                                                                      SL125 (setup version 1.1)
                                                                                      Starting class: Knight
                                                                                      Stats: 35VIG, 18 Vitality, 40END, 40Dex/Str, 12 Intel/Faith (for utilitarian reasons)
                                                                                      Fashion: Solaire helm/shield and Alva armor
                                                                                      Standard Weapons: Refined Astora UGS and Estoc/fast adequate AR thrusting weapon for dealing with runners/low hp
                                                                                      Rings: Havel's ring or free slot depending on stat tweaking and 2&3 weapon slots, hornet ring, Chloranthy ring, Ring of Favor
                                                                                      Items: Explosives (for the taunters and campers), kukri, Green blossoms, Lightning resin (tears of denial kebab remover)
                                                                                      Required Expressions: Praise the sun (always praise it before and after fulfilling duties and after slaying point down casuls)
                                                                                      Notes: Not an easy mode quality based build. Free aim is a required skill. Don't forget to use both hands. People will try to be parry gods if you pull the Estoc leaving them open to UGS swap brutality. A little practice, over 9000 patience, and you too can make the meta gods weep. Invade and COOP to your heart's content \`[T] /

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Just enough STR and INT to use Black Knight's shield and great magic shield. Put everything else into VIG.
                                                                                        Use armor of choice, life ring +3, ring of favor +2, sun princess ring, and lingering dragoncrest ring +2.
                                                                                        Use a +10 Blessed Weapon for more HP regen.

                                                                                        Step 1: To properly use this build find a corner and stand in it, use great magic shield to buff Black Knight shield.
                                                                                        Step 2: Block. Everything. With luck would be attackers will realize that literally ANYTHING else would be a more productive use of their time.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          -Second Chance Knight-

                                                                                          Build: 27 VIG, 14 ATT, 40 END, 16 VIT, 40 STR, 40 DEX, 10 INT, 15 FTH, 7 LCK.
                                                                                          Weapons: +10 Hollowslayer Greatsword with Caestus or Llewellyn Shield. Otherwise +10 Lothric Greatsword or +10 Gotthard Twinswords also works.
                                                                                          Armor: Firelink Helm, Gundyr's Armor, Mirrah Chain Gloves and Exile Leggings.
                                                                                          Rings: Havel's Ring +2, Ring of Favor +2, Chloranthy Ring +2 and Obscuring Ring or Whichever you like.
                                                                                          Spell: Tears of Denial.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            My build. Starting class is the knight. 27 vigor, 30 endurance, 25 vitality, 40 strength, 37 dexterity and 15 intelligence. Soul level is 108. Full undead legion set and refined +10 gotthard twin-swords. Rings are : chloranthy ring, carthus milk ring, Havel's ring and ring of favor. Barely at 40% equip load for faster rolling and less fall damage.

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Best build: Knight; 27 Vigor, 40 Vit, 32 End, 35 Str, 35 Dex, lowest possible Faith, Int, or Luck

                                                                                              Knight's Ring, Hunters Ring, Havel's Ring+2, Lautrec's Ring+2

                                                                                              Should be Soul Level 115. Should have over 100 carry weight, allowing 3 main weapons, 3 side weapons, heavy armor, and high poise

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                it doesnt let me go and pvp WHY!!!! im online like all the time and it shows the option to invade but it doesnt let me WHY!?!?!!?

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  So is the meta 120? The average builds on this page end there. If I went as high as 125, would that ***** up my matching making? I seem to get invaded alot more at my current SL120, but as far as co-op goes, there were more signs around SL80-90

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    I have a build that uses the new DLC weapon Friede's great scythe,
                                                                                                    that has high vigor
                                                                                                    good attunement
                                                                                                    high endurance
                                                                                                    mid strength, dexterity, Intelligence and Faith
                                                                                                    but I have low luck and vitality.
                                                                                                    I'm NG++ and just got banned for reasons I don't understand :(

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      so, i have Strength based build. i use heavy gotthards blade (A scaling in str) 40 vigor, 20 atunement, 40 endurance, 45 strength, 15 intellect. SL 120

                                                                                                      i use farron ring, ring of favor, wolf ring (a chance not to get interrupted out of a WA) and the knights ring. i use the greater magic weapon buff for a little extra damage (still not sure if maybe blessed weapon would add more damage or not)

                                                                                                      i mainly PvE and this build works great with that (i use iryithll straight sword for pve) as for PvP, i win most of the time when invaded but in arena i would say im 50/50 on the win/lose ratio

                                                                                                      is there anything i can do to fine tune the build or is this alright?

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        There is no way to win a 1v3 chicken fight, sadly with any build. Some people are just too coward to fight a 1v1.

                                                                                                        • Invasion stealth build:

                                                                                                          Use black, light armor (ideally the Drang set with a Thief Mask), the Obscuring Ring, and the Warden Twinblades. Have the Chameleon and Spook spells. Shortbow with Poison arrows recommended. Whenever you invade, hide and use Chameleon. Ambush the Host and spam L1 with the blades. If you are forced to trade hits, flee and repeat.
                                                                                                          Keep in mind, I made this almost exclusively or PvP, this'll be pretty much useless in PvE.

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            The Dark Murakumo +10 is OP when you have 50 in both intelligence and faith!I like this weapon way better than the Exile Greatsword.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              I am a wiki noob, couldn't find the New Page + button. I think this is a decently fun build and wanted to share it. Hopefully someone who knows how will make a page for it and make it look nice with item pictures, inventory lists, and other jazz. I would really appreciate it. Enjoy!https://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls3/86183Bloodshade build, apply constant pressure for profuse bleeding and delicious hot murdursauce. Strike with ferocity from the shadows and stack your opponents to focus on a single target at a time. Hunt gankers in packs or alone if using invaders for distractions. Black Crystal out if up against a lone player or give him a fair duel if willing. Soul Level: 135 (16+ hollowing)Starting Class: Any (built from an Assassin)Vigor: 35 HP: 1141 (1483)Attunement:14 FP: 114Endurance: 30 STA: 134Vitality: 25Strength: 30Dexterity: 40Intelegence: 25Faith: 10Luck: 15 (25 due to hollowed weapons L/RH1)Helm: Thief's Mask (for looks and weight)Chest: Undead Legion Armor (covenant uniform, Wolf knight/Alva alternate?)Hands: Black Guantlets (same poise as Alva's gauntlets with slightly more weight)Legs: Alva's Leggings (Poise:weight ratio is unbeatable, dancer's or Black Leggings alternate?)Equip Load: 66.62% (43.3/65.00)Poise: ~30 (varies with equipment/rings)Rings:Build uses NG+1 rings, use the base versions if unavailable. R1-3 rings are required for the covenant's aggressive ambush tactics. Wolf ring was chosen for those moments when you need to get that hit in RIGHT NOW or want to switch to a heavier RH2 weapon (go study poise in the archives, it is complicated). Ring 4 is otherwise optional. L/RH1: Hollow Notched Whip / Hollow Onikiri & UbidachiUse any primary weapon you are skilled with, but ensure it has natural bleed and is hollow infused. The offhand can be a hollowed dagger if you wish to have rapid attacks rather than the range of a whip, yet ensure both LH1 and RH1 are hollowed. Hollowing both weapons will give an AR boost and +5 LCK per weapon, even if either is being 2 handed (as long as your character hollowing level is 16+). Natural luck for this build is 15. LCK raises your bleed attack. The notched whip was only chosen for it's ranged bleed annoyance for prolonged fights and ability to bypass shields/parry, otherwise, strap it to the belt and pull out that other sword.Alternatively, Use buffs with unhollowed weapons. Focus on bleed damage/agility. Warden Twinblades make great paintbrushes. Don't forget to lick the spoon...L/RH2: Blood Caestus / Dragonslayer SpearCaestus for rapid bleeding strikes when 2H, or use for parrying strikes in left hand (again, base damage is not the focus here, try out the manikin claws if you want instead). Pair this with a larger weapon of your choice like a greatsword or spear. Dragonslayer spear was chosen for lightning damage against Ironflesh players, excellent reach, charge attacks, and ranged weapon art. Recommended alternates are Twin Princes Greatsword, Farron Greatsword, Carthus Curved Greatsword, and Firelink Greatsword.LH3: Pyromancy flame will help you sneak in an explosion every once in a while and adds satisfying immolation to your arsenal. Choose pyromancies well, though recommended are Chaos Bed Vestiges/ Profaned Flame & Sacred Flame or Ironflesh/ or juggle the weight and wield sorceries instead. I haven't experimented with building the FTH for miracles/lightning instead of INT, but Dorhy's Gnawing could be an excellent choice for the bleed damage.RH3: May use Havels Ring, Prisoners Chain, or Ring of Favor to carry RH3. Recommended options are a bow or paired weapons (warden twinblades, dancer swords etc.)Tools:Estus 13:2 (play with what works for you)Ember (>9000 of course :P)Undead Hunter Charms (to stop estus recovery)Throwing knives, rope bombs, whatever helps you apply pressure or retreatCarthus Blood Rogue (if using uninfused weapons)

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                Soul level 60Starting class: knightVigor: 21Attunement:10Endurance:20Vitality: 23Strength: 20Dexterity: 20Intelegence: 19Faith: 9Luck: 7Rh1: Greatsword of judgement +2Lh1: Caestus or Crest SheildHead: knights helmTorso: silver knight armourGauntlets: fallen knight gauntletsLegs: knight leggingsRing 1: Havels ringRing 2: Cloranthory ringRing 3: dragon scale ringRing 4: blue tear stone ringNo set consumables

                                                                                                                • This page needs an edit. Although yes, the most common single number thrown around for the SL meta is 120, according to this relatively huge community poll ( http://strawpoll.me/7196472 ) (the largest poll ever taken on the subject to date), a significant majority of active community/PvP players want the SL meta to be higher by at least some degree.In fact, of the number of players who care enough about the subject to actually look into it and participate in the poll, only about 30% less people voted for an //SL 150 META// than they did for an SL 120 meta. MUCH higher than what is currently accepted. I cannot stress enough how big of a disparity that is in people's opinions on the subject. And in case that wasn't enough to get the point across, here's another comparison that better drives home the "significant majority" point I mentioned before:Even negating all the votes from people who wanted a (frankly) ridiculously high or low SL meta (more than 170* or less than 100), the total exact number of people who want an SL meta of 120 or below (at the time of this posting, and also including anyone who voted for "other") is 931, as opposed to 1,257 players who want it to be higher. In fact, even if you don't include any votes for higher than 150, the number of people who want an SL meta higher than 120 is still 1,194, which is about 25% more than people who want 120 or below.According to this data, SL 120 is not the currently accepted or most popular SL meta by any means, though technically it wins one battle, which is that it's the most commonly used single number. This is most likely due to the constant perpetuation of the idea, however. And it's likely that at least in part, the bandwagon effect is to blame for the inflation of SL 120's popularity, even just numerically (people tend to vote for what they think is generally accepted, which makes the highest number in a poll inflate even higher). This isn't even considering factors such as reluctance to change builds due to an SL meta change, the influence of popular Youtubers, or the lack of many good, high-quality build guides for characters over SL 120. All of these things are potentially holding the community back from changing to a new SL meta that frankly and statistically, the community WANTS.So while I cannot present any new single number as the new SL meta that the community wants the most, I can safely say that outright stating SL 120 to be the SL meta is simply wrong, and hurtful to the community as well, since this page and that number are likely some of the first things people see when looking for the SL meta, and they may not read the entire section past that point. I'm new to wiki editing myself, so I fear that I'll make some kind of mistake in editing the page if I try, and I also think it'd be wrong for someone as opinionated and verbose as I am to make the change.But I would like to ask one of the editors here to consider doing whatever it is you do to make a clarification to the section that fairly represents the state of SL meta. Something along the lines of the accepted meta and popular builds starting around 120 and existing primarily through 120-150, meaning PvP-matching should be decent all throughout 110-160, though numbers closer to the middle will be better, especially in low-traffic areas (but let's face it, even if the PvP playerbase was divided all the way from SL 100-200, there'd still be enough PvP in Anor Londo for everyone).It's essential that this change become accepted or at least posted before the new surge of PvP comes with the new DLC, otherwise metas above 120 may never catch on, and the majority of the community could be potentially blocked from PvPing at the level they want for a very long time.*(And I do not mean to imply that there's no room for a realm of very high or low SL PvP, but we're talking about a norm for average end-game PvPers that accommodates fully developed builds without allowing them to become too diluted.)

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    Gotthard TwinswordsOldWolfCurvedSwordRings;FAP,Carthus milkring,Havel's ring,Pontiff right eyeStats;Vigor 23,Att,12,END 26,VIT 22,STR,19,DEX 40,INT 10,FTH 18, Luck 9 GG boys

                                                                                                                    • Starting class:Deprived SL: 2027 Vigor10 Endurance10 Attunement10 Vitality10 Strength10 Dexterity10 Intelligence12 Faith10 LuckR1: Raw Astora Straight Sword +2 for MatchmakingL1: Caestus or Small leather shield for parry. If you good at it - Grass Crest Shield is your best choice.L2:Sorceror's Staff of Pyromancy flame for wepon baffSpells: Magic Weapon or Carthus flame arc, choice is yoursArmor: Armor of Thorns is the best choice,but i go for Fashion Souls and lower equipment weight - Dusk Crown, Firekeeper robe, Black leather gloves and boots.Rings: Cloranthy, Hornet, Flynn's and Prisoner's chainConsumables: Estus Flask +9(You'll face noobs with phantoms, although you'll be OP you will take more damage by wearing Chain), Undead Hunter Charm(Nobody drinks when you invade, except for you), Duel Charm (And no buffs allowed), Gold Pine Resin (When it needed)It take an effort to complete that build, but it totally worth it. Invade, destroy, walks out like a boss, send invite to #gid_gud group.Also it help to earn Proof of concords, if you invade at Undead Settlement. No covenant active unless Way of the blue.

                                                                                                                      • Starting Class: Knight SL: 120Vigor: 30Attunement: 18Endurance: 29Vitality: 22Strength: 14Dexterity: 20Intelligence: 9Faith: 60Luck: 7RH1: Lightning Lothric Sword +10RH2: Lightning Lothric Long Spear +10LH1: Blessed CaestusLH2: Sunlight Talisman +10Sunlight Spear, Bountiful Light, Lightning StakeAlva Helm, Wolf Knight Armour, Silver Knight Gauntlets, Silver Knight LeggingsSage Ring, Lightning Clutch Ring, Ring Of Sun's 1st Born, Chloranthy RingWorks great PVP and PVE with range of the spear and speed of the sword, aswell as spells hitting like a truck and giving some extra heals combined with the blessed Caestus.

                                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                                          Starting class:Mercenary SL: 12035 Vigor40 EnduranceBase Attunement15 Vitality40 Strength40 DexterityBase IntelligenceBase FaithBase LuckRight hand weapon: Farron GreatswordLeft hand weapon: Grass Crest ShieldLorians's Helm, Undead Legion Armour, Undead Legion Gauntlets, Elite Knight LeggingsRings: Havels, Ring of Favor, Carthus Bloodring (to increase untouchableness) and Chloranthy ring (to extend the effect of untouchableness)

                                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                                            Wow ever tried to do PvP while playing a pure sorcerer ? It's not even a matter of builds but a matter of every warriors rolling to skip ANY spells...TAKE OFF ROLLING IMMUNITY or make it like swords so it still hit while rolling. FFS some swords hit you even meters away from the area of impact.

                                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                                              Come on peeps I want more of these in the list, because everyone knows Low level PVP is an extremely cool meta ! need moar lvl 30 - 40 - 60 - 80 builds Will post some builds myself later I think.

                                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                Standard quality build, rings are only rings like life, favour, havels, chloranty, and dragon scale. Untrue dark ring must be equipped. Dmg asorbtion values cannot go over 23.0 in any defense. Two att slots if tears of denial needed. No self buffs, only blessed weapon allowed once a match/duel. Feel free to add a calamity ring. GG guys, GG.

                                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                                  Starter class: deprivedGift: white tree branchSL: 70VIG: 27ATT: 10END: 30 VIT: 10STR: 11DEX: 11INT: 40FAITH: 10LUCK: 10Weapon: moonlight great swordRings: obscure RingHornet ringFavor +2 Havel+2 Spells: crystall magic weapon. Stratigy: tumblr buff your MILFS and riposte ppl with hornet ring. Simple right?

                                                                                                                                  • Is there some reason why they made the knight the go-to for everyone to R1 to victory? I mean, almost half (20/41) the builds here are Knight; seems rather lopsided.

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