Status Effects in Dark Souls 3 are those which are detrimental to players and NPCs. The following is a list of the status effects in the game, with an explanation of the effect and relevant items.
See also Status Icons, for a list of the various Icons diplayed on the HUD. Please see Damage Types for information on other types of damage that may be dealt and resisted.
Note that all Enemies are immune to Curse.
The status bars are represented inconsistently still: the first segment stops at 33, the second at 103, the third at 300 and the final one at 500, still the your values can go further. This law applies for every status.
Status Effects
Effect: Inflicts damage, lower absorption, and slows stamina regeneration Mitigation: Fleshbite Ring, Mossfruit, Deep Protection, Profuse Sweat, Vigor investment, Equipment with high Frost resistance Cured: Rime-Blue Moss Clump, Divine Blessing, Caressing Tears |
Effect: Instant death Mitigation: Cursebite Ring, Fleshbite Ring, Mossfruit, Deep Protection, Profuse Sweat, Luck investment, Equipment with high Curse resistance Cured: N/A |
Effect: Take damage equal to percentage of max HP Mitigation: Bloodbite Ring, Fleshbite Ring, Mossfruit, Deep Protection, Profuse Sweat, Endurance investment, Equipment with high Bleed resistance Cured: Bloodred Moss Clump, Divine Blessing, Caressing Tears Cure Maggots: Torch, Caressing Tears |
Effect: Slowly inflicts HP damage on the player. Mitigation: Poisonbite Ring, Fleshbite Ring, Mossfruit, Deep Protection, Profuse Sweat, Vitality investment, Equipment with high Poison resistance Cured: Purple Moss Clump, Blooming Purple Moss Clump, Divine Blessing, Caressing Tears Note: The effects of poison are much slower to damage health than in DSI and DSII. |
Effect: Rapidly inflicts HP damage on the player & lowers Stamina Regeneration Mitigation: Poisonbite Ring, Fleshbite Ring, Mossfruit, Deep Protection, Profuse Sweat, Vitality investment, Equipment with high Poison resistance Cured: Blooming Purple Moss Clump, Divine Blessing, Caressing Tears |
Effect: Player becomes progressively more hollow with each death. Unlocks free levels with Yoel of Londor at certain levels. Also augments the Hollow infusion to increase Luck making Hollowing a way to increase Luck without actually leveling up. Mitigation: N/A. The option is voluntary. Cured: Fire Keeper Soul turned into firekeeper, then pay to be cured. To remove the visual effects, use Purging Stone. Praying to the Statue of Velka |
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
how about dark, is there any effect if you get hit by dark weapon? i mean like bleed weapon, if bleeding bar reach at certain level there will be a true damage thing.
- Anonymous
Hi question on my weapon there a purple star effect and I don’t know what it means
- Anonymous
The Toxin and Poison status effects must be a standard thing in this game, because my brother's mouth SPEWS it when he's playing a brutal match of PvP.
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
i love poison but its weak :( is there a build with poison ? i mean a good build
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
By the way if your character is getting old it is called hollowing and there are plasis you can go to to remove it. But I don’t see why you would want to because you can increase your luck when you have a sertain amount of hollowing you can increas your luck. This hollowing comes from dark siduals and you hallow when you die in the game the dark sidials become hollowing and when you go to these sertain places to get your hollowing removed they revert to being dark siduals so you asentaly have to die as little as possible and in dark souls that is not likely to die very little but you can try. You will just have to live with the way you look when you hollow. Wish you the best in finding the solution this is just some info you can use to help. Ps I am answering the person who “whanted to fix the fact that he is satarting to look old in dark souls three”
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Absolutely stupid you can't block some of these with a shield. How you gonna make me bleed through my shield?
- Anonymous
¿why my character is getting onld and how can i get him young again
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I came here in hopes to learn about what they could be, one is a blue square and the other is a red eye, it only shows up sometimes when I try to invade so I am guessing it has something to do with that but I have no idea.
- Anonymous
Just died by curse effects in the archives, got trapped in between some furniture while rolling away from the outrider. Was equipped with a ring of sacrifice and it didn't break and I lost all my souls. Luckily there was a bloodstain.Playing on original version
theres like 2 shields that block poison buildup. but there isn't a single shield for bleed buildup? really from soft? you gave two items that block a useless status effect and left a very strong and abused status effect without any effective form of countering it?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Valeu! Esse congelamento estava estava me confundindo completamente kkk
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Hello everybody, I've been having for over a month a strange status effect. I don't know what it does, but maybe it is related to the fact that each time I respawn I have like very few poison, toxic and the others status effects, but they dissapear in a second. It is dark and I dont know what it causes but Im freaking out. Please help! I know that it isnt the icon that marks that you hav password, ao I dont know what it is.
- Anonymous
I mean, I love Dark Souls, but frankly "Status Effect" is always a poor component of the game.The developers could have used more fantasy here.1)IMO, Bleeding is the only worth status in Dark Souls 3.2)Poison needs a buff, and I really hope that FROM will buff its damage cause it's kinda useless.3)Toxic is stronger, but you have not enough weapons/skills to put toxic so it's very very very rare.4)Frostbite is interesting but.. hey, you have like 4 weapons only to put frostbite (not even a spell)..That said, we could have seen a lot more.Then, just some ideas I had in like 2 minutes (so I don't get why developers haven't tried here)5)I don't really know why we can't have a Curse-weapon that slowly puts Curse to the target.The curse status exists, so why we can't have anything to Curse enemies (it hasn't to be OP).6) Any status that makes you fat rolling for few seconds? Dunno? 3/4 seconds of fat rolling after getting the status.7)A status inflicted by weapons and spells to block estus recovery for few seconds (like the consumable item)??When the status bar is full you can't heal for X seconds8)A status that reduces your FP points by X amount when proc?9)A status that makes you lose X% of your souls when proc?10) Any status that makes you unable to Attack for few seconds when proc? Like 3-4 seconds----------------------------------------------------------------------After 3 games you can't say that we've seen a lot of new contents.80% of Spells, weapons and armors haven't changed from previous games... I'd be very very happy to see something revolutionary in the future dlc,then you can start flaming me cause I blamed an aspect of your favorite game.
- Anonymous
man poison is so weak in this game, it is so slow that it all but never could affect you.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
So im not wearing the calamity ring but i have put it on before as i thought it made enemies take more damage but it doesnt lol and now im not wearing it yet still have the icon
Frostbite deals 100 damage & also lowers all absorption by 5.
- Anonymous
There some sort of "curse" status or spell inflicted by the jailer in irithyll dungeon that lowers your max health extremely low. Anyone know what it is or how to mitigate it?
- Anonymous
I think frobite also lowers your damage absorption (You'll take more damage). Not confirmed yet.
- Anonymous
There is a gold status effect icon when you have password matching enabled. if anyone came here looking for that.
- Anonymous
I died from curse and now do less damage. That or Hollowing lowers it. I estimate I lost around 5-8 damage
- Anonymous
We need more research on the holy status effect.When you have a holy weapon/shield equipped theres an icon that appears under your life gauge.I know that holy weapons can stop undead skels from reviving,and it doesnt seem to work on shields(unless you deal the final blow with the shield).But then theres only a handful of reviving skeletons in the game so I doubt that thats its only purpose.
I don't actually know what Frostbite does. Isn't it basically Bleed from Dark Souls 2?
- Anonymous
Cleared the hollowing details as someone had confused it with the state of being unkindled, don't actually know the details of the hollowing stat, so I left it blank for now.
The bloodred moss clump cures maggots bte