Talismans are wielded in order to cast Miracles. These items were not present in Dark Souls 2, but make a return here. The most commonly found Skill among them, Unfaltering Prayer, differentiates them from Chimes and turns them towards PvP use. Not meeting the Faith requirement for the Talisman will drop the spell buff to a flat 60.
Name & Icon | Attack Power Damage Reduction (%) |
Requirements Param Bonus |
Durability / Weight - Attack Type - Skill | |||||||||||||
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Skill |
Acquired From |
52 25.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 10.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 15.0 |
100 10 |
100 | 4 E |
0 - |
0 - |
10 B |
50 0.5 |
8( -/ -) |
Sold by Shrine Handmaid for 500 souls. | ||
52 25.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 10.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 15.0 |
100 10 |
107 | 4 D |
0 - |
0 - |
16 A |
65 0.5 |
8 (-/-) |
Undead Settlement | ||
52 25.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 10.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 15.0 |
100 10 |
103 | 4 D |
0 - |
0 - |
14 B |
65 0.5 |
9( -/ -) |
Farron Keep, in the swamp near the Estus Soup. | ||
73 25.0 |
0 15.0 |
79 15.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 15.0 |
100 10.0 |
106 | 4 E |
0 - |
16 D |
20 D |
45 0.5 |
11( -/ -) |
Smouldering Lake: Lava pit. | ||
74 25.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 10.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 10 |
117 | 4 E |
0 - |
0 C |
24 B |
50 0.5 |
8(-/-) |
Reward for completing the questline of Sirris of the Sunless Realms | ||
52 25.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 10.0 |
0 15.0 |
0 15.0 |
100 10 |
112 | 4 D |
0 - |
0 - |
14 B |
55 0.5 |
8 (-/-) |
Purchased from Shrine Handmaid for 3,000 souls after giving her Paladin's Ashes |
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
what if I intentionally don't meet the int requirement for White Hair Talisman? I know I can still cast both miracles and pyromancies and that the spell buff is reduced to a flat value, but would it in any way affect spells that don't directly do damage and are also unaffected by faith/spellbuff? (In this case being Poison Mist, Deep Protection and Bountiful Light, yes this is a gimmick build lol)
- Anonymous
noticed some miracles use less stamina when using chimes over talismans
tested for a shord period and only some heals and lightning spears were tested
- Anonymous
at 45 fth which talisman is better? I'm planning on using the Sunlight one because of the poise but i'm not sure of how much spell buff it'll have compared to the others
- Anonymous
why the **** do they need 4 strength lmao, this isn't dark souls 2 where starting classes can have 1 in something...
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
There are three "levels" of hyperarmor that talismans can grant with their WA. I've confirmed this myself through testing and so have plenty of other people if you browse around.
The Saint's Talisman offers the lowest level of hyperarmor. I don't know the exact value but it's not enough to tank even a single two handed great sword swing.
The Talisman, Canvas Talisman, and Sunless Talisman all offer the same exact medium level of poise. They all have the same poise value; there is no difference and you can discover this yourself through proper testing. People keep assuming that the Talisman must be worse than the Canvas Talisman because the Talisman is a starter item while the Canvas Talisman is not. That's simply not true and the only difference between the two are their spellbuffs at different faith levels.
The Sunlight Talisman offers the highest level of poise. Again, I don't know how much it is exactly but it's a lot, enough to tank multiple ultra-great weapon hits.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
So i run a pure faith build currently on new game 7. Started as a faith dex build and never looked back. Yorshkas for range. Sunlight for up close. No debates thats all there is to it. For dark Sunless for up close. (Scythe) Cathias for range. (Dohrys) None of this oh but canvas or of but saints talisman. Its as simple as this, if your at a range. Go for the highest spell buff. If youre up close then you must never stagger, or you will die. I have over 200 pale tounges from following these methods. Also if you are range faith build. Learn to love the farron ring. See if you can figure out why, read spell descriptions and notice the son
- Anonymous
In 3 playthroughs I have never used anything but the white hair and it was never upgraded. I only used it to cast tears, and then minor miracle/pyro weapon buffs, and the only spell I have ever cast is frozen weapon a number of times. I'm totally clueless to this side of the game. I do not understand what is most important, is it spell cost, buff, or scaling? I understand what unfaltering prayer is based on description, but which one produces the most powerful version of it? I'm seeing so much conflicting information I don't know what to think. For my final character I was hoping to do a powerful faith/bleed build, but I'm so ignorant to this side of the game I honestly don't know where to begin.
- Anonymous
There’s a number of idiots in the comments. Save the stupid jokes for 4chan or your discord servers, kids.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
which talisman should i use for my current faith which is 40?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
See you guys, Clerics use sacred chimes and HERalds use talismans It evens out
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I have 21 faith but i am going for 45 From now becuase ive upgraded evrything else.
What talisman?
- Anonymous
Best talisman for 45 faith? Currently, I'm using a maxed canvas talisman but I want to know if there are better options.
- Anonymous
VERY useful tips: faith can be played as a super buff character, a support character or a heavy tank/nuke character there are of course in betweens. If you are not a tank/nuke chatacter i suggest going to the chime section. I have made some testing to conclude that for talismans poise wise sunlight>regular>canvas this was tested against the hollows outside firelink shrine using the heal spells since they can be held for as much as you like before casting. Anw sunlight tanks 8 hits. Regular talisman tanks 6 hits while canvas tanks 4 hits and at 45 faith for +10 catalysts testing on the big chainsaw guy in the undead settlement at the dilapidated bridge bonfire: sunlight spear does 672 up close using regular talisman 671 using canvas and 600 using sunlight. Note that for the sunlight spear tge extra melee hitbox is worth 67% of the original spells dmg if anyone is wondering so to conclude canvas has equal dmg to regular but has less poise while sunlight has outstanding poise but the other talismans do about 10% more dmg so eotger choose regular talisman or sunlight depending on preference please not this test was done in ng++ with absolutely not buff from rings any other spells. I hope this helps
- Anonymous
For those people still wondering:
Talismans are the best catalysts for PvP spells. Their weapon arts will cast the spell and grand you hyperarmor for a fixed minor amount of FP.
Not all talismans offer the same damage and hyper armor, however the Canvas Talisman is the best choice since it's the most well-rounded in terms of hyperarmor and spellbuff.
DO NOT use talismans for buffing, healing or ranged miracles. Yorshka's Chime is WAY better for that. The only selling point of the talismans is their weapon art that allows you to trade even with greatsword users in MELEE range.
- Anonymous
i wanna make an lightening arrow build, wich chime or talisman is the best for this
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
scaling S or A doesnt seem to do much. an A scaling one got 200 spell buff in average and an S scaling 230Remember in DS1 it was a huge differnce. Same for weapons:+4 at A and +7 at S.
- Anonymous
my sunless talisman +4 spell buff was reduced from 140 to 132 when i reached 30 faith. any idea how it happen?
- Anonymous
Ive looked everywhere and can't find where to upgrade the talismans ffs
- Anonymous
I can verify that the spell buff increases with the reinforcement of Talismans, Chimes, and other spellcasting gear, but how much it irises I cannot verify, nor which one has the best spell-buff endgame. Can someone testthese amounts for me and upload them? Can a column be added for spell buff to the talismans, chimes, catalysts' etc. upgrade tables?
- Anonymous
I speak it out plainly: such things don't exist in europe. Never have. You would never find them in a game about knights, dragons and big bosomed princesses. So where does the inspiration came from? Well I saw something similar in an anime and it was called "teru teru bozu". wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teru_teru_b%C5%8Dzu
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I dont know which one is the best? i read the S scaling one is worse than the normal one... someone got a real explanation?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
At this point, since I will only be using healing miracles, I will honor solaires memory by only using his talisman once I have recieved it, even if I want to use offensive miracles, do not care about stats anymore or effectiveness, just wanna carry a little piece of my old freind with me into battle with tarkuses shield and other misc memories, I will ride that struggle bus if I have too, I will bring my old friends with me to the end! Now who's with me!?
- Anonymous
How do we tell which talisman will do higher damage? I'm not seeing any damage numbers?
- Anonymous
So it seems like, with the inclusion of talismans as well as chimes (and a couple other things too like "firelink shrine", blades of the darkmoon, etc), that they're attempting to bring DS1+2 together into a single narrative. I hope they can- they were basically two totally different games just with similar mechanics.
Man, I wish unfaltering prayer was in Elden ring- as much as the damage usually sucked, nothing beat being able to say “**** you I WILL cast this lighting spear” as some fool flailed their long sword trying to interrupt you.