
Type Attribute

Endurance is a stat in Dark Souls 3 that determines the amount of Stamina your character has.


Dark Souls 3 Endurance Effects

Attribute governing stamina. Also governs resistance to lightning and bleeding.

  • Leveling Endurance grants 1-3 Stamina per point until a soft cap at 40 Endurance and a hard cap at 99 Endurance.
  • You recieve only 10 extra Stamina between 41-99 Endurance, so it is very unwise to level Endurance past 40.
  • For each point of Endurance you also gain 1.1 lightning defense, 0.4 in other defenses, 0.2 in all resistances.


Dark Souls 3 Data and Player Notes For Endurance

Endurance Stamina Lightning Def Bleed Def
9 92    
10 94 83  
11 95 84  
12 97 85  
13 98 86 +1
14 100 87  
15 102 89 163
16 104 90  
17 106 91  
18 108 92 +1
19 110 93  
20 112 96 164
21 114    
22 116    
23 118   +1
24 120    
25 122 101 165
26 125    
27 127    
28 129    
29 132    
30 134 106 166
31 136    
32 139    
33 141    
34 144    
35 146 118 182
36 149    
37 152    
38 154    
39 157    
40 160 130 198
41 160    
45 160 140 201
50 161 149 205


Dark Souls 3 Endurance Notes, Tips & Trivia

  • Endurance Notes, Tips & Trivia go here.


Attunement  ♦  Bleed  ♦  Curse  ♦  Dark Defense  ♦  Dexterity  ♦  Equipment Load  ♦  Faith  ♦  Fire Defense  ♦  FP  ♦  Frostbite  ♦  Intelligence  ♦  Item Discovery  ♦  Lightning Defense  ♦  Luck  ♦  Magic Defense  ♦  Physical Defense  ♦  Poise  ♦  Poison  ♦  Strength  ♦  Vigor  ♦  Vitality


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    • Anonymous

      Always the first stat I level up. Considering how little damage you do to enemies in this game, you're gonna have to hit them multiple times to deal with mobs effectively. Plus a little at the end to roll away from whatever combos the enemies do when they decide they don't wanna be poise broken.

      • Anonymous

        Literally the best stat in the whole game!
        Like you need to dodge a lot of attacks especially against some boss enemies you can't just run away they will follow up also you can sprint through most of the areas if you don't wanna fight some enemies in the game and just want to make a simple boss run challenge.
        So its very wise to focus on this and vigor early on put some stats in str and dex to carry some weapons one handed.
        I beat the game first time with a total of 37 endurance and i didn't regret any single point that i have put in this stat.
        i am pretty sure i wouldn't have beaten the soul of cinder with less endurance i dodged a bunch of his attacks and still got enough stamina left to hit him atleast 2-3 times.

        • Anonymous

          I have prisoner's chain and rof+3, I had 163 stamina at 35 endurance and 166 at 36. If these tables are to be believed, this should be impossible.

          • Anonymous

            Just some info for anyone wondering about 40 endurance with ring of favor +3, it will bring you to 179 stamina. Prisoners chain wont add any more, due to the softcap, so if you plan on using that as well then make sure you only level endurance to 35

            • Anonymous

              HERE are the stamina upgrades beyond level 40, if anyone else here is curious, since this site FAILS to give the FULL results. The game's only been out for 3 years guys.... Embarrassing. Update this crap. ALSO, while you do have 161 stamina at level 50, THAT IS MISLEADING. Okay... You get one point of stamina at these levels of endurance... Lvl 46, Lvl 52, Lvl 58, Lvl 64, Lvl 70, Lvl 76, Lvl 82, Lvl 88, Lvl 94 and Lvl 99. All are in increments of 6 levels except for the last which is in 5. Who runs this site???

              • Anonymous

                Lightning defense gives 1.5-2pts avg per pt of endurance up until a softcap of 60 endurance where it starts to give 1 lightning defense

                • Anonymous

                  40 stamina is good for heavy builds/tanks.
                  Around 30 is good for aggressive melee builds or melee/caster builds
                  20 is enough for casters.

                  • Anonymous

                    Considering you only gain a maximum of 3 points per level, I get the feeling that in this game, endurance is a dump stat? Is it only an impression?

                    • Anonymous

                      I can confirm endurance starts of giving 1.5 stamina per point increasing to 2 per endurance then 2.5 and I believe to 3 at one point then dropping of at 40 endurance.

                      • Anonymous

                        By the looks of these numbers endurance increases at a greater rate the higher your endurance until lvl 40. Are these numbers just wrong or is this rly the case?

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