Endings for Dark Souls 3 refer to the events that ocurr leading to and after the final boss battle, before initiation of New Game Plus cycles. There are four endings in the game and three trophies/achievements available to unlock. Endings "2" and "3" listed belong to the same achievement/trophy, as they are simple variations of each other.
Ending 1: To Link The First Flame
- Kill the Soul of Cinder and link the first flame.
Ending 2: The End of Fire
- Obtain the Eyes of the Firekeeper from the Untended Graves' Firelink Shrine.
- Give them to the Firekeeper and exhaust her dialogue. Make sure to select "yes" when prompted.
- Kill the Soul of Cinder, and summon the Firekeeper via the summoning sign. It's next to bonfire.
- Can either watch the cutscene, or attack the Firekeeper in the final moments . Each has different results and you will NOT unlock the ending achievement if you kill the Firekeeper.
Ending 3: "Unkindled Ending" (Variation of ending #2)
- Complete the steps above but kill the fire keeper during the last moments of the cutscene.
- No achievement for this ending
Ending 4: Usurpation of Fire
- Find Yoel of Londor near the Foot of the High Wall bonfire. Recruit him and talk to him at the Firelink Shrine.
- Request his "strength" by allowing him to level you up. Do this all five times. One level per two deaths. Must be done before killing the Abyss Watchers. Doing this will cause the door to the catacombs to open, and upon entering, kills off Yoel. This will cause a premature ending to the questline. Also NEVER cure your Hollowing by talking with the Firekeeper after obtaining Soul of the Firekeeper. The Purging stone and Velka Statue are safe to use, however. You should receive 5 dark sigils from him. Note: You can "cure" your hollowing via Purging Stone. This gives you your human appearance whilst keeping your dark sigils. This doesn't impact this path. So long as you DO NOT cure the dark sigil via Firekeeper.
- Find Anri of Astora at the Halfway Fortress bonfire. Exhaust all dialogue.
- Speak to them again at the Firelink Shrine after killing the Deacons of the Deep.
- Find Anri in the Catacombs of Carthus in a hallway next to the first rolling skeleton ball. Exhaust all dialogue.
- Enter the Smouldering Lake and kill Horace in the cave.
- To find the cave, hug the right wall when entering the lake.
- Find Anri on the path near the wooden bridge before the High Lord Wolnir boss. Exhaust all dialogue.
- If you killed Horace beforehand, choose dialogue option "Tell Anri of Smouldering Lake", which will have Anri set up a gravestone for Horace.
- Otherwise, choose "say nothing". If Horace is still alive and you inform Anri of his whereabouts in Smouldering Lake, Anri will later be found dead.
- Find Anri at the Church of Yorksha fire. Exhaust all dialogue. DO NOT kill the pilgrim/assassin in the corner of the room disguised as a statue. (NOTE: Even after Anri leaves, the pilgrim/assassin may still be there disguised as one of the statues. Don't attack anything in that area until you have progressed past step 8 (wedding)).
- After killing Pontiff Sulyvahn, speak to Yuria at the Firelink Shrine. Exhaust all dialogue options using talk.
- If done correctly she will tell you your spouse awaits you at the Temple of the Darkmoon. (If she won't mention the wedding, try warping to the pontiff's bonfire and using that to warp back to Firelink Shrine).
- Perform the "wedding" ceremony in the Darkmoon tomb. The tomb is located behind a false statue in the room before the rotating tower to Anor Londo.
- Talk to the Pilgrim NPC and accept the sword. Use the sword on your spouse and receive 3 dark sigils. You should have 8 Dark Sigils by now.
- After talk to Yuria one last time at the Firelink Shrine, She will congratulate you on your ceremony and tell you to link the fire. (She will tell you to link the fire if you've put all four remains of Lords of Cinder and unlocked the final area even if you haven't performed the wedding rites with Anri; this does not mean you can skip the wedding rites).
- Kill the Soul of Cinder and touch the fire. Enjoy. (Do not summon the Firekeeper if you gave her the Firekeeper Eyes as it will activate the "End of the Fire" ending.)
- BONUS: Go where Yuria stood to collect her gear (Black set and Darkdrift). (Only if you summoned her for the final boss).
How to get all 4 endings in one playthrough ( Can only choose one in the end though )
- Obtain the Firekeeper Soul and give it to the Firekeeper. This will allow her to heal your Dark Sigils.
- Do Step 1 and 2 of Ending 2.
- Do Step 1-10 of Ending 4.
- Kill the Soul of Cinder. You should be able to see the Firekeeper summon sign. You can safely exit the Kiln without disrupting your progress.
- Obtain enough souls to heal the Dark Sigils.
- At this point, you have all the prerequisites to do any of the endings. You can freely choose one and continue to NG+
- Follow these steps to obtain any of the endings:
- Ending 1: Heal your Dark Sigils, then interact with the first flame.
- Ending 2: Summon the Firekeeper.
- Ending 3: Summon the Firekeeper, then attack her.
- Ending 4: Simply interact with the first flame.
- Anonymous
You can definitely omit Step 7. Before it and after killing Horace (I fought him after defeating Wolnir having talked to Anri previosly), Yuria told me to go to the Darkmoon Chamber, so I completed the ceremony skipping the part in Church of Yorshka.
- Anonymous
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Alas, I have conquered another challenge in this series of games.
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About the "end of fire" ending, you don't have to exhaust her dialogue and choose "yes" for it to happen.
I ran away immediately after giving her eyes, completely skipped the conversation but the music in the shrine still changed, her summon sight still appeared after I defeated soul of cinders.
- Anonymous
Everything is so delicate and complex in this game and it's so easy to miss something or mess it up
- Anonymous
Can i summon anri for the pontiff fight if im trying to get lord of hollows ending?
- Anonymous
Just did the unkindled ending with a solaire build, i can say it fits so well lol
- Anonymous
Theory : Vendrick stole the 4 lord souls ( 5 if you count Gwyn's ), that's why the fire can't be linked.
Afaik they're never mentionned in Dark Souls 3, even though they're vital in both Dark Souls 1 and 2, so maybe people in Lothric straight up forgot they existed and instead try but fail to rekindle the First Flame using normal souls, and that's why everything there is so messed up.
- Anonymous
Do Step 1 and 2 of Ending 2.
Do Step 1-10 of Ending 4.
Doesn't Yoel of Londor dies after Abbys Watchers?We need to go Untended Graves before killing Abbys Watchers?
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Can I say that I absolutely love the Betrayal Ending where the Ashen One decides to kill the Firekeeper?
Can I say there is an reason why I think the Ashen One attack the Firekeeper for?
The Ashen One had to endure an unbelievable amount of suffering and Death by being forced to go on an "Mission" by the Firekeeper to kill and collect 4 extremely powerful souls to kill the Soul of Cinder.
I think that the Firekeeper is an Manipulative Bxtch that is using the Ashen one for her goal by faking to be like an mother figure to him (im gonna say the Ashen one is a he) so he would be comfortable to do her bidding for her and make him go through all the pain and torture across lothric for the link of flame.
When he summoned her to hold the last embers of the dying flame, he must have realized that he's been used all this time for the Firekeeper to have the Flame all to herself
So with this realization and all the suffering and frustration of all the enemies he killed and died to, he strikes hatefully at the Firekeeper and Stomps and Grinds her face to the ground to take the last flames from her cold blooded hands that he deserves, he finally has some true warmth in his hands and offers the flame to the dark sky to show that he has won.
I just had to express what I felt I think was the reason why he attacked her for, and I love this ending so much its one of my favorite endings of all gaming for how dark it is or maybe because I am just sadistic LMFAO >:)
- Anonymous
So the worst ending is the best ending? Like
1. Just keeps the cycle going.
2. Stops it but she tells you that the embers of like lords past will reappear at some point, so it's the same on the long run.
3. I still didn't get it, but for the video I saw is the second ending anyway.
4. You keep the hollow alive and rule over the most twisted world possible, but I guess that's the best you can do?
I need a fourth game with a really good ending, beating up the Ashen One (4 is my canon ending) since I guess you'll need his soul now to whatever you want to do.
- Anonymous
The Soul of Cinder fight was absolutely phenomenal, they really nailed to hit us with the feels.
- Anonymous
i literally beat dark souls 3 from start to finish in just one sitting to get the ending achievement, then i found out just now after the ending that i don't get the achievement if i kill her, L me i guess lol
- Anonymous
Was the Abyss Watchers the most epic fight among the Lords of Cinder? In my opinion, yes.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I might have found a secret in the end of fire ending. When you get controls back for the choice if you wanna get the unkindled ending, if you instead just run away from the firekeeper, sprint blindly anywhere away, you don't hear the "ashen one, hearest thou my voice still", just silence until the end credits play. Either this or me holding B skipped the cutscene, but still, anybody going for this end should try it!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I warped back to firelink shrine then went back to complete ending 4 and it played ending 1. I did everything right but that's the only thing i did differently, warp back to the shrine. why did that happen?
- Anonymous
If I kill the soul of cinder, after the cutscene you can stay in the same world or it just starts a NG+?
- Anonymous
That third ending eluded me to this day
Time for another nostalgia dip
- Anonymous
did everything right yet Yuria didn't give the dialogue? Why????????????
- Anonymous
RE Anri and the small army of skeletons before her / him at smouldering lake. If you walk slowly and hug the right hand invisible wall as tightly as possible they wont wake up and give chase.
- Anonymous
If I kill abyss watchers but don't get to catacombs yoel keep alive?
- Anonymous
yoel doesn't die when you enter the catacombs, he dies after you reload the area, someone please correct that.
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Just for confirmation before I go making any mistakes, I can still summon the Firekeeper and do ending 2 even if I've completed Yuria/Anri's quests up to the wedding, right?
- Anonymous
dang it did not realize I had to give they eyes back before soul of cinder
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Your information is false, where you find Anri before* wooden the bridge, he is on a separate path in the upper path behind the bridge,, be warned you have to fight a ton of skellies just to get to him.
- Anonymous
I’m just here to point out that in your steps for Lord of Hollows ending, you stats to NOT kill the assassin in the Church, but if you go to the Church’s page on the wiki, it says if you do not kill it, it will kill Anri and lock you out of the ending. Kind of an opposite telling here, which is it? Last thing I wanna do have to start all over because I did or did not kill it.
- Anonymous
Who in their mind would think Yoel would die after killing Abyss Watchers?
- Anonymous
if youre going to get unkindled ending at least do it wearing john dark soul drip
- Anonymous
can i play ashes of ariandel dlc and get the Usurpation of Fire ending?
- Anonymous
So yeah, I had a glitch that completely locked me out of the End of Fire ending. The Firekeeper's summon sign never showed up even though I did everything required.
- Anonymous
im pretty sure im the only person who has the linking the fire ending as their favorite. its so perfectly haunting.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I'm a bit confused about the last ending. Yoel dies only if you enter the Catacombs? And why does the guide say that the questline ends prematurely since Yoel's death is a core part of it?
Also, is it possible to kill SoC before Gael, or does killing SoC lock you out of the DLC?
- Anonymous
Never should has there ever been a heavier quotations then those on the word "wedding" here.
I think gael is more fitting of a final boss for lord of hollows while soul of cinder is more fitting for end of fire and linking the flame
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I did just get into ng++ doing "usurpation of fire" ending in my ng+. So I still have dark sigils on me.
I was wondering if I can do the normal ending even with dark sigils on me. Since thats the last ending Im missing I wanna be sure about it.
If so, I would like to know if I can recruit yoel as well so I can lvl up those 5 free lvls and get the normal ending or it is nedeed to get off the dark sigils.
- Anonymous
Potentially worth noting unless I'm the only one that got worried about this:
For the Usurpation ending, when you're about to interact with the fire at the end, it somewhat confusingly still says "link the fire" as the command, despite that being exactly what you don't want to do. But that DOES lead to the Usurpation ending if you've taken the proper steps.
- Anonymous
Doesn't giving Firekeeper soul locks out usurpation of fire ending ? You need to remove point 1 for getting all endings.
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I love how all endings are kinda mysterious and sad in a way
- Anonymous
Bought this game and all the DLC's on sale a year ago but never had the time to play
Flash forward to me binging this game over winter break before heading back to college, this game creates such an awesome atmosphere between visuals, movesets and soundtrack. Got ending two, time to go for #1 and #3
Thank you, Dark Souls. For real tho
- Anonymous
After two weeks of fighting the soul of cinder I don't care what ending I got. I'm just glad i can say I beat this unnecessarily hard game
- Anonymous
Given that the Dark Souls games apparently take place in a multiverse, all of the endings are canon. I never played two, but the Untended Graves in Dark Souls 3 could be the outcome of refusing to link the flame in Dark Souls 1. Incidentally, it is apparent that the fire is supposed to eventually fade, but that the cycle is unending. The great ocean that Aldritch dreamt about is most likely the coming of a new age of ancients, which would replenish the world and give a new flame kindling. It's essentially what happens in life: Something dies, it's body goes into the ground and provides nutrients to the soil, and new things are born from it. It is a perpetual cycle, but Gwynn keeping the flame going ate up all the nutrients, humanity, causing the world to decay. Now the cycle will be able to finish and restore the world.
- Anonymous
So that's why i didn't get the End of Fire ending achievement cause when the firekeeper said kill me and snatch these eye at me so i killed her. damn.
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can you get the usurpation of fire ending and anri's straight sword in one playthrough?
- Anonymous
Why does "Betrayal Ending" link to this page, then the term "Betrayal Ending" is not used for any of these endings? Which one is the "Betrayal Ending"? Why link it here with that term and not the actual term used here to identify which ending it is?
- Anonymous
Just my two cents but the Usurpation of Fire ending shows us that the curse has been broken seeing that the sun goes from red to white (perhaps humanity?) even the Unkindled ending where you steal the flame has a red ecylpse so its clearly that simply not rekindling turns the world dark but something regarding the dark sigils breaks the curse and through that ends the cycle, love to hear more but i doubt we'll ever get a conclusion.
- Anonymous
So I can cure my hollowing through the velka statue but not through the firekeeper? This is accurate yeah?
- Anonymous
I finished "The Usurpation of Fire" ending but didn't get the achievement, please help
- Anonymous
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Secret 5th Ending:
You, Gael and Patches, the last three sane humans piss on the flame and let it die along with all of Gwyn's dreams
- Anonymous
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Low key been wondering if the usurpation ending is the prelude to Elden Ring...
- Anonymous
Happy to notice anri lives as a hollow in the fourth ending (he/she shows up in the final cutscene kneeling with the other hollows).
Surprised that the marrying ritual was actually effective in the end.
- Anonymous
There should be a secret ending boss fight whereby firekeeper steal the 5 flames of the 5 lords as they are descending, thus starting the secret final boss fight!
- Anonymous
Thank God it's finally over. Now I can go back to DS2 and have a good time
- Anonymous
So can I get the 5 free level ups from Yoel but still be able to get To Link The First Flame or The End Of Fire without healing my dark sigils?
I'm just making sure beforehand so that I don't have to end up shelling out over 1 million souls to avoid the Usurpation ending.
- Anonymous
To be honest, I kind of feel bad for the firekeeper in the 3rd ending. I went with that ending and when I saw that you *SPOILER ALERT* step on her head, it broke my heart. I absolutely loved the firekeeper and seeing myself betray her after all those things she did for me...
- Anonymous
I wonder, what does the protagonist become after usurpin the Flame? I mean, the four Lord Souls are a tiny part of that Flame and those Four were powerful enough to literally reshape the world. Now, Ashen One consumes the whole Flame, even if it's very weak at that time. What is he after that?
- Anonymous
So if I were to do all these steps:
• aquire the summon sign for the Firekeeper,
• upload my game via PS+ before the fight,
• beat The Soul of Cinder without her,
• download my game,
• and then summon her for the fight,
I can get both trophies for endings 1 and 2 in one play through right? This is basically what I did to get the Bloodborne platinum. I already have the trophy for ending 4.
- Anonymous
Well did my ng++ with this ending now... i thought finally i get the platinum trophy but nope i just missed to exhaust 1 Dialog Option with anri and missing 1 Gesture =/ a whole new ng+++ for 1 gesture ... but the game is great =)
- Anonymous
there is actually a "mistake" here you dont have to kill Horace to get ending 4 i got it in my first playtrough without even finding him
- Anonymous
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I just saw how many steps the 4th ending was and realised I have just done the hardest ending ever.
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I just finished my first playthrough, and got the usurpation of fire ending without even knowing the steps :P, i screamed and cried and pooped
- Anonymous
I've been playing this game since it came out. I seem to have just discovered a fifth ending. Do End of Fire, and rather than killing the Firekeeper, walk away from her. The game skips the little bit of dialogue she gives when the screen goes black. Not very exciting, but still a different ending.
- Anonymous
How anybody knew the specifics to get Ending 4 is beyond me, so many steps, lol!!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Just do the steps to get all 4 endings available.
Kill the soul of cinder
Quit the game
Upload saved game to USB storage
Do one ending, get trophy
Quit game
Overwrite saved data with USB stick
Do another ending
Get another trophy
And so on....
- Anonymous
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Mfw no achievement for killing the fire keeper and i have to do an entire new playthrough to get the ending steam achievement.
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#6 is part 1 and 2 is one of the most confusing things ive ever read. Finding this somewhere else. Proof read please.
I've finally beat the soul of cinder, and now... I feel complete...
- Anonymous
For ending 4, steps 5 and 7 are not mandatory if you don't go to smouldering lake.
- Anonymous
I hate that the Hollow ending is locked behind mandatory levels. Is it wrong to want the chance to choose between all the endings without locking myself out of one? Also It doesn't feel the same without Yuria, and I like having all NPCs at Firelink.
- Anonymous
This guide is mistaken... There is a FIFTH ending:
- Anonymous
This might seem like a stupid idea, but what if, at the last cutscne of End of Fire, your character is equipped in a way that they can't attack? Like having an unusable spell and twohanding a spell tool? I got this curiosity after triggering this ending by throwing a Sunlight Spear at the firekeeper
- Anonymous
I feel like the correct ending is to let the fire fade, everyone seems so tired of the linking of the flame.
Linking the flame only prolongs the inevitable and all the gods are dead, it's time for a new age, even if it means the ashen one and fire keeper must live through all that time since it's their duty to link the fire
- Anonymous
How to get all 4 endings, 1. Obtain firekeeper soul and give it to the firekeeper. This will allow her to heal your Dark Sigils.
Is that not out of order there? Won't that void the Usurpation of Fire ending?
- Anonymous
So here is a scenario, I summon Yuria (Did all of her quests), but I give the firekeeper eyes to the firekeeper. When I defeat SoC, can I still collect Yuria's stuff after doing The End of Fire ending?
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To the Sun Bros still playing the game and helping out, thank you. Just finished my first playthrough of DS3 and this has been the first time I've experienced the multiplayer aspect of the games to this extent.
- Anonymous
How fitting there is no achievement when you stomp the Fire Keeper. Just don't do that.
- Anonymous
I have cleared the game first time with the "Usurpation of Fire" ending, but I want the the two shades to help me um the other endings to fight against Soul of Cinder. Can I do the entire questline of Yuria, summon her to the final battle and return to Firelink Shrine to cure the Dark Sigils to do the other two endings? Or is this not possible?
rawr :3