Crystal Scroll is a Key Item in Dark Souls 3.

Crystal Scroll

crystal scroll

Secret crystal scroll of the Grand Archives of Lothric.

Give to a sorcerer to learn crystal sorceries.

These sorceries are the work of the paledrake, Seath the Scaleless, whom Logan is said to have met, a branch of sorcery that has been carried on by the Crystal Sages.


How to Use Crystal Scroll in Dark Souls 3 


How to Get Crystal Scroll in Dark Souls 3


Dark Souls 3 Crystal Scroll Notes, Tips & Trivia

  • Unlocks Homing Crystal SoulmassCrystal Soul Spear, and Crystal Magic Weapon
  • All Crystal Sorceries pierce opponents, even if their standard counterparts don't. This makes them all good for crowd control.
  • This scroll contains sorceries Bighat Logan taught the player in Dark Souls 1, implying it might be his.



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