Hawkwood the Deserter

General Info
icon hp souls Location Drops
???? 1000 (NG) Firelink Shrine

(Note: he drops a heavy gem at Firelink, not the Farron ring) Farron Ring

Hawkwood (Aka Hawkwood the Deserter) is an NPC in Dark Souls 3. He is a fugitive from both Farron's Undead Legion and his own duties as an Unkindled, admiring the power of dragons. He is wanted for deserting the legion and believes he is not fit or worthy to be searching for the Lords of Cinder. Consequently, he resides in Firelink Shrine but disappears once you defeat the Abyss Watchers.

Jump to Questline of Hawkwood


Hawkwood Dark Souls 3 Information

  • Gives the "Collapse" gesture.
  • Can be summoned in the following locations:
    • In the Consumed King's Garden, for Oceiros in the plaza just before the 2 knights outside the boss fog gate.  After dropping in from where the Hollow cleric is, turn left towards the central garden to find his sign (if you have already finished his questline, i.e. killed him, his summoning sign will expectedly not be available here). This summon sign is available only after you received the Farron Ring from him after defeating the Abyss Watchers (talk to him in Firelink Shrine and make sure he disappears after exhausting his dialog), you must also defeat the Crystal Sage.
    • In Archdragon Peak, just outside the Great Belfry Bonfire. Go left after spawning at the bonfire, and his sign should be near the wall. His aim is to reach the altar at the top of the peak. Once he does, he will use the Path of the Dragon gesture and disappear, presumably having acquired the Twinkling Dragon Head Stone. Note that if you try to trigger the Nameless King boss fight by ringing the bell, he will leave using a Black Separation Crystal.
  • Before departure he fights with a Bastard Sword, switching between two handing it and one handing it with his shield. Later on, he will leave his shield at Firelink Shrine and uses the Farron Greatsword instead.
  • In the final fight for the Twinkling Dragon Stones, he has 7 Estus Flasks
  • He wears the Undead Legion Armor and the Chain Helm.
  • Easy to beat, he won't exit the Abyss Watchers room so you can just stand outside the doors and repeatedly headshot him with arrows or pelt him with magic. As long as you keep hitting him he'll just keep rushing to the edge of the room then slowly backing up while you're completely safe outside.
  • If the player wishes to beat him legitimately, it is much less easy but doable. Hit him up to four times when he is open, and use jumping thrust attacks when he is running towards you. He is also parryable and can be backstabbed, although not easily. He has seven Estus Flasks so consider using Undead Hunter Charms. His longest attack is five moves, and the fifth comes slow, so this is how you can gauge when to come in to avoid that very damaging attack. Throwable offensive weapons are useless, so don't bother with those.


Hawkwood DS3 Location & Questline

  • First encountered at Firelink Shrine, but he may sometimes be found outside of the building, at a grave with a sword in it, to the left as you exit the main building. Hawkwood gives the player some items if talked to after defeating bosses.
  • After defeating the Abyss Watchers he will give the player the Farron Ring, to get it one must exhaust his dialog in Firelink Shrine after doing so. After receiving the ring he will become available as a summon for the Oceiros, the Consumed King boss fight.
  • After the Abyss Watchers, Curse-Rotted Greatwood, Deacons of the Deep, and the Crystal Sage have been defeated, Hawkwood leaves the shrine, leaving his Shield for Andre to pass to you. (Fextra Video) [Hawkwood shield has also been found sitting at the gravesite with a sword leaning on it. May be triggered to spawn if you didn't talk to Blacksmith Andre after he leaves.]
  • If you talk to Blacksmith Andre after obtaining the Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone, he will have a message from Hawkwood requesting a duel via Hawkwood's Swordgrass.
  • Meet him at the Abyss Watchers arena and duel him for the other stone. If he kills you, he takes it. If you kill him, you get the Twinkling Dragon Head Stone. If he kills you and takes your Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone, you can get it back by killing him. Take note Hawkwood will have seven estus when you fight him.


Hawkwood Dark Souls 3 Drops

Item Quantity Probability Luck
Heavy Gem 1 10% No




Hawkwood Dark Souls 3 Dialogue


First encounter dialogue


Ahhh, another one, roused from the sleep of death?
Well, you're not alone. We Unkindled are worthless. Can't even die right. Gives me conniptions.
And they'd have us seek the Lords of Cinder, and return them to their moulding thrones.
But we're talking true legends with the mettle to link the fire. We're not fit to lick their boots.
Don't you think?" Devilish chuckle

Grave-Site dialogue


The poor wretched souls... Be they lord or legend, the curse shows no mercy. What a shame.

Selecting the "Talk" option (either after Vordt is defeated, or after the banner is raised)


Ooh, yet to give in, eh?
Good.  The Fire Keeper must be ******ing with delight.
But what do you really know about these Lords of Cinder, these supposed legends?
Let's take Aldrich, for one.
A right and proper cleric, only, he developed a habit of devouring men.
He ate so many that he bloated like a drowned pig, then softened into sludge,
so they stuck him in the Cathedral of the Deep.
And they made him a Lord of Cinder.  Not for virtue, but for might.
Such is a lord, I suppose.  But here I ask.  Do we have a sodding chance?" 

Selecting "Talk" again right after


At the foot of Lothric Castle, an old path still runs below the tower in the Undead Settlement.
It was used to transport sacrifices to the Cathedral of the Deep.  You should see where it leads.
...If you've the stones for it."

Selecting the "Talk" option (either after the Curse-Rotted Greatwood is defeated, or after the first Bonfire on the Road of Sacrifices is lit)


You haven't given up yet?  Then you're a brasher [lad/lass] than I thought.
You can make better use of this.(gives heavy gem)
I don't need it.  Not now I've flown the coop."

Selecting "Talk" again right after


The Undead Legion of Farron is a caravan of Undead.
Sworn by the wolf's blood to contain the Abyss,
the Legion will bury a kingdom at the first sign of exposure.
Joyous bunch, really.
Gaining admission to the Legion is a matter of some ceremony.
Inside their keep, snuffing out the flames of three altars opens the door to the wolf blood.
Even accursed Undead want to believe they're special, it seems.
I pity the sorry souls."

When attacked in Firelink Shrine, but not yet made hostile


What is it, now!" (once)
"Enough, you fool!" (twice)
"What in the bloody hell is wrong with you!?" (thrice)

When turning hostile in Firelink Shrine


I'm a deserter, I know.
But I've still plenty of fight in me…"

When killing the player


We'll never amount to anything, not you, not I…"

On Death


You crawled out of the ground, for gods' sake..."
 "Go on, be as bloody mad as you like."

When meeting him in the Farron mausoleum


I should have known.
Well, I've decided to stop running from my fate.
Loathe me all you like, I shall take what makes you dragon."

Upon killing the player in the Farron mausoleum


Loathe me all you like, but I am the true dragon…" (takes Twinkling Dragon Torso stone)

Approaching him after being killed by him in the Farron mausoleum


Ahh, there you are.
This shall be no petty theft.
As the true dragon, I shall take what is rightfully mine."

When killed by the player in the Farron mausoleum


You are a dragon, more dragon than I." (drops Twinkling Dragon Head Stone, drops Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone as well if he took it)


Hawkwood Dark Souls 3 Trivia

  • He is voiced by Blake Ritson, who previously voiced Griggs of Vinheim in Dark Souls and Royal Sorcerer Navlaan in Dark Souls 2. He was also originally supposed to voice Knight Artorias.
  • Although Hawkwood is a named NPC, he shares many similarities with the Crestfallen Warrior from Demon Souls, the Crestfallen Warrior from Dark Souls, and Saulden the Crestfallen Warrior from Dark Souls 2, all well known to be the guides for new players in the previous Souls games.
  • If he dies by falling (bug or cliff) just reload the game and his loot can be picked where he was sitting.
  • His questline involves the Dragon Covenant, hinting that may be a reason he left the Undead Legion. 


Alva, Seeker of the Spurned  ♦  Anri of Astora  ♦  Archdeacon McDonnell  ♦  Black Hand Gotthard  ♦  Black Hand Kamui  ♦  Blacksmith Andre  ♦  Company Captain Yorshka  ♦  Cornyx of the Great Swamp  ♦  Corvian Settler  ♦  Creighton the Wanderer  ♦  Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild  ♦  Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild  ♦  Emma  ♦  Eygon of Carim  ♦  Filianore  ♦  Fire Keeper  ♦  Giant of the Undead Settlement  ♦  Great Swamp Cuculus  ♦  Greirat of the Undead Settlement  ♦  Holy Knight Hodrick  ♦  Horace the Hushed  ♦  Irina of Carim  ♦  Jailer  ♦  Judicator Argo  ♦  Karla  ♦  Knight Slayer Tsorig  ♦  Lapp  ♦  Leonhard  ♦  Lion Knight Albert  ♦  Livid Pyromancer Dunnel  ♦  Locust Preacher  ♦  Londor Pale Shade  ♦  Longfinger Kirk  ♦  Lords of Cinder  ♦  Ludleth of Courland  ♦  Moaning Knight  ♦  Old Wolf of Farron  ♦  Orbeck of Vinheim  ♦  Painting Woman  ♦  Pickle Pee, Pump-a-Rum Crow  ♦  Pilgrim from Londor  ♦  Ringed City Hollow  ♦  Rosaria, Mother of Rebirth  ♦  Seeker of the Spurned  ♦  Shira  ♦  Shrine Handmaid  ♦  Silver Knight Ledo  ♦  Sir Vilhelm  ♦  Sirris of the Sunless Realms  ♦  Slave Knight Gael  ♦  Snuggly  ♦  Stone-humped Hag  ♦  Sword Master  ♦  The Painter  ♦  Unbreakable Patches  ♦  Velka the Goddess of Sin  ♦  Yellowfinger Heysel  ♦  Yoel of Londor  ♦  Yuria of Londor

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    • Anonymous

      I can get NPC's having a couple of estus flasks to heal with but 7 is excessive. Makes me never want to fight him the proper way since he'll just spam his heals. Get cheesed, *****

      • Anonymous

        Andre doesn't give you the shield you fetch it from a grave with Farron greatsword outside the shrine. Or at least I did. Maybe rushing through bosses like I was caused that who knows...Or this page is wrong about it.

        • Anonymous

          Its plain sad how you can only speak limited stuff in the game. Like, I would willingly give him the stone. I have no use for it. But this dipshit only accepts a fight.

          • It may have been a hiccup in my game but I put the Twinkling Dragon Stone in my storage and Andre would not tell me about Hawkwood until I retrieved it and reloaded Firelink. Just something to note.

            • Anonymous

              Had the same problem as a lot of other people where he was praying to the tomb outside and not giving the Farron Ring. Kept going back every now and then to see if anything changed and after I beat the next boss (High Warlord Wolnir) he had gone back to his original spot next to the bonfire and gave me the ring after talking to him a couple times.

              Hope this helps.

              • Anonymous

                He just kept repeating the what a sick joke line through the game and only now after beating lothric he's saying the stuff he should've said before

                • Anonymous

                  Could you imagine if he actually used the dragon stones. It'd be the goofiest **** ever. How did this questline get greenlit?

                  • Anonymous

                    It's questlines like Hawkwoods, where I'd really rather play another game than witness such edgy trash. Sirris' too. Worse than the Game of Thrones ending.

                    • Anonymous

                      You can meet him at the grave with the watcher sword too, you know. You get the dialogue:
                      The poor, wretched souls...
                      Be they Lord or Legend, the curse shows no mercy.
                      What a sham.

                      • Anonymous

                        I've played through the game in its entirety like 7+ times and I have never seen him outside Firelink by the grave. Weird.

                        • Anonymous

                          In my previous playtroughts, when I was still a noob and parrying wasn't an option for me, he would give me some trouble. In my most recent character he basically got Gwynn'd and parried him into the shadow realm.
                          If you struggle with him I recommend grabbing a buckler and always keep some distance to bait him into a running attack for an easy parry. Rinse and repeat until he runs out of estus.

                          • Anonymous

                            Seeing as the dragon stones are no good to me, I just change into some nice non-armour clothes, unequip my weapons, and then just walk in and give it to him. Let him have his dragon quest.

                            • Anonymous

                              i backstabbed him on accident at the gravestones outside firelink because i thought he was another monster, is there any way i can revive him or something? i feel bad for having killed him after he turned hostile

                              • Anonymous

                                There is some extra dialogue, if youve killed the watchers, deacons and rotted wood. He apears kneeling at a gravestone outside firelink.

                                • Anonymous

                                  what if he died in archdragon peak before getting to the altair this idiot npc dropped off of a cliff and fkn died xD

                                  • Anonymous

                                    his shield could also be found near the doggo in fire link after you defeat abyss watchers and get the farron ring (or after he leaves fire link)

                                    • Anonymous

                                      You can finish his quest line before killing at least aldrich/yhorm/dragonslayer/nameless king/curse rotted greatwood

                                      • Anonymous

                                        just tried to summon him for the nameless king fight, he aggro'd all the enemies in the area, died before i got to the boss, and now his summon sign wont appear anymore, how pathetic

                                        • Anonymous

                                          I just battled him in farron and even if he doesn't become a dragon hawkwood you always will be a abysswatcher good fight hawkwood

                                          • He's super easy to kite. Can be poisoned really easily if you're into that. His ability to heal himself a million times is really the only thing that makes this fight annoying. It's cool that he uses the Abyss Watchers move set when he fights.

                                            • there is a wierd interaction with tears of denial during the finale fight, if it procs during the fight & u didnt die before when u kill him it will say it gives you both the stones (despite only 1 in inventory- i checked) & if u rest on the bonfire it will force ur char to stand and give the prompt where he "takes Twinkling Dragon Torso stone"I

                                              • Anonymous

                                                Just back-pedal and cast black fire-balls. So long, Hawkwood. I'll let you be the dragon in all other play-throughs.

                                                • Anonymous

                                                  In reference to him just giving you a heavy gem at the firelink and not the Farron Ring as stated in the picture above. This happened to me because I didn't realize you needed to talk to him after defeating the Abyss Watchers. I had moved on to other maps and later I decided to talk to him to get the ring but he only gave me the heavy gem. On a hunch I went back to the fire pit at the Abyss Watchers arena and then return back to the firelink shrine and talked to him then and he recognized I defeated the Abyss Watchers and gave me the Farron Ring after going thru his dialog.

                                                  • Anonymous

                                                    This guy is such a ****ing loser, just sitting there sulking complaining about stuff while you go get stuff done. I always parry him to death in Firelink but this playthrough I decided to finish his questline. I just used an Ultra to hyperarmor through his combos, though most of the time he staggered and didn't even land a hit, and backstabbed him when he did the Farron breakdance combo. Crestfallen Warrior was way better, he was an actual warrior broken by the curse, Hawkwood is just a tryhard loser who got kicked out of Abyss Watchers, and I guess Dragon Covenant as well, and didn't even try to fulfill his duty.

                                                    • Anonymous

                                                      He actually parried/riposted me in the abyss Watchers room fight. Been playing this since release and think that is the first time he's done that. Genuinely impressed!

                                                      • Anonymous

                                                        I can’t get him to give me the ring and leave in NG+. He just sits there and keeps telling me about getting into Farron Keep. I just beat Abyss Watchers

                                                        • Anonymous

                                                          when he sits outside at the grave i just sat net to him and started vibing to some remix of the abyss watchers theme

                                                          • Anonymous

                                                            Me: I want the Crestfallen Warrior

                                                            Mom: We have the Crestfallen Warrior at home

                                                            The Crestfallen Warrior at home:

                                                            • Anonymous

                                                              I like summoning NPCs for fights and i noticed that Hawkwood does not care about Oceiros's pestilent mist
                                                              And with this i don't just mean he does not walk or roll away from the fog but that he does not consider it as damage so his Ai won't heal cause it thinks he is full HP, I noticed this in some fights
                                                              Data first:
                                                              1)he heals at about 1/2 HP (like all NPCs)
                                                              2)Oceiros's Mist deals about a 1/4 of Hawkwood's HP

                                                              -in some fights was able to take Oceiros to phase 2 without using mist Hawkwood healed at about 1/2 HP
                                                              -in most fights Oceiros used one mist Hawkwood used his estus at 1/4 HP
                                                              -in a fight in which Oceiros used two mists Hawkwood did not heal at all and he died without trying to heal

                                                              for possible questions/criticism
                                                              1)Maybe Hawkwood finished his Estus in the fight in which he died - Answer: NO, Hawkwood used only one Estus, and i has 2 or 3
                                                              2)Maybe Hawkwood was unable to heal because Oceiros staggered him or oneshot him - Answer: NO, Hawkwood was for a pretty long time at half HP while i had the Agrro and Oceiros even in phase 2 is unable to oneshot him, and he was also at 1/4 HP for enogh time to chug an Estus but he did not

                                                              Anyways i will also add this comment to Oceiros's page, if you have any other question i'll answer or just want to call me a casual scrub that uses summons because he is just **** at the game i will say right now that you are 100% right

                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                Ironic how using his own weapon against him is so effective, all the running attack and roll attack spam he does leaves him wide open

                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                  I can’t believe you guys listed the cheese strategy first thing instead of the actual fight. Do people just buy games to get through them as quickly as possible?

                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                    #1 Reason why this game is poorly designed. NPCs and side quests are f#cking stupid. Talked to him, received Farron Ring (all after figuring out who the hell he was, even though I talked to him a dozen times to no effect), still not outside Oceiros.

                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                      If you dont do his questline and hes gone after you finished everything his body is where you do the path of dragon gesture before teleporting at the dungeon with the drahons sitting

                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                        It isn't mentioned here, but if you complete the Archdragon Peak summons with him, and receive the Torso Stone, he can no longer be summoned for the Ocerios boss fight.

                                                                        I assume at that point he relocates to the Abyss Watchers arena and can no longer be summoned.

                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                          Well, since I found him "useless" I killed him before I even fought the curse rotted greatwood. Does he respawn at some point, because after reading this I kind of regret not keeping him around.

                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                            It's my head Cannon that Hawkwood is the same Crestfallen Warrior from the Lordran Firelink Shrine and Majula Far Fire. It just kinda fits and feels right, however unlikely it is.

                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                              Um, when he was sitting outside of firelink I may have mistaken him for an enemy. And that may have been when I learnt you can turn NPC's hostile

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                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                  This is not true, I’ve fought hawkwood plenty of times and his estus retreat happens when he’s brought under 50-75 percent health, can confirm if I hit him with a vestige every time he retreats and drinks, no cool down on that

                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                    I was able to summon him right outside the nameless king boss room at archdragon peak. True to his name Hawkwood the deserter instantly teleports back home.

                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                      Little late help for people:

                                                                                      Hawkwood is sometimes found at the Artorias Sword grave, his shield also shows up here.

                                                                                      Hawkwood is quite easy to beat with a decent shield and a good mid-range weapon (long greatswords, long ultra greatswords, spears, and pikes) don't bother parrying (chances are you'll flub it and get comboed to death) just break his rhythm and punish his every move with quick slashes and stabs.

                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                        Not sure if it's noted or not, but he wont progress his quest line if you're in the watchdog covenant. Wont give the ring. And his summon sign wont show if you re-equip watchdog cov before summoning him at Oceiros.

                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                          This MF just stands there in the Oceiros fight. He doesn't even help. I'm assuming this is a bug? This happens often, even before I go through the fog wall.

                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                            I am at the end of the game, Hawkwood is just gone, I have no shield or ring, nothing is outside the shrine, he is not in Abyss, Andre has nothing

                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                              Can someone help me, if I killed him at the beginning of the game, it means his questline is gone, right? so no way to find him later close to dragons?

                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                This is missing the dialogue when speaking to Hawkwood after defeating the Abyss Watchers and getting the ring where he says something like “I should thank you, for helping to find their final resting place”

                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                  oh yeah baby... harder baby... give it to me... I know you want to give it to me baby... I know you want to give me C O N N I P T I O N S.

                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                    kinda ironic how the actor was supposed to voice knight Artorias and went on to voice Hawkwood, the deserter

                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                      does killing the sword master or talking to hawkwood in firelink get rid of the dog that spawns by the grave? starting a new play through after a year or so of not playing and ran outside firelink to fight the dog and it’s just not there?

                                                                                                      • Anonymous

                                                                                                        The only reason i didnt kill this guy in the first run is just because his quest. I just wanna beat him to pulp the first time i meet him in NG+.

                                                                                                        • Anonymous

                                                                                                          "In the final fight for the twinkling dragon stones, he has 6 estus flasks." Then it goes on to state, "take note, Hawkwood will have 7 estus when you fight him"

                                                                                                          • Anonymous

                                                                                                            Hint: If there is no summon sign in the consumed kings garden: talk to hawkwood inside the shrine and don't skip it. just let him talk til the end it will go well.

                                                                                                            • Anonymous

                                                                                                              LuL deserted the legion, came to firelink, met Ashen One (and the smexxy firekeeper UwU), got bored, said: "fuk it, dragons", tried to become a dragon, gets his @ss handed to him by a man with a broken sword, ded. - Overall his questline is there just to highlight how much of a failure he is.

                                                                                                              • Anonymous

                                                                                                                Hawkwood had left the shrine and his shield by the grave in my game even though i havent beaten "Deacons of the Deep"

                                                                                                                • Anonymous

                                                                                                                  "If the player wishes to beat him legitimately, it is much less easy, but doable". They say it like he's the Nameless King or something lol. The trick to human enemies is that they seem to retreat before drinking estus, but also seem to have a cooldown on how often they can do it, so when you see him retreating: stick to him like glue. Normally I'd play a bit defensively and make sure to have lots of health and stamina so I can afford to make a few mistakes when it comes time to give chase, but he kind of just died to R1 spam.

                                                                                                                  • Anonymous

                                                                                                                    Hawkwood's summon sign isn't appearing for me before the Oceiros boss fight. I did all the pre-reqs and obtained the Farron Ring from him. His shield was on the grave, not with Andre. Does this mean he won't show up for Oceiros or the Dragon Stone fight?

                                                                                                                    • Anonymous

                                                                                                                      At least this crestfallen warrior ends better than the previous ones. I really wish he invaded you randomly if you received his swordgrass and you decided not to get in the mausoleum to fight him.

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