Spook |
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Spell Type | |
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Requirements | 10 Intelligence |
Duration | 20 seconds |
Spook is a Sorcery in Dark Souls 3. To cast a Sorcery you must use a Staff or Special Weapons that can cast Sorceries.
Sorcery developed by a certain surreptitious sorcerer at Vinheim Dragon School.
Masks noises of the caster and prevents fall damage.
Their mastery of this sorcery alone allows Vinheim spooks to demand handsome payment for their services.
Dark Souls 3 Spook Effects
- Silences your footsteps and rolls, and allows you to fall from greater heights. However, note that you can still die if you fall from a really great height.
How to Get Spook in Dark Souls 3
- The Assassin class starts out with this spell equipped.
- Bought from Orbeck of Vinheim for 2,000 souls.
Dark Souls 3 Spook Notes, Tips & Trivia
- Spook is a combination of the Sorceries Hush and Fall Control from previous games.
- Silences one's footsteps and grants immunity to fall damage.
- Does not silence your footsteps if your equip load is over 70%
- The fall damage immunity only works up to a certain point. Falling into a pit or falling from a great height will kill you even with the spell active.
- The same effect can be achieved with Silvercat Ring and Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring.
- Works great with Hidden Body.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
This spell will be useful in PVP if it isn't that visual effects on your foot
- Anonymous
Fall Control can choke on a bag of ****s, because THIS SPELL PREVENTS LETHAL DAMAGE. As long as it doesn't trigger the deathcam.
- Anonymous
Why is it known as spook btw? Is there another meaning to spook other than creepy
- Anonymous
a curiosity.
it removes the visual and sound from Tears of denial.
that can be very usefull for pvp, as tears of denial are often showing the exact spot of the dummy invaders wearing oscuring ring...
oh yea they take the obscuring ring and walk around with a candle.
It still doesnt remove the visual effect of damage increasing spells, like floyds attack ring that increases damage when at 99%+ health
- Anonymous
Something important, spook is not soundless if you run with 70 or more for load equipment
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
alternate description: Prevents fall damage but not fall death
- Anonymous
There's no reason to guess whether a fall is lethal or not. Toss a prism stone over the edge of a cliff and listen for the dying scream which indicates a suicidal drop.
- Anonymous
D O O T. With all seriousness, there is a height limit that causes you to take damage, slumbering dragon crest ring is better for dat backstab build, and leaping feline ring allow you to survive almost any fall beside ladders with a “kill box” built into them, I.e. the water reserve ladder in irithyll, or the Faron keep ladder in the swamp area.
- Anonymous
There is a height limit where you'll guaranteed die no matter what, anything below this height can be negated by this spell or the silvercat ring. You can also tank the fall damage uf your hp is higher than the fall damage, raising dex lowers the amount of fall damage you take. This spell works exactly like the silvercat ring, you'll still die to any fall damage from a height that would automatically kill you such as a fall off a cliff or a fall from too high, all fall damage will be negated even if the fall would've been too much for your hp to handle if the fall isn't a guaranteed kill like off a cliff or a height too high.
- Anonymous
When i first saw the spells's name i was like: "No... no they... they didn't na- i can't believe it." and then i died from laughing so much from the name. Specially on Halloween...
- Anonymous
As far as I understand, this spell will save you from any fall that you WOULD HAVE survived normally (if that makes sense). If you fall from a height that would normally kill you, the spell won't save you. If it's any fall that would NOT normally kill you, then it will prevent any damage.
- Anonymous
Whoevver didnt write 'DOES NOT PREVENT DYING FROM FALLING' is an asshole and a human waste.
- Anonymous
This idiot spell, i lost 800k souls thinking that this spell prevents falling damage, yeah it does but you will still die, they forgot to mention. they just went 'yeah man this will prevent fall damage, c'mon try nothing bad will happen'.
- Anonymous
idont now how to use the spook in the swers after kiling the rats i go to the door ihave it like souls itry but no noice and the door dosent open what to do?
- Anonymous
Can you use it to jump directly at the giant feet in the cathedral of the deep that tries to smash you ? This way it would be faster to deal with him
- Anonymous
Does it work on the High wall of Lothric, if you jump from the rooftops to the fatty before fighting Vordt?
- Anonymous
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- Anonymous
This spell is what makes Assassin the best and really ONLY class for speedrunning. The ability to to bypass so much right away is absolutely essential to shaving seconds or even minutes off a run. For example, an Assassin can cast Spook, then sprint to the lift where you first meet Seigward near the Road of Sacrifices... With this spell you can actually sprint and jump down the elevator shaft, land on the lift he's on as it's going up, and roll off onto the bottom floor before the lift ever ever comes to a stop!Gotta go fast
- Anonymous
This spell is what got me through my first play through (Not sneaking past, I kill every enemy at least once). I always have it equipped!
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
I have tried it in conjunction with the Hidden Body spell, and it seem to mask your sound a bit less of wearing the Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring, with Hidden Body.
- Anonymous
- Anonymous
Spooks overall is useful in many regards, however be wary of using it on lifts, high bridges, or with the intent of jumping from a height that would certainly kill you.
- Anonymous
During 2 invasions I was involved in near the farron keep bonfire I noticed that spook won't save the invader from falling down the ladder above the bonfire. I don't know if its intentional for that but I made the jump with it then my invader attempted it and died (heard them cast spook before falling). Later I invaded someone and attempted it again and I died.
- Anonymous
I have jumped off of non deadly heights and still took damage. It was a big drop but not insta kill heights just does lots of damage. So anyone have a reason why this spell does not work?
- Anonymous
Man, most speedrunners are gonna pick the assassin class just for this spell alone. Boring.
- Anonymous
No idea if it's the same for the spell itself, but the ring that gives the same effect doesn't provide perfect silence. It just lowers your sound level by one stance. So running makes as much noise as walking, walking makes as much noise as creeping, and creeping makes none at all.
- Anonymous
Not always working: falling from 50 feets once and survived, then i went to an elevator above me and died (casted the spell before to jump). Over and over again. Is there a high limit? (Don't think so) Is that an elevator bug? (Maybe the game thinks you fall down inside the black hole)
- Anonymous
Can't just tell us wtf it does, has to yell us two other spells it kind of works like. Granted fall controll is self explanatory, hush does what? Muffle your steps? Casts silence? Effects magic? Just tell us that it decreases fall damage and makes you harder to detect for enemies by making your footsteps silent. What an awful wiki.
- Anonymous
should be noted that unlike previous games, all fall damage is negated 100%. you can drop of from any height and won't take any damage
Cool that they combined Hush and Fall Control as one (Dark Souls 2's Sanctum Knight Leggings operated in a similar manner). Odd name for a sorcery spell though.
Makes you glow in the dark.