The Underdog
The Underdog mk2
level_icon.jpg Vigor Attunement Endurance Vitality
 120  44  10  30  22
Strength Dexterity Intelligence Faith Luck
 60  16  10  10  7




 This build was written and developed by Chillled (PSN: SubjectKappa). If copy and pasted please credit, Thanks!






Welcome to the guide!

My name is Chillled (PSN: SubjectKappa) and i've been playing souls games since i was initially hooked on the original Dark Souls in late 2013.  I've completed every game the soul series has to offer (Including demon souls) and have been actively invading for around 3 years now. The reason i created this build was in order to help others out in these tragic 1 v 4 situations that have been plaguing the DS3 PvP experience. This is the third edition of the underdog as the first one was heavily miscalculated (Thank you user for pointing out a major flaw) and the second one had to be changed due to an update. After a 17 invasion win streak, 82 vertibrae shackles and 55 sunlight medals,  i feel that this build will 100% give you the capabilities to gankspank. Whether your a Moundmaker looking to dig four more graves or a Warrior of Sunlight throwing down some jolly pain on unsuspecting co-oper's, this build should be able to give you a helping hand. So without further adue i present to you The Underdog.



This build is driven towards a four man shutdown that has enough reach to trap every single one of those degenerate co-oper's, and as well, have the ability to lay out enough hurt to put them into the ground after one full combo.

"Ouch" - Ghandi


Keep in mind you are going to be in the position of the unfortunate invader who stumbled upon a four man party, don't be surprised when the host and their summons treat you as such. They will come at you full force meaning you must react with the same intentions.

The Exile Great-sword was crafted for this. Used by the god himself, Oroboro the gankspanker, the Exile's Great-sword is the definition of laying out pain. The Heavy Exile's Great-sword +10 at 60 Strength and 16 Dexterity Will output 270 + 369 damage which has a grand total of 639 Damage*. Not only is that a buttload of damage but it also has a devastating Weapon Art that can be used to obliterate gank squads if need be. Keep in mind the damage presented above doesn't account for the Carthus Flame Arc that you will be applying to your Great-sword. Your Carthus Flame arc is stated to add ~81*(Spell Buff/100) Damage**, however for some reason I find in game this outputs approx. 40 bonus damage (see reference). Assuming weakest output lets say this gives us a minimum of 679 raw output damage**. All in all prepare for your damage output to be around 600 - 650*,** due to various resistances depending on the enemies stats and armor.

*(This stat was acquired using the weapon AR scaling tool provided by "" which displays your "true" damage. true damage is your total damage that includes unseen decimals. in DS3 stats presented in your character information are rounded severely, which in turn will present lower numbers. In game the Heavy Exile's Greatsword +10 at 60 Str and 16 Dex will apear to be 262 + ??? however, in reality that stat is much higher due to the rounding of values. This explain's why, in game, your weapon will do more damage then presented in your character stats.)

**(Carthus Flame Arc stats were provided by The Dark Souls 3 Wiki page which corresponds to , Keep in mind there are multiple reports of these numbers having specific variations due to pyromancy gauntlet and gear variations)

"suck an egg filthy summons" - Martin Luther King Jr.


However, even with a damage output that high you are going to still require adept mechanical skills in order to use the Exile's Great-sword to its maximum potential. The bulk of your damage is going to be coming from standard R1's, rolling R1's and your two handed L2 + R2 Weapon Art. This is not to say that other aspects of your move-set are going to be unviable, it just means that the rest of your move-set will be kinda situational. Running R1's are great for keeping more then one summon at bay and is a great initiation tool due to its broad range. See below for detailed explanations.


(Detailed) Technical Playstyle Explanation

 I've found through experience that it generally takes around 3 - 4 hits to take down tanky/average foes and 2 hits to take down squishy mages and one-shot builds. This means that you should be trying to nail the enemy an average of 3 times in order to take them down indefinitely. I will usually try and force them to chase me into an area where NPC enemies will alleviate any form of concentrated fire. I will then either initiate with a running R1 or a rolling R1 as they both are sweeping attacks that can catch more then one opponent. I then quickly follow up with either a Weapon Art combo or a 2 - 3 hit R1 barrage which will most often finish the job. If the summons/ host are smart and are able to predict my initiation and roll away, i will back off and either repeat the process, or wait for them to attack in which i will Evade or Parry . If Evaded i will follow up with a Backstab or a simple R1 to get the message across, if Parried i will riposte and one-shot them due to the hornets ring. From that point on i will either pick off the remaining summons/host by repeating this process, or will have completed the invasion due to the eradication of the host (Forgive the run on sentence). 

As well any poor soul who attempted to block your unstoppable force of nature will find themselves guard-broken due to your skyscraper weighted attacks.


Some Useful Tips

try and avoid situations where they will split up and attempt to flank you from multiple directions, in order to prevent this i most often invade areas with capable NPC's and allow them to distract some of the summons/host while i'm crushing their buddies. (Fav spots to invade like this, Lothric castle, Anor Londo, and Irythll Of The Boreal Valley)

two hand the Exile Great-sword when setting up swings. 

Below are some general tips for invading with/without this build.

  • When you initially invade watch out for sorcerers and pyromancers as they can really put a damper on the mood. They will usually attempt to hang back and let the other (less wet paper-towely) summons keep you busy while they rain Chaos Fire Orbs and Heavy Soul Arrows down on you. what i'm trying to say is take them out first
  • If you run into chuggers toss a few Undead Hunter Charms in order to prevent your victims from healing.
  • This build is very weak against some Bleed builds and most Havel Great-shield builds. This is not to say you cant win against them but it will be slightly more difficult.
  • Throwing knives were included if the enemy prefers to hang back and toss spells, toss a few then charge down your opponents like a rabid mama bear whose cubs were stolen. 
  • Trading hits should be avoided period. being stun-locked in a 1 v 4 situation is not optimal.
  • The damage output with this build is ungodly but your health-pool is fairly standard, don't get too carried away.


 "With great power comes great responsibility" - Somebody


Build Breakdown

Right Hand

Exile Great-sword: The keystone of this build, refer to the Strategy section in order to get a good idea why we are going to be using this weapon.

Left Hand

Grass Crest Shield: This shield is included on grounds that it is extremely good, more stamina regen and can be used to parry. The Grass Crest Shield was included for ONLY those two reasons. You shouldn't even be thinking of blocking while using this build.


The outfit and weapon of this build is inspired from two Oroboro video both in which include mass obliteration ( Oroboro The Exile , First Fight Club ). The armor is intended to make you look like sin itself and protected like a mid sized size tank. feel free to change up the armor as you like, however make sure you are still able to roll properly as mobility is pretty important. #FashonSouls


Havel's RingThis build is heavy, you will really need this ring in order to move around properly, unless you find it more apealing to roll like the Pillsbury Dough Boy.

Obscuring Ring: In order to plan your invasion properly you must remain unseen as you will be alone and without backup, the obscuring ring provides that luxury. Also this ring allows you to retreat and rethink your strategy if your previous attempt was unsuccessful. 

Chloranthy Ring: This ones a no brainer. most builds use this.

Hornet's Ring:  Holy they will be hurt it u crit them.

ALT Estus Ring: Lets get real you might need to heal with this build, four man gank squads have the tendency to get a little out of control, so bring this ring along if you feel like you will be healing. 

ALT Ring Of Favor: If your like me and are very concerned about fashon, then sub this ring into the build in order to get a little more wiggle room with your outfit. 

Other Equipment: This build was designed to allow an extra piece of equipment to be included as different players have different preferences. For example i usually equip an extra Buckler shield as i find it easier to parry with, or when i invade areas such as Farron Keep i will usually bring along a dagger for its mobility Weapon Art. The reason i did this was to prevent any sort of restricted combat, as some builds only work in certain locations or situations. When originally designing this build i decided that flexibility must be emphasised otherwise players may find themselves in situations that the build would not agree with. You will have approx, 1.8lbs of free space and 3.7lbs if Ring Of Favor is subbed in, meaning that you can equip some lighter equipment to help you out. If you want to bring along a torch for aesthetics be my guest.


 "People who use bleed builds get a ticket straight to hell no exceptions" - Jesus



Wow, didn't really think you'd read this far down... Maybe hang out in the comment section? Shout out to the dude who posted the entire emoji movie script. idk just have fun clapping summons into the 7th dimension.

- Chillled



(Past Edit: What's up guys, I updated the build July 3rd 2018 to Strength Build due to the rework of the Exiles Great-sword that occurred a while back. EG now has B scaling for Str and D scaling for Dex at +10. D scaling values are pretty much worthless so altering the infusion to Heavy was a must. Turns out this was a slight buff as the MK3 Underdog build now does more damage, originally 621 now 639. Haters gonna hate, gankers gonna gank. Peace)

A literal spellsword  â™¦  A simple quality build  â™¦  Actually Terrible Build  â™¦  Alexander  â™¦  Anri of Astoria Cosplay  â™¦  Artlas Emberman  â™¦  Artorias of the Abyss  â™¦  Ashen Knight  â™¦  Ashen One (Standard Quality Build)  â™¦  Black Knight Greataxe Hybrid  â™¦  Blade Dancer Build  â™¦  Bleed Build PVP SL 120  â™¦  Bleed Proc  â™¦  Blood and Fire Build  â™¦  Bloody Dancer  â™¦  Bobcat - Status build  â™¦  Caestus godmode  â™¦  Cathedral Knight Build  â™¦  Child of Dark build  â™¦  Court sorcerer 2.0  â™¦  Crystal Moonlight Mage  â™¦  Cursed   â™¦  Dark Priest  â™¦  Dark Reaper  â™¦  Dark Souls 3 Build  â™¦  Darkest Knight  â™¦  Darkmoon Knightess Build  â™¦  Darkmoon Knightess PvP Build  â™¦  Darkness of the Abyss  â™¦  Deathly Hollow  â™¦  Deep Heat Build  â™¦  Dex-Faith Melee build  â™¦  Dexterity with support Pyromancy  â™¦  Dishonored Knight  â™¦  Do You Want to Destroy  â™¦  Dragonslayer Axe Build  â™¦  Dragonslayer Great Axe Build  â™¦  Easy build for beginners  â™¦  Edgy Build  â™¦  Efficient SL 100 Strength Build  â™¦  Efficient Strength Build  â™¦  Elite Fallen Knight  â™¦  Femme Fatale  â™¦  Freight Train  â™¦  FromSoft plz nerf  â™¦  Fume Ultra GS Overload  â™¦  Garcha Build  â™¦  Giant Lord  â™¦  Glass Cannon of the Church  â™¦  Gunhavel Bass Cannon  â™¦  Gwyn's Arkangel  â™¦  Hattori Samurai  â™¦  Havel The Invincible  â™¦  Hollow Gank Spank  â™¦  Hollowed Ronin   â™¦  Hunter of Unkindled Ash  â™¦  Hyper Mode Heavy Hitter (1040 AR Potential)  â™¦  Insidious Knight  â™¦  Iron Knight Tarkus  â™¦  Izali  â™¦  Katana Man  â™¦  Keanu Reeves  â™¦  Kishin Ashura  â™¦  Lightning Bro  â™¦  LOGAN build  â™¦  Lothric Knight Greatsword and Sacred Oath  â™¦  Lothric knight greatsword pvp  â™¦  Low SL PVP build with katana  â™¦  Luck Build (Anri of Astoria)  â™¦  Lucky Ember horder  â™¦  Lucky Sorcerer Build  â™¦  Mad King  â™¦  Mad Sage  â™¦  Mage Of The End  â™¦  Masked Mutineer  â™¦  Meatball Madman  â™¦  Mundane Spellblade  â™¦  No orange sunny D glass cannon mage  â™¦  Noob Slayer  â™¦  OP COMBO  â™¦  OP PvP build  â™¦  Paladin of the Light  â™¦  Phat giant dad  â™¦  Poise Daddy  â™¦  Profaned Lothric Spearman  â™¦  Pure Cast Build (all magic types)  â™¦  Pure Faith PVP Build 2020 - Druggernaut  â™¦  PvP Faith Quality Paladin Build  â™¦  PvP mage moonlight sword.  â™¦  PVP Pure Faith Build 2020  â™¦  PvP-PvE Knight Build  â™¦  Pyre Sword PVP  â™¦  pyromancer hybrid  â™¦  Pyromancer-Swordman Hybrid Build (SL125)  â™¦  Quality Build  â™¦  Quality Build Claymore Anime Cosplay  â™¦  Rajan Build  â™¦  Rajan Build 2  â™¦  Rashtor The Aged Knight  â™¦  Really, Stop Reading  â™¦  Regen Paladin  â™¦  Reinhardt  â™¦  Righteous Punishment  â™¦  Ringed Champion  â™¦  ROCK THE HAVEL  â™¦  Run and heal  â™¦  Sir Daniel Fortesque  â™¦  Sister Eleanor  â™¦  Skelecutioner  â™¦  SL 125 Fume + Faith  â™¦  SL100 Sorcerer  â™¦  SL125 General Use Dexfaith Build  â™¦  SL20 Dark Hand build  â™¦  Smough the Destroyer  â™¦  Sneacky Mage  â™¦  Such deeps, much salt  â™¦  Sun Bro Inbound   â™¦  Sword of Mirrah  â™¦  Sypha  â™¦  Tap The Bumpers to Win  â™¦  Tap the bumpers to win Build  â™¦  The Branded Swordsman  â™¦  The Broken PvP Meta  â™¦  The Darkmoon Guardian  â™¦  The Druid  â™¦  The emperor  â™¦  the flameswordsman  â™¦  the Gentleman Ranker  â™¦  The Herald from hell  â™¦  The Keep's Watcher  â™¦  The Peasant  â™¦  The Solaire Build  â™¦  The Ultimate STR Knight  â™¦  The Unbound Knight  â™¦  THE WALL  â™¦  TheUnderdog.mp4 (WIN 1 v 4's)  â™¦  Theurgist  â™¦  Thorny Yhorm of the Sunlight  â™¦  To become a Lothric Knight  â™¦  Two Shot EXECUTÄ°ONER  â™¦  Versatile Strength Build  â™¦  Vessel of Blackflame  â™¦  Windalf The Mage  â™¦  Wolf Knight Artorias

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    • I don't understand how is this a strength build when you assigned the attributes as a quality buid.
      Isn't 40/40 a Quality build? also the Exile GS scales A with Heavy Gem and I don't really see why you put soo many points in dex....
      Are you planning to fall of much in pvp? or what?

      • Anonymous

        The one thing this guide doesn't cover is locked off R2s. If you're cornered or otherwise at a disadvantage, gain space and face away while charging a 2 handed R2, and when they try to close, switch direction last second and release the attack. If you can get a good feel for this it's a really good failsafe for when you're low as the R2 at max AR does crazy damage and you can play with the timing of the charge quite a bit if the opponent doesn't expect it.

        • Anonymous

          Yes, indeed. It is called CANCER, where the transitory lands of the Lords of Ganking converge. In venturing north, the pilgrims discover the truth of the old words: "The fire fades and the lords go without thrones." When the link of the fire is threatened, the bell trolls, unearthing the old Lords of Ganking from their summons...Blue Boy, Saint of the Anor Londo... Farron's Undead ****, the Watchdogs... And the reclusive lord of the Profaned Capital, Ladder Trolls... Only, in truth... the Memes will abandon their thrones... And the Unfortunate will rise. Nameless, accursed invaders, unfit even to be gud. And so it is, that gankers seeketh solo invaders.

          • Carthus Flame Arc is worse than a few resins at base requirements. Meta SL is 125, not 120. Poise is lacking quite a bit. You're missing out on a decent chunk of AR by not going to 66 strength.

            • Anonymous

              There may have been a slight change to the EG. Making it heavy gives no DEX scaling, making leveling into DEX pretty useless. But it does get a near A scaling in STR.

              • Anonymous

                Since October this build is pure garbage and couldn't even take me on 40 soul levels high than me. BTDT. EASILY countered with any high poise build.

                • Anonymous

                  I prefer Ornstein's helm, Dragonscale Chest, Legion Gauntlets and Brass Leggings. The helmet and chest look good together.

                  • Anonymous

                    Too many people use stupid stuff like this but seriously just get better if you lose to 3v1's. DONT USE A CRUTCH. PERIOD.

                    • Anonymous

                      Pretty fun build so far, but I'd recommend bringing endurance to 40 instead of putting those points in vitality. I can still get decent absorption numbers with the havel ring and black leather armor at 10 vitality.

                      • Anonymous

                        Really want to get into great and ultra great class weapons, but I just seem to be garbage at them. Switched from a dex/faith build to try this out. Went from winning a high percentage of my invasions to being complete garbage. IDK honestly if this build is as good as it claims to be. Exile GS doesn't bait nearly as well as an UGS. Shorter range, less hyper armor, and many of the players I run into have high fire resist from strength. Then again, it could just be me. I don't suck at PvP, but I suck at heavier builds like these. Disappointed in myself, as I have dumped hundreds of hours into this game and just can't seem to reach a high level of proficiency.

                        • Anonymous

                          is it okay to also add a simple caestus? for example, if you have the chloranthy ring +1 or +2, the grass crest shield seems to give u deminishing returns, therefore i might use a buckler, simple caestus to spam the weapon art + pyromancy flame to atleast cast carthus flame arc, do you see my point of view? do you think this would be also a viable option? since last night i switched to ng+ so i expect the chloranthy ring to give me way better stamina regen, also, at 30 endurance, you should have plenty of endurance anyway, and the better chloranthy ring should help out way better than the grass crest, it also lowers the equipment threshold dilemma

                          • Anonymous

                            thx a lot for sharing this build, made pvp so much more enjoyable since now i can even win against a host with multiple phantoms :D

                            • Anonymous

                              I haven't lost an invasion yet since using this build, like for real this build is a beast. The Refined Exile's Greatsword with this quality build is perfect for invasions

                              • Anonymous

                                Dude, what the f*ck is your problem? Please learn to "add a row" instead of overwriting your build over others'.

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